solsangraal, a RedditMigration en

is this place pretty much dead already, or am i not doing something right? 95% of what i see is xanax pill spambot posts. got tired of blocking them after about the 10th one

jaberwok, a RedditMigration en

Recent NPR article on Reddit's IPO -- I strongly suggest you give it a listen. I won't say anything other than I found myself angry enough to provide a bit of feedback and links to evidence refuting some of the worst misrepresentations.

umbraroze, a RedditMigration en avatar

OK so search has always sucked.
It has sucked especially in the New Reddit era.
Now, they have deployed the Even Newer Reddit user interface.

One of my biggest use cases of Reddit was "what are people in various communities talking about this particular video"?

In Old.Reddit, you could at least see crossposts in the unlikely case that the YouTube URL was somehow equivalent to the actual URL posted to Reddit. You know, because YouTube videos could be called upon by many requests, and Reddit fucking gave no shit about any URL normalisation.

But they at least let you see if anyone had crossposted shit.

Apparently, the New New User Interface fucking doesn't even let you do that. I tried searching for a particular video that was already posted in particular communities. Nothing.
Tried Google Search to find this particular thing. OK, found it.
Slapped "old." to it. "6 discussions."
That's it. Reddit was already shit at finding discussions about particular YouTube videos if you didn't use old.reddit. The new Reddit interface at least pretended the crossposts were there. Crossposts no longer are there. Why the fuck do people even follow the site any more.

unofficial_kbin_guide, a RedditMigration en

The Unofficial Kbin Guide is now available!
Let me know of any feedback, update requests, or corrections.

OvergrownSkeleton, a RedditMigration en

How do you mod in Kbin?
I can't find any tools for modding?

amitsolanki8811, a RedditMigration en
ForestOrca, a RedditMigration en avatar

I made a Magazine called Photobiomodulation ( for the discussion of this topic on the Fediverse. I've left Reddit behind, and am recreating this community here.

LizEllisPhD, a random en avatar

So I finally deleted all my posts and my account and ditched Reddit. Now I need a new place.

Any suggestions?

Lemur, a RedditMigration en avatar

Reddit removes years of chat and message archives from users' accounts

You might be able to get a copy of older messages from the data retrieval request.

zn, a random

is anyone else exploring the wider fediverse?

I know of a few users who were originally from kbin/mastodon, I've heard some mentions of peertube, and I'm currently posting this from calckey.


jkmooney, a RedditMigration en avatar

Reddit account.....deleted. Kbin seems to have a better "signal to noise" ratio IYKWIM

NudelnAlDente, a RedditMigration en avatar

Threads vs microblogs?

Does anyone have any advice on whether to use or when you're looking to say, start a discussion about a topic on ? Is there an etiquette for what option is best? Or do people just pick depending on their mood (having a Twitter vs a Reddit sort of a day)?

ikantolol, a RedditMigration en avatar

I saw someone recommending Aether aside from Lemmy and Kbin, what is it ? googling Aether give me...

"According to ancient and medieval science, aether, also known as the fifth element or quintessence, is the material that fills the region of the universe beyond the terrestrial sphere. "

so yeah..

xXGanondorfXx, a RedditMigration en avatar

yall should check out I cant vouch for the community but its neat. Can anyone else recommend something similar?

khazram, a random en avatar
EpicFailGuy, a RedditMigration en avatar

What are we?

What do Lemmy users call themselves? What do Kbin users call themselves? What about Mast?

So far I can't come up with anything better than "Fediziens"

TNLNYC, a random en avatar

Reading the tea-leaves, here's where we are in terms of US Fediverse migrations:

Chapter 1 (of X)
Chapter 3 (of X)
(Facebook and Instagram): Avoided due to launch of
Not started yet
Not started yet
Not started yet
: Avoided due to integration with

liztai, a random en avatar

"How Reddit crushed the biggest protest in its history - The Verge"

Meanwhile is still happening and there are more groups added to the by the day. even has a instance & members are really happy to be there. i suspect this is repeated everywhere in the Fediverse right now.

Honestly, I suspected they would never change the CEO's mind.

But they sure made themselves heard on the way out 😏

Xperr7, a RedditMigration en avatar

Well, had my content curated on Reddit and despised the recommendation stuff on the official app (that I never used lul). But now that I'm on a new platform, I want to have recommendations lol. The Random stuff on the sidebar's pretty neat, could've sworn Reddit has similar like 10 years ago.

kiwiguy, a random en avatar

It is bonkers how fast Lemmy & Kbin have grown.

The top posts from the bigger servers all have hundreds of comments.

The best bit is that comments are coming from a bunch of different servers too.

Reddit is toast.

umbraroze, a RedditMigration en avatar

A lot of people are boasting here like "well I just deleted my 15+ year account with quintillion karma."

I'm not going to delete my account yet (but probably won't be posting anything on Reddit either). Instead, I came up with a Strange Hobby.

Because password managers are so ubiquitous and easy to use and everyone should use one, I somehow found a complete list of all Reddit throwaway accounts I had over the years. (You know, from back when you could create accounts in seconds and Reddit didn't make you sign a blood pact or whatever.)

So I've been deleting those accounts. There was a pile of them.

And I like to every time I delete an account, a little siren goes off in Reddit HQ and Spez is like "Aaaaagggh! Not another one!"

curt, a RedditMigration en

The Future of the Threadaverse. Is a Lot More Growth a Good Thing?

I’m a recent refugee from Reddit and a very long time social network user. When the Apollo app announced its demise, I joined and and love these new networks. The discussions seems much more reasoned and friendly. I do miss some of the more esoteric groups such as music theory and jazz. I’m sure they’ll be created as the threadiverse (kbin and lemmy) continue to grow. In this case, growth will be good. Is there, however, a point where these new networks get too big?

Imagine 56 million daily users (the current figure for Reddit) using the threadiverse platforms. If they were divided evenly into groups of 10,000, that would be 5,600 instances. Surely, such growth would take years, unless Huffman pulls another catastrophic move such as making you pay to be member and having to view ads as well. Even if he did, I doubt Reddit would completely go away. It would join myspace and AOL in the backwaters of the Internet.

Back to my point. Let’s say there are 20 million daily users. Magazines on kbin and communities on lemmy would have 100’s of thousands or even more that a million subscribers. The subreddit r/worldnews has 32 million subscribers. There could also be 100’s of thousands of magazines/communities. Reddit has 2.8 million subreddits. I know communities are tightly limited on, only being added when there is sufficient interest and support for them. On kbin, it appears any member can create a magazine. I could be wrong. also allows members to create communities without restriction as far as I can tell.

Assuming there were enough instances to support such a volume of users, would that be a good thing or would discussions turn into flame wars, vitriol, and personal attacks? Even if such things were kept under control would threads become full of pointless or uninformative comments that kept you from reading quality posts. I don’t know one way or the other although I suspect, at some point there would be such a thing as too big. Most likely, it will take years for the threadiverse to grow so there’s plenty of time to plan and implement mechanisms to handle it.

VulcanSphere, a RedditMigration en

Just uninstalled Relay and from now will rely on libreddit and old.reddit for feeds from the Snoo Platform.

Undisclosed, a RedditMigration en

I've heard a few people say that they don't use reddit apps anymore and only access reddit via old.reddit. Could someone explain to me how that resolves the "morality issue"? Isn't that still traffic and aren't they still getting money? Is it less money somehow?

zenzen, a random en avatar

Hi! I jumped ship following the lol so I guess here’s my . Currently a music composition graduate student, just trying cool new (to me) styles of music. I’ve got a pretty wide variety of nerdy interests like ( and are my comfort games right now) and .

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