
A take on an "ideal" fediverse (kbin.social) en

For-profit tech companies like #Threads and #Flipboard are beginning to implement #ActivityPub, and that's been causing a lot of chaos lately. Thus, I've found it helpful to take a step back, consider what it is about the fediverse that I value, and think about whether federation with these large platforms will bring us closer...

RTR#43 Break time (kbin.social) en

I just got back from a over five-hour walk with my dog. I had promised him that for a long time, and both of us really needed it ;-) Now, a quick lunch, and I still have an evening workout ahead of me. Today, I decided to take a break from coding, although I probably won't resist doing something, and at night I'll probably tweak...

/kbin logotype

Is there a maximum size for Kbin thumbnails to federate from other instances? (kbin.social) en

Posting pictures from Lemmy.world since I still have trouble uploading on Kbin, but sometimes the pictures don't appear as a thumbnail on Kbin regardless of how long I wait for it to federate. Clicking on it still opens the direct image link, but there's no thumbnail when scrolling past in the feed. Is there a max image size or...

/kbin logotype

The People and Domains pages (in Explore) are now implemented (kbin.social) en

Both the "People" and the "Domains" tabs in Explore now have content. You can also click on individual people or domains to bring up a feed by that group. Threads now have a globe button that opens the corresponding domain page. Unfortenelly, the API does not yet support collections (correct me if I'm wrong), so I can't work on...

RTR#42 Working on federation and creating documentation (kbin.social) en

Another day has passed for me working on code refactoring and federation development. In the process, I'm also creating better documentation that can be utilized for other apps integrations. I also had a few formalities related to the project to take care of today, and there are more to address tomorrow....

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