
Este perfil es de un servidor federado y podría estar incompleto. Explorar más contenido en la instancia original.

wahming, a science en A.I. brain implant helps paralyzed man move, feel again

Freaking everything is freaking 'AI' nowadays. The term has lost all meaning.

wahming, a science en How Old Can Humans Get? - Scientific American

Or move to a country with actual work life balance

wahming, a science en Meat allergy from tick bites is on the rise—and US doctors are in the dark

I had mysterious rash outbreaks for half a year... I shudder to imagine a lifetime of something worse.

wahming, a science en Meat allergy from tick bites is on the rise—and US doctors are in the dark

In a use case like this, AI would be less about a final diagnose and more about getting the doctor or patient pointed in the right direction, especially with rare cases that few doctors are aware of. You no longer need to visit a hundred specialists in the hope of finding the one person who's seen something similar to your case before.

wahming, a RedditMigration en Porn Historically Decides Tech Adoption... Fediverse?

Yeah as I explained earlier, that won't happen because it's been proven to be a golden opportunity for abuse.

wahming, a RedditMigration en Porn Historically Decides Tech Adoption... Fediverse?

Correctly implemented, a block system would allow them to see your comments but not reply. I think that's essentially the major part of what you're looking for?

wahming, a RedditMigration en What was the subreddit that represented to you the best example of downspiral of quality? To me it was /r/dataisbeautiful
  1. It's a Wikipedia link away, it doesn't require a PhD to read and understand. Why are you assuming I need to study it to know what it is?
  2. Would you like to state your views? Because it certainly sounds like you have some that are pent up inside.
wahming, a RedditMigration en Porn Historically Decides Tech Adoption... Fediverse?

I want the ability to cut bs out of my stuff

What are you talking about? Nobody's disputing that. You seem to have lost the thread of the conversation, which is about preventing people you've blocked from seeing your posts. At that point you're not cutting BS out of your stuff, but other people's.

wahming, a RedditMigration en Porn Historically Decides Tech Adoption... Fediverse?

Based on feedback so far, it only seems to work for random users. Definitely doesn't work for me on kbin

wahming, a RedditMigration en Porn Historically Decides Tech Adoption... Fediverse?

im saying I disapear to them

This approach is incredibly open to abuse. Reddit implemented this to a lesser degree and abuse already started happening. By blocking everybody who disagrees with you, you can start threads that are only visible to lurkers and your supporters, creating a warped perception of public opinion and false consensus.

wahming, a RedditMigration en What was the subreddit that represented to you the best example of downspiral of quality? To me it was /r/dataisbeautiful

nobody can respect that others are allowed to have different opinions.

It's the paradox of tolerance social contract. I will respect their right to an opinion as long as they uphold that contract. Unfortunately, many don't.

wahming, a RedditMigration en banning and defederating communities

Or maybe there are already instances out there that don't defederate and leave it up to the individual?

It only takes one to defederate. Any large instances that stay neutral will eventually be defederated with by other instances, as per the beehaw example recently. So your best option would indeed be to host your own small instance.

wahming, a RedditMigration en banning and defederating communities

I have to say that there's a level of irony in asking for bans and central controls on content on a platform that in its very nature decentralized and supposed to be empowering.

There isn't any irony. That's the whole point of the decentralization - it empowers everybody to be part of the communities they wish to be in, and not participate in those they disagree with. We have the power to leave any instance where we disagree with the admins and move to a new one.

wahming, a RedditMigration en banning and defederating communities

Is kbin a community, or a platform for communities to run on?

Both, that distinction doesn't work very well for the new fediverse model.

wahming, a RedditMigration en banning and defederating communities

Satire doesn't work as well on fedi when everybody has to check what instance they're on AND what instance you're posting from to figure out if you're serious

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