
Esta revista es de un servidor federado y podría estar incompleta. Explorar más contenido en la instancia original.

AeonThoth, en

Is there a way to sign into multiple Fediverse instances using the same account? Or is it possible to merge account across instances?

Cyzor, avatar

The pitch for federalization gives the misleading impression that the system provides a universal (or at least portable) account mechanism. It seems to be a common point of uncertainty with users taking a look at the emerging platform.

From a usability standpoint, the sign-in process ought to be able to tell when someone is trying to join from a non-local instance, and provide means to redirect or authenticate them appropriately. Maybe something in the style of "Sign in with Google," only simpler.

I think upcoming versions of Lemmy/Kbin are attempting to improve link behavior to make it less likely to unintentionally stray from your home instance.

Robotoboy, en avatar

I have a Mastadon, AND a Kbin now. I'm trying to sign up for different Federated services and link 'em all together. I'm loving this new protocol so much. It's quiet...

It feels similar to the early 2000's internet and I'm loving it.

Ghostalmedia, avatar

My only problem is how defederation is handled.

For example, last night I submitted a post to My wife then wanted to comment on the post.

She has a account and I have a account. She couldn’t see my post because beehaw defederated from

BobQuasit, en

Infinity going subscription-only!

Infinity Announcement

This morning when I opened Infinity to check Reddit, I saw the announcement above: they're going subscription-only. Ironically enough, I couldn't scroll down to see the rest of the message including prices, if there were any. I also couldn't see if there was a button to close the message or start a paid subscription. I couldn't proceed to Reddit at all. My only option was to close the app completely. So I uninstalled it.

That's it for me using Reddit on mobile! Can't say I'll miss it much. But I added a LOT of content to Reddit that way, so it's their loss. Fuck you, spez!

NekoRogue, avatar

I have auto update turned off for apps, so I didn't get the last update for Infinity and I can still use it to see Reddit, for now. Once it dies I'm out though. I can't imagine they will be able to get enough subscriptions to support the app, so I'm not really sure what the goal is here.

The Infinity listing in the Play store links to this post that has a bit more info (warning: Reddit link)

Even the people subbed to r/Infinity_For_Reddit are saying they won't buy a subscription. Wouldn't Infinity be racking up a huge bill from Reddit once the API change goes into effect? There's no way subscriptions will cover that so I don't understand why they're doing this.

xuxebiko, en

One option to reduce interaction with spez-ruled reddit is to use

Eg: to access r/modcoord, use

Any other ideas to deny that greedy little fascist pig boy his joy?

BrikoX, avatar is scraping the posts from select subreddits without an API so that will work even after July 1st.

spicy_biscuits, en avatar

Sup y'all, newest arrival from the Reddit exodus here :D

Been lurking for a coupla days to check you guys out and get my bearings, now I'm here and I figured I'd say hi officially 😊

FreeBooteR69, avatar

@spicy_biscuits Greetings and salutations!

solsangraal, en

is this place pretty much dead already, or am i not doing something right? 95% of what i see is xanax pill spambot posts. got tired of blocking them after about the 10th one

jaberwok, en

Recent NPR article on Reddit's IPO -- I strongly suggest you give it a listen. I won't say anything other than I found myself angry enough to provide a bit of feedback and links to evidence refuting some of the worst misrepresentations.

unofficial_kbin_guide, en

The Unofficial Kbin Guide is now available!
Let me know of any feedback, update requests, or corrections.

amitsolanki8811, en
merlin, en

Just wanted to say that I love how people are using the upvote and downvote feature here as they don't seem to be used as agreement/disagreement but rather valuable or hindering to the conversation.

I really feel like I can express any opinion on here and start controversial discussions as long as I'm not malicious to anyone.
Disagreements are mostly stated in replies which promotes conversation and growth. There is currently no reason to be scared about being wrong.
I hope that this is not just a product of the smaller userbase compared to reddit but rather how upvotes/downvotes/boosts are laid out to the user.

curt, en

The Future of the Threadaverse. Is a Lot More Growth a Good Thing?

I’m a recent refugee from Reddit and a very long time social network user. When the Apollo app announced its demise, I joined and and love these new networks. The discussions seems much more reasoned and friendly. I do miss some of the more esoteric groups such as music theory and jazz. I’m sure they’ll be created as the threadiverse (kbin and lemmy) continue to grow. In this case, growth will be good. Is there, however, a point where these new networks get too big?

Imagine 56 million daily users (the current figure for Reddit) using the threadiverse platforms. If they were divided evenly into groups of 10,000, that would be 5,600 instances. Surely, such growth would take years, unless Huffman pulls another catastrophic move such as making you pay to be member and having to view ads as well. Even if he did, I doubt Reddit would completely go away. It would join myspace and AOL in the backwaters of the Internet.

Back to my point. Let’s say there are 20 million daily users. Magazines on kbin and communities on lemmy would have 100’s of thousands or even more that a million subscribers. The subreddit r/worldnews has 32 million subscribers. There could also be 100’s of thousands of magazines/communities. Reddit has 2.8 million subreddits. I know communities are tightly limited on, only being added when there is sufficient interest and support for them. On kbin, it appears any member can create a magazine. I could be wrong. also allows members to create communities without restriction as far as I can tell.

Assuming there were enough instances to support such a volume of users, would that be a good thing or would discussions turn into flame wars, vitriol, and personal attacks? Even if such things were kept under control would threads become full of pointless or uninformative comments that kept you from reading quality posts. I don’t know one way or the other although I suspect, at some point there would be such a thing as too big. Most likely, it will take years for the threadiverse to grow so there’s plenty of time to plan and implement mechanisms to handle it.

VulcanSphere, en

Just uninstalled Relay and from now will rely on libreddit and old.reddit for feeds from the Snoo Platform.

jkmooney, en avatar

Gotta say, is looking more like what I wanted from Reddit in the first place than Reddit does.... I may be dropping that account soon.

aidan, en avatar

They really did it

The madlads actually did it

Voyajer, en avatar

While wiping my reddit account I remembered I still had my other old and novelty accounts to wipe so I get to feel that satisfaction multiple times over.

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