


Este perfil es de un servidor federado y podría estar incompleto. Explorar más contenido en la instancia original.


kbin is newer and less polished. But yeah I personally recommend kbin over lemmy for exactly the reasons you posted.


shreddit does this - both the $15 shreddit.com and the free scripts available from github

shreddit does use the API tho, something to keep in mind.

FYI we are tracking GDPR request timelines: https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/t/50981/Reddit-Data-Retrieval-Request-timeline-thread


One idea is to create your own single user instance rather than signing up at another. I've started working on that, see https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/t/92059/Why-we-need-to-move-on-from-kbin-social#entry-comment-393077 (bug in the comments means it just takes you to the front page for now but go to the last page and you'll see my comment).

I asked https://kbin.social/m/FindAKbin/t/104416/A-magazine-to-discuss-and-trade-tips-on-setting-up but it seems there's no magazine yet for folks who want to do this, so I created one, https://kbin.social/m/CreateAKbin and will be posting my updates there soon.


The newcomers are reproducing what they did on reddit.

Yup. Two words: anime titties.

(Edit: for those who weren't from reddit, r/anime_titties was a running in-joke being the name of world news that specifically avoided a US and European focused POV.)

PSA: anyone still looking to protest, promote fediverse, any form of rebellion ON REDDIT, the place to do it is r/pics. you can post anything with basically no censorship. as long as you mention John Oliver somehow, the mods aren't going to bother you! (kbin.social) en

r/pics is wide open to all kinds of anti reddit posts, calls for spez to resign, whatever you want with the current rules right now....


Well.. this is not quite accurate. It seems that people who are on only to shitpost and protest make less ads revenue for reddit, see https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/t/112071/Reddit-protest-plunges-user-engagement-site-activity-and-ad-portal


Here's a better one that points to a connection between protest engagement and lower ad revenue : https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/t/88139/Reddit-traffic-returning-normal-sort-of


This would have been superhandy in the days when kbin.social was on cloudflare and that stopped the PWA from working on android.

What's the difference between a PWA and this app btw? I know that technically a PWA uses the other browser but it appears as an entirely separate app from that browser and you can have them open on different sites and so forth.


Ditto. This is exactly what I did.


The folks of rblind aren't fooled. That's why they set up their own lemmy instance already and are recommending migrating off the subreddit.


Thank you for your service and welcome aboard!


Now all this content is unhelpful because the sub is private

You could try sending a modmail to see if the mod will give you access to the sub so you can see your own content, or send you a copy of a specific post or comment.

or the original question context was deleted.

One thing to note is that this happened all the time on reddit as folks either deleted their question and throwaway account as soon as they got their answer. Other times folks would ask with their main account but used something like shreddit once a month. So this isn't exactly new to the protest.

When I move my content to its new home, I usually avoid naming the questioner and I briefly summarize their question/responses. This way the content has the added context to be understandable.

If the post is from Feb of this year or older and you forgot the context but want to save the content, you can search for the post in the pushshift torrents - if it was deleted as part of the protest then the pushshift torrent will have the original content in it and you can restore the context that way.

This really bums me out that all this energy and effort has gone to waste.

Additional effort is required to do what I do, but the result is that the effort has not gone to waste, instead folks who want it can view it on the fediverse.

There is something to be said about abandoning and moving on without burning the bridges in the process,

From my POV reddit burned those bridges.

rendering not only your content as useless,

It's not useless, it now serves to move people away from reddit. Remember, with reddit you never know when you will be permabanned - it seems to happen entirely at random nowadays.

but other people's as well

Mostly I've only seen three categories of this.

  1. A throwaway or an account not logged into for a while. The owner if still alive probably doesn't have the access to move it away anymore anyways.
  2. Content that is still present under "[deleted]" - person got hit by a 1k limit or something and missed deleting that before deleting the account.
  3. Content from a mod, who has't moved off yet as they're trying to hold onto the sub for the protest.

I figure I'm better off moving my content with context anyways, since that prevents the person in 1. or 3. from coming back and confusing the context.

The other thing I do when commenting is quoting extensively, that way the context is clear from my own comments.


I'm still struggling with whether or not I'm going to astroturf my comment history
I kinda feel like it does more harm to people just looking for answers than it ever will to Spez if I were to remove it

Here's what I recommend to have the best of both worlds, while still taking advantage of mass editing tools.

Create a magazine or two on kbin specifically just to hold your content.

Copy it over and paste it into your mags.

Mass edit your content on reddit with the usual message, but also include a link to your kbin profile. Folks who want to see the useful content can still find it that way.


I'm leaving my comments intact because I doubt that Spez is really going to benefit much from them in the long run anyway
The technology behind AIs

I think rather than AI the idea is to reduce ad revenue by moving content off of reddit so folks will stop checking reddit and thus reddit has fewer ads seen.


I'm leaving my old posts up for anybody who might be helped by them

You could move them here and link from reddit - folks still get the help but reddit still loses ad revenue overall (as word-of-mouth and search engines slowly start to repoint others in need to the fediverse instead of reddit)


Instead of "all the answers are gone because of these stipid protests."

I could it as a win either way. If they're frustrated with reddit, they leave, and engagement goes down.


More the second one. I joined that lemmy sub using my kbin


Welcome aboard! Which app is that?


Thank you for your service! Right on!

Any good scripts that will mass edit your reddit comments? (kbin.fedi.cr) en

I want to change all my reddit comments to say I'm migrating to Lemmy/Kbin. I think this is more effective than deleting comments, as I've heard rumors reddit is restoring deleted comments. I can't find a good script to do that. What's everyone else using to do that? Thanks!...


As others have said, PDS is a good choice as it avoids a need to use the API. (It does depend on old dot reddit dot com however, but that's not going away tomorrow.)

Do keep this in mind however, https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/t/47320/PSA-If-you-have-more-than-1000-posts-more-than

In short you need to request and get the GDPR/CCPA archive from reddit to make sure you wipe everything. (Some folks can live with just wiping out their top posts and comments however, for which PDS is perfectly fine.)

The downside is that afaik there's no way to feed that archive to PDS. You'll need to use an API using script like shreddit to edit everything.

You can see what I did: https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/t/65260/PSA-Here-s-exactly-what-to-do-if-you-hit-the

If you do decide to put in a data retrieval request, there's a timeline tracker: https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/t/50981/Reddit-Data-Retrieval-Request-timeline-thread


To stop scrappers, offer the same pricing as API to anyone using the web version of reddit. (New or old doesn't matter.) Ordinary users have to pay, per thousand comments, to see reddit.

Actually, do the same thing with the official app (since folks could otherwise use it for free and take screenshots or something). But leave the ads in too.


Reddit admins using that "feature" to post under other usernames perhaps? I dunno if there's a way to check but I wouldn't be surprised if these folks were not actually subbed to the sub that they seem to care so much about.


More to the point, I took it off of reddit, but moved it onto the fediverse. Folks who need that advice I wrote many years ago will still be able to find it, they just have to look elsewhere than reddit for it.


Keep it up mods! It is working!

Instead of deleting your Reddit account, consider using chatgpt to make comments instead (kbin.fedi.cr)

And make sure not to click on any links. If enough people use chatgpt or other LLM's to generate comments that are wordy but clearly just filler, it'll give advertisers pause and tank the value of the site as training data. Reddit's response will probably be to start banning users it thinks are doing this but normal users will...


I'm fine with either approach honestly. Both remove the valuable human generated content from reddit so both are a strike against them in my book.


This article did not age well.


Power to you, mate! Let's go get 'em!


We are tracking timelines on this here: https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/t/50981/Reddit-Data-Retrieval-Request-timeline-thread

So far very few reports of folks actually getting anything.


Be careful. When I tried this it didn't quite work - I got a handful of comments, but a bunch were missing and the csv was obviously truncated. Others have reported similar results as well. See https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/t/71867/Poll-Power-Delete-Suite-users-are-you-saving-your-content

I had another way of grabbing everything, see https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/t/65260/PSA-Here-s-exactly-what-to-do-if-you-hit-the

Power Delete Suite issues (kbin.social) en

I'm having an issue where comments aren't edited at all (not the same as other issues I don't think where it gets cached and changed, as far as I can tell). Recent ones, old ones, random one in between, regardless of sub. I don't have skip gilded actions on, saved actions, or mod distinguished. Anyone know what's going on? I've...


A more nuanced explanation is available here, https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/t/101759/Reddit-violates-CCPA#entry-comment-413421

TLDR reddit might not be restoring data that the user deleted, but there are some funky cases where it's easy to miss stuff when deleting manually. Which is exactly why Update #1 is so bad - it's basically impossible to delete everything without reddit's help.


Thank you for your service! This is exactly what we need.


Very smart! In a way this is good news. It suggests that editing to overwrite is effective - you aren't seeing your old content restored, but the edited version. Agree with the ridiculousness of having to delete again and again.


Great metaphor for reddit HQ's handling of the protests!

Reddit feels like it's gone back to 100% normalcy already. Was the protest a failure? (beehaw.org) en

I was looking at reddit today, and the front-page felt like nothing happened. I scrolled and scrolled and scrolled and clicked into comments. Everything is popping off buzzing with activity. All the subreddits I was subscribed to that went dark are now back up and business as usual....


The other thing to keep in mind is that looks can be deceiving. Reddit has had over half a month to clean up things like r/all from the fallout of the protests.

But my guess is, if you ask someone at reddit if it's now gone back to normal, well, https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/t/112071/Reddit-protest-plunges-user-engagement-site-activity-and-ad-portal & https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/t/86420/Six-verified-Reddit-employees-discussing-the-current-atmosphere-at-the


About nine months ago - it's from CMX Summit 2022, so either 14 or 15 of September 2022.


Agreed. That's exactly why I thought having the extra context on the timeline (so folks understood what "recent" was referring to) was good to know.


I'm sure users will step forward if they care.

This is the part I didn't quite get. Like I am sure that there were users who requested this sub in r/redditrequest after r/TIHI became unmoderated.

For some reason I don't understand, these requests did not pan out and it ended up getting shut down instead.

At the very least, users stepping forward doesn't seem to be enough on its own.


TIHI stood for Thanks, I Hate It. I never browsed but figure it was a meme sub on things to dislike.


Agreed. I just tried to state what they said - in my defense i never said that what they said made sense because as you just said it doesn't really make sense.


Yup. Count myself as one of the eye rollers.


Ah possible. Maybe Narwhal 1 was still able to get an exemption under this rule (because reddit never defined what an accessibility app was) and is just keeping mum about or downplaying the accessibility angle.


So the metrics that reddit controls are showing that things are going down. How bad must things be that even reddit can't hide it from their metrics now?

If we could truly measure good vs shallow engagement, I wonder how much worse these numbers would be.


Thank you for your service!

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