
Esta revista es de un servidor federado y podría estar incompleta. Explorar más contenido en la instancia original.

Is there a maximum size for Kbin thumbnails to federate from other instances? (kbin.social) en

Posting pictures from Lemmy.world since I still have trouble uploading on Kbin, but sometimes the pictures don't appear as a thumbnail on Kbin regardless of how long I wait for it to federate. Clicking on it still opens the direct image link, but there's no thumbnail when scrolling past in the feed. Is there a max image size or...

/kbin logotype

Prototype for new Kbin app: Interstellar (kbin.social) en

I've been working for the past week on a new kbin app. At the moment, it's just a prototype and only the "Feed" view has content (you can't sign into an account or post anything yet); you can see threads, thread images, thread comments, thread links, and thread votes/boosts. You can also change the "Theme Mode" and "Instance...

Can't view the threads page of newcommunities@lemmy.world (kbin.social) en

Whenever I try to view the threads page of newcommunities@lemmy.world (i.e., https://kbin.social/m/newcommunities@lemmy.world), I get an error. It's only kbin.social where this happens, and it's only the threads page of this specific community. I can view the microblogs, the people, and even individual threads, but the threads...

/kbin logotype

What are your thoughts on Microblogs vs threads? (kbin.social) en

When I first joined Kbin I posted threads due to being a reddit refugee but have started posting microblogs as time went on. I have also noticed some magazines have more threads while others have more microblog posts. For example kbinmeta has more threads while the most active magazine I moderate has mostly microblogs.

/kbin logotype

To those genuinely interested in moderating (kbin.social) en

@Ernest has pushed an update which allows users to request ownership/moderation of abandoned magazines. Ghost/abandoned magazines were fairly prevalent after the initial wave of hype due to users either squatting magazine names or becoming inactive for other reasons. Now is your chance to get involved, if you were waiting to do...

/kbin logotype
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