
Este perfil es de un servidor federado y podría estar incompleto. Explorar más contenido en la instancia original.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, a science en 3D-Printed Neural Tissue Grows And Functions Like a Human Brain avatar

Maybe home-grown human intelligence (HGHI)?

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, a RedditMigration en What's the point of all these UI changes? avatar

Yeah, they made a complete 3D Snoo. You can see it here. I think it's fine for the most part. It's just that the open smile that they used for the logo just doesn't work that well imo.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, a random en RTR#35 User profile enhancements: sorting options, new date range filter, reputation points fix avatar

Wait, there's a feed for all comments on That's interesting.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, a RedditMigration en What's the point of all these UI changes? avatar

I think if most people genuinely liked these features, you'd see people say that more when they're being discussed. What's more likely (and what I see way more often) is the second thing you mentioned: that most people don't really care and just go on with life. But if most users don't care, it again begs the question of why waste time making these changes at all. It seems like it's just to keep the UI design team busy more than anything.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, a random en RTR#31 Further refactoring, update Symfony to 6.4 and other deps avatar

Great changes! A spoiler tag button is really nice, especially since the formatting for it can be a bit clunky. On that note though, I think it'd be nice to have an alternate format for making spoilers that doesn't literally have the word spoiler in it.

It's also awesome to see that official collections are explicitly marked, but the way it's done is rather odd. It's a button that creates an "Are you sure?" prompt on the screen when you click it. It seems like something that's meant for instance owners.

I think something less obtrusive next to the collection's name would be better for marking official collections. I implemented that with a checkmark in my userstyle, and I prefer it to the button. Maybe have the text "official" show when you hover over it to indicate what it means.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, a random en RTR#29 Another boring update: Categories and bug fixes avatar

>announces categories
>announces fixes to a bunch of prominent bugs
>claims the update is boring

EDIT: In all seriousness, this stuff all seems great! I think "collections" would be a better name than categories though.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, a RedditMigration en Reddit's next step in getting worse. New Logo, that nobody asked for. avatar

I guess it's not the worst thing in the world, but who exactly did they think would prefer this? The logo it had was great — no need to change it.

At this point, I'm certain that platforms like Reddit and Discord just undergo random UI changes to keep the UI designers actually doing something.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, a random en RTR#28 New Homepage Options, Improved Aggregate View, Support Us Box avatar

Awesome stuff! I'm loving how these features are shaping up.

A few further suggestions on the aggregate view:

  • Like Threads and Microblog, All Content should have a number next to it (just the number of threads + the number of microblog posts).
  • I think the homepage setting should be split into "homepage feed" (all, subscriptions, moderated, or favorites) and "homepage view" (all content, threads, microblogs). That'd make the current dropdown a lot less cluttered.
  • It'd also be helpful to have a "default view" setting that applies when you go to any magazine or feed. For example, if I go to /m/Kurzgesagt and my default view is set to All Content, it'll start on the All Content view.

Should you keep the homepage setting as it is, there are a few issues with the dropdown:

  • When you select something, the only text that shows is the feed, not the view.
  • When you select something, the option that you currently have saved moves to the bottom of the dropdown.
  • Not sure if this has always been a thing, but the dropdown uses "Subscriptions" while the channel list in the header uses "Subscribed".

ETA: One more issue I forgot to mention — when you click All Content on the favorites, moderated, or subscribed feed, it sends you to the all feed.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, a random en RTR#27 Aggregate view, work on federation avatar

The aggregate view is really nice, especially on my sub page! This feature should hopefully be even better with the upcoming federation improvements assuming they'll tackle microblog federation, as that's quite iffy right now.

Since aggregate view essentially just combining threads and microblogs, it'd be best to have it as an option on the header alongside Threads, Microblog, and People. Maybe call it "All Content" or something like that to make sure it's clear what it is. Going with this, it'd also be nice to be able to toggle the default view (Threads, Microblog, All Content, or maybe People) in the settings.

ETA: Also noticed that the color of the new comment marker has been changed to be a lot less obtrusive (at least on darker themes). Very nice! Might be a good idea to have the color change with the theme.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, a RedditMigration en So... it's been a while now since the great exodus. How are you all doing my fellow refugees? avatar

On the whole, Kbin and the wider fediverse have been great! I feel that I've been able to engage a lot more meaningfully with others here, though that's likely due to it being relatively small. Likewise, I've been posting a lot more to help this place grow, which has been great.

The whole decentralization aspect is particularly great. From Kbin, I can view threads from other Lemmy & Kbin instances as well as microblogs from Mastodon instances, and it's great to be able to view all of those in one place with Kbin's UI.

All of that being said, there are definitely some growing pains, primarily related to activity. Outside of general communities on big Lemmy instances, people don't post much. This is the case with any social media site — way more people are willing to view or even engage with content than to post it — but I can't help but wish that some of the people voting and commenting on posts would also make some of their own and contribute to magazines. Often, this is due to people just not having ideas for what to post (speaking from experience), but I think a lot of it is people just not thinking to post that cool thing they saw somewhere else or on another magazine.

There are also a lot features that have yet to be implemented on Kbin. Microblog federation is very poor, there isn't a built-in subscriptions panel, the image UI in post creation provides no visual feedback, you can't follow tags as useful as it would be, moderation is still limited unless you're the owner and have access to the magazine panel, etc. Of course, Ernest et al. can only work so quickly, and the progress that has been made so far is great — for example, the crossposting UI is awesome and has helped me discover more magazines — but the lack of features does still impact the experience regardless of what can be done about it.

Kbin is great, and I'm hoping that development continues at the current pace. Above all, I'm hoping that a few more people here decide to post a bit more regularly or at all.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, a RedditMigration en Reddit mods dumped tokens hours before blockchain program termination avatar

No, this is a different thing that was around for over a year but that a lot of people weren't aware of until recently. Iirc, they were these karma-based blockchain points that a subreddit could have. Don't remember much of the details

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, a RedditMigration en Reddit is killing blockchain-based Community Points | TechCrunch avatar

Apparently, this was actually a thing for over a year; it's just that a lot of us didn't know it existed until recently, when Reddit's recent bad decisions brought this one to light.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, a kbinMeta en Spam from unmoderated communities/magazines avatar

As someone on, I'm not seeing it. I saw a comment in a similar thread saying that moderation done on Kbin doesn't federate to Lemmy instances, and I think that's the culprit here. @ernest (the Kbin dev) is working towards a full release, and I hope that it might fix this issue—or at the very least, that it's dealt with shortly after.

EDIT: Yeah, I looked at @science from, and my God is it awful. This really needs to get fixed ASAP.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, a RedditMigration en Yet another article about Reddit vs. Lemmy vs. others: "Discussing Three Reddit Alternatives After Reddit's API Decisions" avatar

It's federated with Lemmy, yea, but it has a completely different layout with different features. I can straight up browse and interact with Mastodon from /kbin thanks to its microblog support, but you obviously wouldn't say /kbin is included in Mastodon. I think that the same goes for Lemmy.

Also, /kbin doesn't get a mention but beehaw (a Lemmy instance) does?

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, a RedditMigration en Yet another article about Reddit vs. Lemmy vs. others: "Discussing Three Reddit Alternatives After Reddit's API Decisions" avatar

Daily reminder that /kbin apparently doesn't exist and that the in my username is just a hallucination.

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