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Gargleblaster, a RedditMigration en Today, My Subscribed community finally supass my joined Sub reddits avatar

Here or on reddit?

Gargleblaster, a RedditMigration en "That's a bold move, Cotton" - Reddit to begin paying people for popular posts avatar

I had an account with almost a million karma. Like 970,000.

I received two platinum boosts, and I'm not sure how many times I was gilded. Maybe 30 or 40 times?

Half of $5=$2.50 x 40=$100

Considering the time it took to do, it ain't shit.

Gargleblaster, a RedditMigration en Reddit is letting a public figure harrass me with impunity because I outed his company for fraud avatar

My dude, you are extremely passionate about this topic. Also, as a mod, you are content arbiter of your sub. Chasing people onto other subs and then claiming they're harassing you is where this fails. It works conversely as well. Many a sub has been started by disgruntled members who left another sub.

Getting someone in trouble for lying on a social media app is going to be harder than you think. News sources get approached by all kinds of people claiming to have news. That avenue is not going to work.

I am not a lawyer, but you should seek out a lawyer to determine if you have a legal leg to stand on here. Does this guy have a lot of money? If so, he may come after you if he has a legal leg to stand on.

My real advice is to protect your sub. Stop there. I couldn't stop neo-Nazis from spreading lies on reddit, and you're not going to be able to control some air purifier salesman. Just keep them away from your sub, and let it go.

By the way, this magazine you're posting on is full of a bunch of people who have left reddit. Coming here to complain about things happening to you on reddit is not going to get you a lot of sympathy.

Gargleblaster, a RedditMigration en Reddit Activity Plummeted After The Protests - by Adam Bumas avatar

Is Reddark still being updated? Cuz it still shows 1600+ subs as dark.

Is this yet another individual announcing the end without really knowing if it's over?

Gargleblaster, a science en How AI is helping airlines mitigate the climate impact of contrails avatar

That sounds nice, but Shell has been broadcasting all matter of pro-environmental messaging for decades while continuing to fuck the planet up.

If I had to guess, this is a variation on a theme. As long as planes need fossil fuels to fly, they're bad new. Fixing one part is a distraction.

Gargleblaster, a RedditMigration en 11 year old account deleted today. Final straw. avatar

What sub were you moderating?

Something big like r/videos or something small like r/Iputdoritoesinmyshoes?

Gargleblaster, a RedditMigration en 11 year old account deleted today. Final straw. avatar

I'm pretty sure the sitewide admins have a bot that detects ban evasion. The mods share the message with you, it's the same message on every sub.

Gargleblaster, a RedditMigration en 11 year old account deleted today. Final straw. avatar

A year ago, I was banned from r/politics after accruing about 450k karma from that sub alone.

I had a temporary ban of 3 days for some choice words I shared with a Trumpist.

A couple of days after the ban ended, I got perma-banned for violating the previous ban, which I didn't think I did. When I asked the mod team, they responded that reddit AI or a bot had detected it. They gave me a link that said the bot does detections but is not 100% perfect. I asked for evidence. They refused because they didn't want to reveal how the bot worked. They told me I could contact reddit admin instead. Reddit admin responded that I could contact the mod team for that sub... That was some Kafka-esque shit.

In any event, the perma-ban came with the threat that I would face a sitewide ban if I tried to evade the ban. The mods can't do that, but reddit admin can.

I assume they are looking for other accounts with the same IP address to detect ban evasions.

Gargleblaster, a RedditMigration en 11 year old account deleted today. Final straw. avatar

The the neo-nazis volunteered to moderate.


Gargleblaster, a RedditMigration en The Reddit Protest Is Finally Over. Reddit Won. avatar

The media has declared reddit the winner multiple times since the protest started.

Fuck the media. There are still 1800+ restricted subreddits.

Who won? Anybody who realized that reddit was commodifying your posts, comments, and contributions and left that shitshack.

Gargleblaster, a RedditMigration en Fragrance community avatar


Gargleblaster, a RedditMigration en BotDefense is wrapping up operations : r/BotDefense avatar

Well, Reddit doesn't need that.

I'm sure things will go swimmingly without them.

Gargleblaster, a RedditMigration en Reddit threatens the mods of r/CyberpunkGame (the main subreddit for Cyberpunk 2077). Mods decide to go down in a blaze of glory, whole sub agrees. avatar

It's down to 30 bucks.

I'll bite when it drops under 10.

Gargleblaster, a RedditMigration en Reddit threatens the mods of r/CyberpunkGame (the main subreddit for Cyberpunk 2077). Mods decide to go down in a blaze of glory, whole sub agrees. avatar

Dragon's Lair, when you look back on it, was a corporate grab in the arcade world. Disney-level graphics when all the other games were 8-bit, and the worst gameplay ever in an arcade game...because it was made by someone who'd never set foot in an arcade.

The only competition it has for worst came later when that hologram game came later where you're a cowboy shooting...Native Americans. Another turd that was all graphics and nothing else.

Gargleblaster, a RedditMigration en For those in the know about privacy laws and the such. What is a proper response to reddit's claim that they cannot remove all the information associated to an account without first the user removing all of their posts? avatar

I don't have a solution to your question, but I started deleting my account annually so that it was harder to track me, spy on me, and sell my information.

Before I started doing that, I had an account with 900,000 karma. When you asked for your account to be deleted, the Reddit automated response was 'Are you sure you want to do this? After one month, all of your content will be deleted.' And that's what happened. If I look on reddit, my posts were gone. On google, I could find people mentioning my username but not any actual posts by that account.

TLDR: They used to threaten you with deleting all of your posts, and, based on my experience, they did exactly that with my old account.

It's kinda funny to see them flip to threatening to keep your content.

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