@mihnt@kbin.social avatar



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Stuck between distros right now. (kbin.social) en

So, this sucks. On Mint, Firefox was running super sluggish to the point of being unusable. I reinstalled Ubuntucinnamon because I enjoyed using it when I had it installed, but between me last having it installed and now there seems to have been an update that has broken cinnamon's system tray. Which, for me, is a major...

@mihnt@kbin.social avatar

Package manager. Flatpak was twice as bad.

@mihnt@kbin.social avatar

It wasn't the only application being slow, but it was the one that stuck out the most for obvious reasons. I just installed Mint, updated everything and everything had a few second delay when it concerned the internet. I did some digging around and the problem was so broad that it would've taken too long to pinpoint so I went back to ubuntu.

@mihnt@kbin.social avatar

Well, the Mint install was doing that from Fresh. More concerned with ubuntu cinnamon though as I prefer it. Both times I attempted an install on that were from freshly formatted drives and the only things I had installed was steam and discord. Still the only things I have installed really. First install was from a 22.04 iso image and then upgraded from the desktop to 23. Second attempt was with an actual 23 image. It was broken right out of the box.

@mihnt@kbin.social avatar

Between a 1-5 second delay before anything internet related would start loading. So, I'd wait the 1-5 seconds and then it would actually start loading content.

@mihnt@kbin.social avatar

It was computer wide, but most pronounced on Firefox.

@mihnt@kbin.social avatar

The funny thing is that the recent iso I had of ubuntu cinnamon was pretty much bug free. Like to the point someone had to talk me into switching over to Mint. I regret doing that now.

@mihnt@kbin.social avatar

Yeah, I think I'm throwing in the towel with ubuntu cinnamon. There are more and more bugs popping up now. I don't know how in the world it was so stable before and now it's a fucking mess.

So if that issue is still there on Mint I guess we're about to find out.

EDIT: And I'm back and the Mint issue persists. sigh

@mihnt@kbin.social avatar

Not recently, but when I was back on ubuntu cinnamon everything was all snappy and quick. It's back to being all slow on Mint.

@mihnt@kbin.social avatar

Do both for that sweet double dopamine rush.

@mihnt@kbin.social avatar

It ignores their names and just labels them as external drives. As a reference, when I was running Nobara, it was not doing this. However, the drives were NTFS at the time. They've since been wiped and formatted to ext4.

Also, the mount point shown in the screenshot isn't their actual mounting point. Their actual mounting point is "/media/mihnt/250" and "/media/mihnt/500".

@mihnt@kbin.social avatar

Yes, I've been on and off using Linux since Mandrake was the go to distro so I've gotten some things written to memory but am by no means a master. lol

I ran across an article last night explaining the UUID thing and quickly grew tired enough to go to bed. Going to have to wrap my head around it at some though it seems as all these lovely comments are leaning that way.

@mihnt@kbin.social avatar

When I use blkid it is showing me the UUID and PARTUUID. I'm assuming I use the UUID over the PARTUUID?

@mihnt@kbin.social avatar

Yes, thanks. They are mounted up at reboot.

edit: Now steam is giving a disk write error. Permissions?

When I was setting the drives up I set them with the command line "sudo chmod ugo+wx "/where/the/drive/ismounted"".
Was this not correct? Steam itself can write files as it's already setup the folder heirarchy, but when it attempts to download any game it throws a disk write error. When I check the permissions of the folders it working in it looks like the screenshot in this post.

@mihnt@kbin.social avatar

Would that be persistent for all files/folders created after the change is made? Or just existing files/folders?

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