@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar



Este perfil es de un servidor federado y podría estar incompleto. Explorar más contenido en la instancia original.

@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

Maybe home-grown human intelligence (HGHI)?

Pamasich, a kbinMeta en
@Pamasich@kbin.social avatar

I've noticed this week that I'm currently seeing no visual indication that the boost button is active. No underline, color, or anything.
It seems that a now-broken userstyle I'm using expects there to be an "active" class applied to the element, but it isn't anymore. Is that intentional?
Figured I should point this out to you in case you don't know already.

@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

@Pamasich @ernest Can confirm that this is an issue. I brought attention to it a short while back, and there are also some bugs with the visuals for vote buttons not consistently working as they should.

A take on an "ideal" fediverse (kbin.social) en

For-profit tech companies like #Threads and #Flipboard are beginning to implement #ActivityPub, and that's been causing a lot of chaos lately. Thus, I've found it helpful to take a step back, consider what it is about the fediverse that I value, and think about whether federation with these large platforms will bring us closer...

umbraroze, a RedditMigration en
@umbraroze@kbin.social avatar

OK so search has always sucked.
It has sucked especially in the New Reddit era.
Now, they have deployed the Even Newer Reddit user interface.

One of my biggest use cases of Reddit was "what are people in various communities talking about this particular video"?

In Old.Reddit, you could at least see crossposts in the unlikely case that the YouTube URL was somehow equivalent to the actual URL posted to Reddit. You know, because YouTube videos could be called upon by many requests, and Reddit fucking gave no shit about any URL normalisation.

But they at least let you see if anyone had crossposted shit.

Apparently, the New New User Interface fucking doesn't even let you do that. I tried searching for a particular video that was already posted in particular communities. Nothing.
Tried Google Search to find this particular thing. OK, found it.
Slapped "old." to it. "6 discussions."
That's it. Reddit was already shit at finding discussions about particular YouTube videos if you didn't use old.reddit. The new Reddit interface at least pretended the crossposts were there. Crossposts no longer are there. Why the fuck do people even follow the site any more.

@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar


Why the fuck do people even follow the site any more.

Unfortunately, that's where all the content is. Things like this don't bother a lot of people — for example, discussion about YT videos wasn't something I ever used Reddit for — and as long as Reddit is the only platform providing what they're interested in, they're going to stay.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, a random en
@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

idkbin has been updated to 1.3.3! The more button has been replaced with an ellipsis, and the no avatar icon has been changed.

And I fixed more sort icon issues. Again. I'm really bad at this.

View the changelog here.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, a random en
@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

idkbin 1.3.2 is out! This fixes a couple of bugs and adds a placeholder icon in the comments for people without an avatar. Before, it was just an empty box, so I figured it'd be nice to have something to fill it.

View the changelog here.

@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

I think if most people genuinely liked these features, you'd see people say that more when they're being discussed. What's more likely (and what I see way more often) is the second thing you mentioned: that most people don't really care and just go on with life. But if most users don't care, it again begs the question of why waste time making these changes at all. It seems like it's just to keep the UI design team busy more than anything.

@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

Yeah, they made a complete 3D Snoo. You can see it here. I think it's fine for the most part. It's just that the open smile that they used for the logo just doesn't work that well imo.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, a kbinMeta en
@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

@ernest RTR#32 Voting Bug Report:

Wasn't able to upvote, downvote, or boost anything in my sub feed without getting an error.

  • Opening a new tab fixed the problem.
  • Refreshing the page fixed the problem.
  • Going back to previous pages and then returning did not fix the problem.

@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

@ernest Happened again while viewing this post. Couldn't vote or boost the post, the crosspost, or any comments. Alongside the things from before, changing the comment sort seemed to fix the problem.

@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

I'm not sure what the issue is, but it doesn't seem to be specific to any thread or page. Just that sometimes, all voting & boosting on a page just doesn't work.

RTR#35 User profile enhancements: sorting options, new date range filter, reputation points fix (kbin.social) en

Today, I made some updates to the user profile. I've introduced the capability to sort and filter content. Additionally, I've implemented a new feature allowing content filtering based on a specified date range, which is now operational across all views. While there isn't a dedicated button in the interface yet....

/kbin logotype
@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

Wait, there's a feed for all comments on kbin.social? That's interesting.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, a random en
@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

Released idkbin 1.3.1! This update tweaks the scroll-to-top button, adds icons to the activity bar, and adds sort icons where they were missing before.

The changelog can be viewed here.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, a fediverse en
@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

I've been thinking a bit about this post regarding 's responsibility to be compatible with the ( thread aggregators like & ). Right now, a thread from Lemmy or Kbin usually federates to Mastodon with truncated text and a link to the actual thread. However, many want Mastodon to be more compatible with threads so that the people over on Mastodon interact with the threadiverse more.

I was initially in agreement as a Kbin user. But having given it some thought, I think this is an unwise approach that'll only serve to overcomplicate platforms on the . Yes, people on Mastodon should promote other parts of the fediverse (and vice versa), but complete interoperability shouldn't be expected of every platform.

As much as many would like it, you can't have long-form video from PeerTube, images from Pixelfed, threads from Kbin, blogs from Writefreely, etc. all neatly fit in a microblog feed. These are different formats made for different platforms, and the people making them are expecting them to be interacted with in completely different ways. When someone makes a thread in a Lemmy community, they're probably expecting that the people who are going to see and interact with the thread are people that want to see threads and are thus on a Lemmy instance (or another thread aggregator). If someone from Mastodon were to interact with it as if it were a microblog post, there'd be a big mismatch. People interact with microblogs differently than they do with threads — that's why they're separate to begin with. You don't see everyone on Twitter also wanting to use to Reddit because people who want microblogs don't necessarily want Reddit-style threads, and vice versa.

The other option, then, is to separate these different formats into different feeds or otherwise make them clearly distinct from one another. Kbin does this by separating threads and microblog posts into two tabs. While you can view both in the "All Content" tab if you'd like, they're styled differently enough that it's very clear when you're looking at a thread and when you're looking at a microblog post. This distinction lets users treat threads like threads and microblog posts like microblog posts, which is really helpful since the two formats serve different purposes and have different audiences. This option — clear distinction — is a great way to solve the conundrum I've been talking about… if your platform is meant for viewing all these different kinds of content to begin with.

And that's what it really comes down to imo. Mastodon is a platform for microblogging. Most people go to Mastodon because they want a Twitter alternative, not a Twitter alternative that's also an Instagram alternative and a Reddit alternative and a YouTube alternative. Even if you put these different content types in separate tabs, it would inevitably make things seem more confusing and thus raise the barrier of entry. Add a Videos tab to Mastodon to view stuff on PeerTube, and people are inevitably going to go, "Wait, what's this? Is this like YouTube? I thought this was just a Twitter alternative! This all seems too complicated," even if you tell them to ignore it.

It's probably best to leave Mastodon as it is: a microblogging platform that has some limited federation with other formats. The way Kbin threads currently display on Mastodon is fine. In fact, when I post a Kbin thread, I'm expecting it to be viewed via a thread aggregator. If people on Mastodon were part of the target audience, I would've made a microblog post.

Now, if you want to make something that lets you view everything on the fediverse via different tabs, feel free. As aforementioned, Kbin supports both threads and microblogs, though it comes with some challenges (e.g., trying to fit magazine-less microblog posts into Kbin's magazine system). However, this doesn't mean every platform on the fediverse needs to seamlessly incorporate everything else. I'd love people on Mastodon to promote and even try out Lemmy & Kbin more, but that doesn't mean Mastodon needs to also become a thread aggregator.

@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

Great changes! A spoiler tag button is really nice, especially since the formatting for it can be a bit clunky. On that note though, I think it'd be nice to have an alternate format for making spoilers that doesn't literally have the word spoiler in it.

It's also awesome to see that official collections are explicitly marked, but the way it's done is rather odd. It's a button that creates an "Are you sure?" prompt on the screen when you click it. It seems like something that's meant for instance owners.

I think something less obtrusive next to the collection's name would be better for marking official collections. I implemented that with a checkmark in my userstyle, and I prefer it to the button. Maybe have the text "official" show when you hover over it to indicate what it means.

RTR#29 Another boring update: Categories and bug fixes (kbin.social) en

Today, I wanted to introduce you to Categories - a new feature that is essentially a multi-mags view. A new tab will appear in the user panel where you can create categories (public or private) and then add magazines to them (local or remote). In the magazine listing, there will be another tab that will list public categories...

/kbin logotype
@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

>announces categories
>announces fixes to a bunch of prominent bugs
>claims the update is boring

EDIT: In all seriousness, this stuff all seems great! I think "collections" would be a better name than categories though.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, a kbinMeta en
@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

Another update to my userstyle idkbin (now at! The "new comment" marker recently added by Ernest is now stylized by idkbin (mainly to work with rounded edges), and a bug with borders has been fixed.

EDIT: Typo.

@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

I guess it's not the worst thing in the world, but who exactly did they think would prefer this? The logo it had was great — no need to change it.

At this point, I'm certain that platforms like Reddit and Discord just undergo random UI changes to keep the UI designers actually doing something.

Will forums fix the Internet? (kbin.social) en

In the opinion portion of Kurzgesagt's most recent video, they suggest that going back to small forums, bulletin boards, etc. will help people deradicalize and become more empathetic. The idea behind this is that, just like real life, forums allow people who disagree on certain things to bond under a shared interest or identity;...

@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

Awesome stuff! I'm loving how these features are shaping up.

A few further suggestions on the aggregate view:

  • Like Threads and Microblog, All Content should have a number next to it (just the number of threads + the number of microblog posts).
  • I think the homepage setting should be split into "homepage feed" (all, subscriptions, moderated, or favorites) and "homepage view" (all content, threads, microblogs). That'd make the current dropdown a lot less cluttered.
  • It'd also be helpful to have a "default view" setting that applies when you go to any magazine or feed. For example, if I go to /m/Kurzgesagt and my default view is set to All Content, it'll start on the All Content view.

Should you keep the homepage setting as it is, there are a few issues with the dropdown:

  • When you select something, the only text that shows is the feed, not the view.
  • When you select something, the option that you currently have saved moves to the bottom of the dropdown.
  • Not sure if this has always been a thing, but the dropdown uses "Subscriptions" while the channel list in the header uses "Subscribed".

ETA: One more issue I forgot to mention — when you click All Content on the favorites, moderated, or subscribed feed, it sends you to the all feed.

@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

The aggregate view is really nice, especially on my sub page! This feature should hopefully be even better with the upcoming federation improvements assuming they'll tackle microblog federation, as that's quite iffy right now.

Since aggregate view essentially just combining threads and microblogs, it'd be best to have it as an option on the header alongside Threads, Microblog, and People. Maybe call it "All Content" or something like that to make sure it's clear what it is. Going with this, it'd also be nice to be able to toggle the default view (Threads, Microblog, All Content, or maybe People) in the settings.

ETA: Also noticed that the color of the new comment marker has been changed to be a lot less obtrusive (at least on darker themes). Very nice! Might be a good idea to have the color change with the theme.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, a fediverse en
@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

I've noticed that a lot of people on the aren't particularly welcoming to those who don't initially get it or have trouble with it. You'd think that if multiple people say they have trouble picking an instance, it might be a genuine barrier to entry that we need to consider when introducing them to the fediverse. But no, instead of suggesting an instance to get rid of that barrier everyone gives unhelpful advice like "just pick one" or "it's not that hard." We'd have a much easier time getting people on the fediverse if there weren't so many people with this attitude of "the fediverse is simple, and the people who don't get it are lazy and should try harder."

@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

@wizardbeard I'd argue that telling people to join largest (or at least a larger) instance isn't a bad thing. If I was telling someone to join Kbin, I'd tell them to just pick kbin.social. Later on, once they get accustomed to fediverse and understand the idea better, they can go to a smaller instance if they want
(e.g., if it's focused on a topic you like, it has features or moderation policies you prefer, or you just want to take some load off the larger instance). Having people initially go to larger, more established instances — where the experience tends to be more approachable due to more active hosts, more old content being federated, a larger community within the instance, etc. — greatly reduces the barrier to entry.

And the danger of a lot of people on a single instance is really exaggerated. If things go badly on, say, a Lemmy instance that most people are on, they can just move to another one with the same features, same UI, and similar access to content. It's not like Reddit or Twitter where moving means you're missing out on a ton.

You're right that it's usually better to be the change you want to see as opposed to simply criticizing others, but I think it's still important to discuss how we introduce people to the fediverse.

@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

On the whole, Kbin and the wider fediverse have been great! I feel that I've been able to engage a lot more meaningfully with others here, though that's likely due to it being relatively small. Likewise, I've been posting a lot more to help this place grow, which has been great.

The whole decentralization aspect is particularly great. From Kbin, I can view threads from other Lemmy & Kbin instances as well as microblogs from Mastodon instances, and it's great to be able to view all of those in one place with Kbin's UI.

All of that being said, there are definitely some growing pains, primarily related to activity. Outside of general communities on big Lemmy instances, people don't post much. This is the case with any social media site — way more people are willing to view or even engage with content than to post it — but I can't help but wish that some of the people voting and commenting on posts would also make some of their own and contribute to magazines. Often, this is due to people just not having ideas for what to post (speaking from experience), but I think a lot of it is people just not thinking to post that cool thing they saw somewhere else or on another magazine.

There are also a lot features that have yet to be implemented on Kbin. Microblog federation is very poor, there isn't a built-in subscriptions panel, the image UI in post creation provides no visual feedback, you can't follow tags as useful as it would be, moderation is still limited unless you're the owner and have access to the magazine panel, etc. Of course, Ernest et al. can only work so quickly, and the progress that has been made so far is great — for example, the crossposting UI is awesome and has helped me discover more magazines — but the lack of features does still impact the experience regardless of what can be done about it.

Kbin is great, and I'm hoping that development continues at the current pace. Above all, I'm hoping that a few more people here decide to post a bit more regularly or at all.

Can't view the threads page of newcommunities@lemmy.world (kbin.social) en

Whenever I try to view the threads page of newcommunities@lemmy.world (i.e., https://kbin.social/m/newcommunities@lemmy.world), I get an error. It's only kbin.social where this happens, and it's only the threads page of this specific community. I can view the microblogs, the people, and even individual threads, but the threads...

/kbin logotype
ThatOneKirbyMain2568, a kbinMeta en
@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

Made a small update to my userstyle idkbin following the recent update. Colors the user follow & block buttons + some other fixes.

@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

No, this is a different thing that was around for over a year but that a lot of people weren't aware of until recently. Iirc, they were these karma-based blockchain points that a subreddit could have. Don't remember much of the details

@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

Apparently, this was actually a thing for over a year; it's just that a lot of us didn't know it existed until recently, when Reddit's recent bad decisions brought this one to light.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, a random en
@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

Made another small update to idkbin! The show preview button—which you can use to view images at scale without having to open the thread—is now colored so it's easier to spot and more obvious that it can be clicked.

@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

As someone on kbin.social, I'm not seeing it. I saw a comment in a similar thread saying that moderation done on Kbin doesn't federate to Lemmy instances, and I think that's the culprit here. @ernest (the Kbin dev) is working towards a full release, and I hope that it might fix this issue—or at the very least, that it's dealt with shortly after.

EDIT: Yeah, I looked at @science from lemmy.ml, and my God is it awful. This really needs to get fixed ASAP.

Blocking any domain seems to make certain stuff disappear (kbin.social) en

I moderate @mcsuggestions, and today, I noticed that my comments on the two most recent threads didn't show up when I was logged in. After some experimentation, I figured out that whenever I had any domain blocked, all comments on those threads disappeared. From what I can tell in this magazine, others are experiencing the same...

/kbin logotype
@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

Daily reminder that /kbin apparently doesn't exist and that the kbin.social in my username is just a hallucination.

@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

It's federated with Lemmy, yea, but it has a completely different layout with different features. I can straight up browse and interact with Mastodon from /kbin thanks to its microblog support, but you obviously wouldn't say /kbin is included in Mastodon. I think that the same goes for Lemmy.

Also, /kbin doesn't get a mention but beehaw (a Lemmy instance) does?

@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

I think that this is just for r/place (and even then it's still scummy), but if the Reddit executives have shown us anything, it's that they don't act according to rational thought. I could easily see them keeping this pixel icon as the default, no matter how stupid that might be. Or they might keep coming up with things to make new icons for so you always have to pay if you just want the default original.

You really never know with Reddit.

@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

They'd probably just remove that (and would have a good argument for doing so). I suggest either not giving it traffic or drawing links to Reddit alternatives.

@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

This seems like the dumbest decision imaginable. Users are flocking to alternatives, many of those who haven't don't trust you, and you're trying to become profitable … so you delete the stuff people paid for without any sort of replacement. What a genius ideaǃ Making the platform less unique and giving the middle finger to the people who give you money in one go!

There's no way a human adult is running this company. It has to be a council of toddlers run by a keyboard-smashing orangutan. At this point, they might as well start encouraging bots and karma farming. Maybe even pay people to do it!

Wait, what did you just say? They might actually do that?

The circus never ends.

@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

I really don't get why they're doing this.

Reddit has already showed how much it cares about its users. We've tried going private, we've tried going restricted, we've tried going NSFW, we've tried spamming John Oliver posts, we've tried asking nicely in open letters, and Reddit has consistently given its community the middle finger in every single situation. And now that we've seen the admins change rules, remove mods, ban users, and break privacy laws, the plan is to just do the exact same thing they did before in the hopes that it'll work this time?

If a blackout on the platform was going to get Reddit to change its mind, that would've happened already. The time to induce change was two weeks ago, when the protests had lots of momentum. But it didn't work, and trying to make another stand now is going to be even less effective.

I still think that the best move is to leave Reddit for alternatives like /kbin, Lemmy, and Squabbles. Thankfully, some of the comments on the /r/ModCoord announcement are also saying this. Instead of desperately trying to cling to a platform that doesn't care about you, go somewhere else.

@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

I think there is something to lose though. Aside from being a waste of time, it's a waste of user goodwill. We've already seen how momentum for this stuff wanes over time. If you wait too long before starting the migration process, people just won't be interested. Obviously, it's a gradual thing, but many moderators don't seem to have even started trying.

Which do you think is going to be more effective:

  • Spamming your sub with John Oliver shitposts, going private occasionally whenever /r/ModCoord says so, and then making plans to migrate when interest has gone down and people have returned to the status quo
  • Starting the migration process ASAP
@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

I agree: migrating a community is really challenging. I'm a subreddit moderator myself, and when we were initially discussing this stuff, there was a lot of doubt because of how daunting the task is. Mods from other subs see the challenges as reason to not even try. However, I think it's important that people at least make the attempt given the current state of Reddit.

Something that I think people should keep in mind is that this stuff is gradual and doesn't have to happen all at once, especially since the alternatives aren't fully polished yet. Even just establishing a small, active community outside of Reddit (like people have been doing with all these fediverse communities) is a big win.

Some of the best things we can do right now are

  • providing feedback and suggestions for alternatives
  • making sure alternatives are approachable (/m/quickstart is great)
  • simply being active and providing stuff to do here
  • Todo
  • Suscrito
  • Moderado
  • Favoritos
  • random
  • noticiascr
  • CostaRica
  • Todos las revistas