


Este perfil es de un servidor federado y podría estar incompleto. Explorar más contenido en la instancia original.


Perhaps you could assert a copyright claim to the extent that you own your own modified version of the text of the rules - at least the sockpuppet would have to change the wording.

Just wanted a warning, Lemmy.World is perhaps worse than reddit at respecting their users (web.archive.org) en

I just suddenly found my user over there banned. Not for getting in a fight or breaking any rules, but just for criticizing and asking questions regarding its recent vague Terms of Service. In fact, no reason, warning, or reply was given beforehand, and the admin who did it suddenly scaled to banned, with no reply or anything...


Would love to hear more about the ansible way.


Hey OP, are you covered by the GDPR or CCPA?

If so perhaps you could ask for a copy of your data that lemmy world has on your former accounts, and report to the regulator if they ignore your request. Not sure if federation helps or hurts - like could you say that lemmy world must have something of your data since other federated servers still have a copy of your content?

Would be nice if there was a way to use the GDPR here to bring some addtional accountability to the lemmy world admins.

Reddit Activity Plummeted After The Protests - by Adam Bumas (garbageday.email) en

Last month marked the official end of the Reddit protests. Any subreddit that had changed its rules or gone dark — or forced its users to post exclusively about John Oliver — has now gone back to normal. On the surface, it seems like a complete victory for Reddit, but things aren’t so simple when a major element of that...


The one thing I never understood is why did the Oliver subs go back to normal instead of sticking with Oliver. Finally, interest was lost in the Oliver jokes and traffic was going down. So it would have been the perfect time to enforce Oliver and cut into the ads traffic that way. News articles at the time didn't show any indication that this was another moved forced by reddit admins so why did the mods seemingly cave in without cause?


Actually, @Shortcake got back to me two days ago and took care of the spam - or so we thought. I'm sending another message now since we're getting more spam.

I'm wondering if an email was sent out as part of the updates that @ernest and @admin are doing to kbin, which might have grabbed the mods attention here. The lack of email notifications makes it hard to keep up, I'm thinking.


I'm actually happy to give a vote of confidence in @Shortcake who did a great job moderating this magazine in the beginning.

If that individual would just return to checking this magazine more frequently, I'm happy to leave things as-is.

But if that's not possible, hopefully Shortcake will appoint someone as a third mod soon so this magazine can get cleaned up. (Speak of - any volunteers?)


If you check out the modlog, https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/modlog you can see that @Shortcake last did some moderation activity six days ago, deleting and blocking stuff from federated user imona at kbin.melroy.org

I think the admins like @ernest wouldn't do anything at this point, since the mod reappeared somewhat recently to reclaim the mantle. Instead, we need to figure out how to reach out to Shortcake and figure out how to get moderation more active here again.


Reddit's approach to replacement mod appointments has further damaged community trust in Reddit

Interesting that an article owned by the holding company of reddit (Arstechnica and reddit are both owned by Conde Nast) would be so critical of reddit.

OvergrownSkeleton, a RedditMigration en

How do you mod in Kbin?
I can't find any tools for modding?



Should be available for all moderators, owners should atleast have an optional option to enable that.

Seems like a feature request for codeberg, I suppose.

And what happened to the requesting subs function? When is that coming out?

I thought this would have been covered by an existing feature request but I can't find it on codeberg.

What's really odd is that I am sub'd to this magazine but I didn't see this post until I searched for @TheArstaInventor (for an unrelated thing). Getting worried that this magazine is effectively unmoderated, but would be happy to see someone like @TheArstaInventor get added as a third mod here.

This magazine is filling up with spam pretty quick so it is kind of urgent.

@OvergrownSkeleton @ernest


Perhaps the one and only time I'd be rooting for reddit...

The Reddit Protest Is Finally Over. Reddit Won. (gizmodo.com) en

The last major holdouts in the protest against Reddit’s API pricing relented, abandoning the so-called “John Oliver rules” which only allowed posts featuring the TV host. The article describes it as "the official end of the battle," which seems an overstatement to me, but it's the certainly the end of the initial phase....


I don't believe it's really over.

Reddark is still reporting 1839 subs are dark.

At least one 1+ million sub is still private, and at least one 10+ million sub is still restricted.

I'm surprised though - I've heard arguments that John Oliver was okay with reddit admins, so why the pushback now to drop it?


Try asking in /m/kbinMeta?

I get logged out on occasion but the remember me option works well when i log back in. So FWIW i'm not seeing this myself.



Though perhaps the redditor should have mentioned kbin instead of lemmy - that would have totally worked.


It's loading for me. YMMV


Not the OP redditor but the replying redditor.


I can't argue with that!

Be wary of spiteful Reddit users (kbin.social) en

In the past week and a half, I've noticed Reddit behaviors starting to try and poison all of the places that people are taking refuge in to get away from the toxicity, myself included. They've started to DDoS Lemmy for a while, which is a Reddit thing to do and what they're notorious of doing whenever they feel they don't like...


Hey, it's the fediverse! Make your own instance and your own magazines on there, and if there are like-minded folks who appreciate your moderation, your instance will grow. You'd generally not have to depend on the whims of other mods or admins that way, but have nearly full control over your own safe space.


they certainly can’t block me from reporting that it isn’t working, for them to accept it.

Is r/help run by admins? I can't remember.

Anyways, while I agree that they can't ignore your request for your data under the GDPR, i don't think there's a law saying that they have to acknowledge their website being broken. Technically it's fine for their system to be broken as long as you're able to submit a GDPR request (even if only by email), unfortunately.


Wow, the combined company notabug was already defunct in 2007? I wonder whatever happened to that company once reddit got sold off to Conde Nast


In the 2nd case they'd probably see reddit's true colours and run pretty early on though...


Be careful here, these tools don't always delete everything, see https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/t/47320/PSA-If-you-have-more-than-1000-posts-more-than

A better way is to make a GDPR request for your data and then use something like shreddit to delete it. If you can't wait, then you can also try the process described in https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/t/65260/PSA-Here-s-exactly-what-to-do-if-you-hit-the

I had them confirm that they won’t recreate it when I have deleted it

Important to retain this!

They still say that they will retain the IP used for creating the account. Not sure if this is legitimate data redemption after I have asked for my data to be deleted according to GDPR?

Only if they can find some other basis to keep it now that you've withdrawn your consent - e.g. some law in an EU member requires them to retain the IP address. Another example - they claim they need it in much the same way that the credit card money needs to know your personal info so they can continue collecting your payments until the debt you own them is paid off.

TBH, I'm hard pressed to understand on what alternative basis they are able to use to retain your IP address. This might be something to refer to your regulator for additional information.


Yeah, the point of the GDPR request - the data retrieval request - is to get a copy of all posts and comments, which can then be feed into a script that does the actual deletion. Note - I'm not saying that reddit should not do the deletion themselves - in fact I feel that they should, seeing how hard they make it to do it ourselves with their stupid limits.

Why do we need to ask reddit for a copy of all our comments to delete them? Because reddit has hidden limits and you can think you've deleted everything, only to realize too late (after you deleted your account) that a bunch of stuff got missed and now can no longer be deleted. See for example https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/t/46805/Strange-phenomenon-while-deleting-my-comments and https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/t/172540/How-can-I-automate-the-process-of-deleting-my-remaining and https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/p/425000/If-you-re-nuking-your-old-reddit-content-this-might-be

Worse, all tools like PDS will give a false sense of security here. You'll see from your profile that you have no posts and no comments left, but then you Google your own reddit username and find a bunch of stuff. (It's actually reddit and not the tools like PDS to blame for that false sense of security.)

It seems to have done the job though

My question is - how do you know? how did you check?


you are right! I only checked on my profile, so can’t be sure. It’s just misleading though if they still keep them.

Yup, that's kind of one of the biggest issues with them actually. It's incredibly misleading!

Anyway, it seems that they have already removed my account or at least removed access to it to me so there is not much to be done now i guess.

Yeah, I've heard this story before. Hopefully PDS got all of yours and hopefully this post will help others as well.


Finally showing up correctly for me.


Pro-tip: go to old dot reddit dot com from a desktop/laptop and unsub from there.


I think that's exactly why Meta chose the name.

What is Reddit CEO Steve Huffman doing? (theverge.com) en

One of the weirder phenomena of the low interest rate era in tech was a tendency to see companies primarily as investments. The goal was not to have a functional business, but an exit, often via IPO or acquisition. I have begun to wonder if that explains what Reddit CEO Steve Huffman has been up to lately....


Yeah we figured that out like a month and a week ago, during the time of the protests themselves.


Like how the article points out that "landed gentry" revolts against royalty tend to be more successful.


Such a scam. Also completely believable - remember Reddit's NFTs?


Doesn't look like this is enough to shut down PullPush. I wonder how they're getting their data now.


Wonder if the lack of an API for kbin affected the article? (kbin will have an API, it has it already technically, but more dev work is needed before it's ready, but it's just a growing pain as kbin is newer than lemmy, this is also why there are more apps for lemmy than kbin.)

Likewise with Beehaw - it's just a lemmy instance, but they've defederated with so much of the rest of the fediverse that perhaps to a newcomer it feels like an island.

Doesn't excuse the shoddy journalism but if we know why these mistakes made it to print then maybe we can come up with a way to do something about it.


Wonder if that's actually what affected the timing? The John Oliver protests were drying up perhaps? Losing protest traffic - so they reopened r/Place now in the hopes of getting folks to come back to reddit to protest one more time, on redrdit itself, while increasing traffic and ads revenues.


Any hope for Awkwardtheturtle I wonder?

Well thats that for the reddit app - just uninstalled it off my phone (kbin.fedi.cr) en

Hardly ever used it, but got a notification from it on my phone the other day which reminded me I still had it on my phone. It was still linked to my old reddit username which got suspended permanently a month or two back, so I finally got around to taking it off....


Your lemmy account should work from there, but you might have to search the magazine for the post in that case. I'm not sure how to do a fediverse link to a specific thread/comment, let alone one that works on lemmy.


That is just one long big bad joke. Something similar happened to me.

Btw, how do you know it was the streeview link that did it even? Was it just the timing? Could have been a coincidence. I almost wonder if they're using some machine learning crud to figure out who to ban, and the machine is just giving random stupid answers and no human is checking to see if it's valid.


I tried to appeal mine, but unlike you they wouldn't give me an answer or even tell me what grounds it was on. The second and third appeal got no replies, period.

ArtBear, a random en

I think the best outcome of the ongoing Reddit corporate trashfire would be if each subreddit mod team opened their own Kbin server for supporting and migrating their community, running their way.



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