
Esta revista es de un servidor federado y podría estar incompleta. Explorar más contenido en la instancia original.

merlin, en

Just wanted to say that I love how people are using the upvote and downvote feature here as they don't seem to be used as agreement/disagreement but rather valuable or hindering to the conversation.

I really feel like I can express any opinion on here and start controversial discussions as long as I'm not malicious to anyone.
Disagreements are mostly stated in replies which promotes conversation and growth. There is currently no reason to be scared about being wrong.
I hope that this is not just a product of the smaller userbase compared to reddit but rather how upvotes/downvotes/boosts are laid out to the user.

cde, en

If you're nuking your old reddit content, this might be important. For me, the reddit history visible on the website was far less comprehensive than the API could access.

As a 10+ year redditor, I would sometimes go back through my profile and delete stale or irrelevant content. Deciding to try a faster approach this week, I installed Redact (available at redact dot dev, or on the Google Play store). It lets you bulk delete, or preview things first, which I wanted to do in case there was anything worth preserving.

When scanning posts/comments, it first says it's sorting by new, then hot, then controversial.

The "new" results were the same as I could see on my profile, but then the "hot" and "controversial" scans found page after page of comments that I couldn't see on my u/ page. There were 50 results per page, and I didn't keep an accurate count, but I removed at least 1000 comments, mostly from 2013-2018, via the API.

No idea how many people this could help, so it seemed like a worthwhile first post on kbin.

(Also, hello!)

wolfshadowheart, avatar

I used the old powerdeletesuite script to edit the comments, it worked for most of them.

anon, avatar

I just posted a similar story and a kind soul led me to your post. My story correlates well enough with yours.

xXGanondorfXx, en avatar

yall should check out I cant vouch for the community but its neat. Can anyone else recommend something similar?

xXGanondorfXx, avatar

@Quills its basically just chatrooms with synchronized video watching. I hate picking what to watch and i like to joke with other people about what we are watching. they also vote somehow but i haven't penetrated that far.

Quills, avatar

Whoa, that seems like a cool concept, especially if they have invite only rooms to watch with friends and all

xuxebiko, en

One option to reduce interaction with spez-ruled reddit is to use

Eg: to access r/modcoord, use

Any other ideas to deny that greedy little fascist pig boy his joy?

BrikoX, avatar is scraping the posts from select subreddits without an API so that will work even after July 1st.

tunetardis, en

A better RSS experience

I've been playing around with RSS views of the fediverse hoping to get something comparable to multireddits, but there is a problem.

First of all, it is possible to get reddit feeds on both kbin and lemmy. The URLs look like:


Unfortunately, these are problematic when dealing with instances that are not your home instance. Any links to the post page will be absolute remote instance URLs, which means you cannot interact with the post (e.g. leave a comment). The URL really needs to be made relative to your home instance for that to work, but for the life of me, I cannot figure out how to fix that for a specific post. I can only fix the URL to the magazine/community itself and then hope to locate the post within it again.

If there is a way to get home instance-relative RSS feeds, I'm all ears! Failing that, I might work on a scraper that can take URLs of the form:


and generate RSS feeds out of them? But I don't want to reinvent the wheel if something like this is already possible?

It might also be useful to someone trying to write an app with a multireddit-type feature? I will definitely release source if I come up with anything.

EDIT: fixed a typo in URLs

AnalogyAddict, en

As a victim of domestic violence who has spent years online trying to help other victims, Reddit's act of undeleting several of my deleted comments just made me have to go through and manually delete. In the process, I had to relive a huge chunk of trauma.

I'm not feeling okay right now.



No, some of my restored comments had been removed years ago because they were too identifying to leave out there, once the purpose of support was accomplished.


@BaroquenRecorder i didn't delete my account. I don't know of any way to restore a deleted account.

tryplot, en

PSA: while upvoting exists, to get the "move closer to the top" effect that reddit's upvote had, you need to click boost


In case any folks who are on a lemmy instance instead of kbin see this post (Hello new users!), boost is a kbin feature, which is a different type of “software” than lemmy. The main kbin instance is , which can interact with both Lemmy and Mastodon instances

tl;dr - kbin is different than lemmy. They all talk to each other though. Boost is kbin only


What does upvoting do?

sanctuary_sanctuary, en

I decided to edit all of my comments to say that I left Reddit in protest and provide a link to the Fediverse. If I leave the comments up when I delete my account, can Reddit edit them back to what they originally were? Should I just delete them?


@sanctuary_sanctuary Yes.. looking at the past history of Reddit actions. Reddit is constantly restoring threads and comments. Even deleted ones. Which is against various privacy protection acts.


@Tar_alcaran I did it by hand, but I had deleted my 10 year account a couple months ago for unrelated reasons so I didn't have many comments.

curt, en

The Future of the Threadaverse. Is a Lot More Growth a Good Thing?

I’m a recent refugee from Reddit and a very long time social network user. When the Apollo app announced its demise, I joined and and love these new networks. The discussions seems much more reasoned and friendly. I do miss some of the more esoteric groups such as music theory and jazz. I’m sure they’ll be created as the threadiverse (kbin and lemmy) continue to grow. In this case, growth will be good. Is there, however, a point where these new networks get too big?

Imagine 56 million daily users (the current figure for Reddit) using the threadiverse platforms. If they were divided evenly into groups of 10,000, that would be 5,600 instances. Surely, such growth would take years, unless Huffman pulls another catastrophic move such as making you pay to be member and having to view ads as well. Even if he did, I doubt Reddit would completely go away. It would join myspace and AOL in the backwaters of the Internet.

Back to my point. Let’s say there are 20 million daily users. Magazines on kbin and communities on lemmy would have 100’s of thousands or even more that a million subscribers. The subreddit r/worldnews has 32 million subscribers. There could also be 100’s of thousands of magazines/communities. Reddit has 2.8 million subreddits. I know communities are tightly limited on, only being added when there is sufficient interest and support for them. On kbin, it appears any member can create a magazine. I could be wrong. also allows members to create communities without restriction as far as I can tell.

Assuming there were enough instances to support such a volume of users, would that be a good thing or would discussions turn into flame wars, vitriol, and personal attacks? Even if such things were kept under control would threads become full of pointless or uninformative comments that kept you from reading quality posts. I don’t know one way or the other although I suspect, at some point there would be such a thing as too big. Most likely, it will take years for the threadiverse to grow so there’s plenty of time to plan and implement mechanisms to handle it.

curt, en

Any surge in kbin or lemmy signups?
I'd check myself, but don't know there to look. We might not see much change until Tuesday when the long weekend is over.

LeGaosaure, avatar

This is the tracker I know of: FediDB


So a bit of an uptick. Tuesday might be when it shoots up, assuming it does.

ScumbagSpruce, en avatar

Apollo has finally gone to the App Store in the sky. End of an era.

WaitingCynicism, avatar

Same with Sync on Android. RIP


RIP Apollo. At least you’re in good company in my app graveyard.

Undisclosed, en

I've heard a few people say that they don't use reddit apps anymore and only access reddit via old.reddit. Could someone explain to me how that resolves the "morality issue"? Isn't that still traffic and aren't they still getting money? Is it less money somehow?

BrikoX, avatar

Isn’t that still traffic and aren’t they still getting money?


Is it less money somehow?



Dunno for sure, I feel the same way as you, but I think it’s more about "I refuse to use the app you intended me to be forced to by killing [favorite 3rd party app].

If combined with an adblocker they don’t get your ad revenue but they do still get to add you to the tally of “active users”, so I still feel abandoning ship altogether is best practice.

Stopkilling0, en avatar

Why does rif still work for me? Anyone know what's going on? I got the 429 this morning but now it's working exactly as before.


It will probably work until your temporary credentials time out, the old API will be shut off or you try to re-login.

Logging out will shut it off for good. You probably won't be able to log in again then.

VulcanSphere, en

Just uninstalled Relay and from now will rely on libreddit and old.reddit for feeds from the Snoo Platform.

d3lta19, en

Infinity app is still working for me? Is it the same for anyone else? I'm loading by new and I'm still getting new posts.

DillingerEscPlan, avatar

The Dev has posted that Infinity will remain working and free until their paid subscription update is released. How they are achieving this I am unsure. The other reddit client I have installed, Stealth, which I just browse on anonymously, is still working also.

StarLuigi, avatar

The dev said the app will be free to use until the update is published

I personally have just plugged in my own API key which was much easier than I expected. You can do that here

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