tallship, a fediversenews en


!!Moderation request!!

I come home to find my feeds/streams flooded with vitriolic politicial drivel emanating from a group to which I belong that states emphatically that it doesn't tolerate off-topic traffic.

The stated purpose of this Fediverse group on my home Friendica server is stated as follows:

This is a Friendica group dedicated to news. What are the advantages of a group over a hashtag?Groups can do things that hashtags can't. For example, groups:

  • are moderated
  • can re-share content
  • can speak as a group

Joining and contributing to a Friendica group is easy. To share your posts to @Fediverse News, follow these steps:

  1. Follow @Fediverse News
  2. When sharing Fediverse news, tag @Fediverse News
  3. The @Fediverse News group will then re-share your post

This is an actively moderated group. Be sure to stay on topic, or your posts will be removed.

As per the instructions for this Friendica / Fediverse group, I'm notifying the moderation team by CC'ing the following address with this complaint and request to remove the vicious hate that's been spewing into the group here all day long while I've been away working:


People who sign up for a Fediverse News site should not be subjected to hatred being fomented, propagated, and bantered about with respect to unrelated matters, such as (abominable) off-topic, political vitriol.

  1. ) Posting announcements concerning the onboarding and subesquent federating nature of a public figure's account on threads.net is a relevant matter to the Fediverse, Fediverse Technology, and Fediverse News.
  2. ) acerbic comentary, name calling, ad hominem, and libel, as has consumed the group today, is not - those posts are a cause of severe harm and should most certainly, IMO be removed as per the terms/rules quoted above.
  3. ) The level of cacophony and pejorative hate speech permitted to continue throughout the day today is shameful. This is not the place to engage or encourage such juvenile behavior, let alone permit it to foment and spread across the Fediverse as it has today!

Moderation Team: Thank you, in advance, for taking your time to address and resolve this matter, returning this group to the decorum it usually enjoys with people conversing and observing the principles of civil discourse.

Discourse -hominem speech


snarfed.org, a fediversenews en
@snarfed.org@snarfed.org avatar

Fediverse! I’ve been building a bridge to Bluesky, and they’re turning on federation soon, which means my bridge will be available soon too. You’ll be able to follow people on Bluesky from here in the fediverse, and vice versa.

Bluesky is a broad network with lots of worthwhile people and conversations! I hope you’ll give it a chance. Only fully public content is bridged, not followers-only or otherwise private posts or profiles. Still, if you want to opt out, I understand. Feel free to DM me at @snarfed (different account than this one), email me, file a GitHub issue, or put #nobridge in your profile bio.

A number of us have thought about this for a while now, we’re committed to making it work well for everyone, and we’re very open to feedback. Thanks for listening. Feel free to share broadly.

cc @activitypubblueskybridge @fedidevs @fediversenews


@J12t @fediversenews @fedidevs @activitypubblueskybridge @snarfed.org@snarfed.org

Johannes, There isn't one - they're talking out of their ass.

They're just making noise and emotionally distressed to discover that this is how the currently works, and always has worked - and it's not just the portions of the Fediverse, or even the Fediverse - it's the entire ...

"If you affect a public post, you have no expectation of privacy".

For those who still feel some sense of having been offended, I welcome them to unplug their computers and toss their iPhones and Androids into the trash. That's really their only option, and they'll come to that realization some day, maybe, and it is of no consequence for anyone else in the world if they don't.



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