
Software Engineer & DevOps Architect. Mbin contributor (and creator of the fork).

He/him 🇳🇱

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Prototype for new Kbin app: Interstellar ( en

I've been working for the past week on a new kbin app. At the moment, it's just a prototype and only the "Feed" view has content (you can't sign into an account or post anything yet); you can see threads, thread images, thread comments, thread links, and thread votes/boosts. You can also change the "Theme Mode" and "Instance...


We welcome these projects very much! Thank you so much for your time and effort! Such an app is much requested.

Ps. My advise is to check the nodeinfo (example) and validate the software name, so you can easily switch between mbin/kbin if required in the future.


You're welcome. I'm part of the Mbin community (in fact the 'M' stands for Melroy). If you need more help or having issues, feel free to contact me when you need!! I'm also on Matrix.


I contributed a lot kbin directly in the past. It has a long history and story. Long story short: Ernest was offline for months without process, and contributors weren't allowed to merge other PRs, except their own. The way of working within the kbin project means that only Ernest will have the last say and every review goes via him. Development halted when he was gone (yes he is now back). Multiple contributors had the same feeling, hence the reason for a fork. Mbin is community focused, it's not driver my a single owner. All contributors have all rights. We work closer together and review each other code. I speak for myself, but I feel that this change of approach empowered all contributors in Mbin and more sense of responsibility. After all the drama at Kbin, Ernest didn't change either. So I'm glad a fork was created. I wish it wasn't needed.


It is good to really see your true nature now. I'm also think the fork is the best thing that could have happened for the community. It's a pity that you never started a conversation, but instead you still try to do mean things like this.


Ow.. it was 100% intentional. You said it yourself: "Wiem, szczerze mówiąc było to celowe. Zauważyłem, że forki synchronizują od razu zmiany z /kbin.".


I know your approach on PRs. Hence the main reason of the fork. The community does believe in their people and the good in mankind. Only 1 approval is required from another maintainer for now. We are using C4 way of working.


Thanks for your feedback.

We do have code reviews in GitHub and discussions on Matrix. We updated the README that reflect our latest way of working. As stated in the comment section we are also working on it in PR: Feel free to comment on that.


Despite the fork. I hope we can learn from each other indeed. That will only benefit both of us.

Although we merge into main it's not a release, we use GitHub/Docker tags to mark releases. And use semantic versioning if needed for minor and patch releases.

Stuck between distros right now. ( en

So, this sucks. On Mint, Firefox was running super sluggish to the point of being unusable. I reinstalled Ubuntucinnamon because I enjoyed using it when I had it installed, but between me last having it installed and now there seems to have been an update that has broken cinnamon's system tray. Which, for me, is a major...


Could you share the exact problem with mint?


Content as in within the web-browser? So maybe it's a Firefox issue? Or are you talking about something else?


Uhm. Still a strange issue. Could be a DNS resolve problem.


Hate emails and threads are never OK. In their defense, what happened during the COVID-19 lock downs wasn't OK. How we treated each other was not ok. How we excluded and refused people just like that was not ok. And how the government could wield so much power was just scary to watch.

Rent off.


l'm not an anti vaxer. I however couldn't take the vaccine due to my illness. But there was no room for those exceptions. I was threaded horribly within my country (Netherlands).

For example, I couldn't even sit down and order something to drink on very very hot day.


I want to believe you. See also my comment below.

I rather don't like to go further in detail. I just closed this topic for myself.


@db0 or kbin.. *


@db0 @pizza_rolls Tell me, which communities are you still missing?


@be_excellent_to_each_other I follow you now :) +1 karma hhehe


Not even a second. I'm glad to first got rid of Facebook several years ago. Then Twitter. And recently also Reddit. No regrets.

Ps. I also don't have Instagram, TikTok or any of those non-sense.


Indeed. And it didn't improve very well lately..


Nice, I'm the second person after Ernest on this activity chart, since June 28.


even per year it's too much :P


@zcd @Calcharger @BingGoose Boost is 2x the reputation.


Sorry didn't read that. ;P


@Calcharger better late than never.


@Calcharger Even if I was not a kbin developer, I hope we can all respect each other :)


we (humans) let this happen to us.

sanctuary_sanctuary, a RedditMigration en

I decided to edit all of my comments to say that I left Reddit in protest and provide a link to the Fediverse. If I leave the comments up when I delete my account, can Reddit edit them back to what they originally were? Should I just delete them?


@sanctuary_sanctuary Yes.. looking at the past history of Reddit actions. Reddit is constantly restoring threads and comments. Even deleted ones. Which is against various privacy protection acts.


Linux Mint is perfect! Avoid Ubuntu, which has a very shady history... Despite Mint being based on Ubuntu/Debian, it doesn't have any spying software. Like Ubuntu used to send all the search queries to Ubuntu when you were searching locally on your system for a file or an image.


Well you can in that case still try out Linux Mint.. I mean, why not?


I have high hopes for the fediverse.. All fediverse software/servers is still in its infancy. But I believe the fediverse will have a very bright future...

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