I haven't been on Reddit since the 11th... Anyone else? (kbin.fedi.cr)

Just realized that the other day.

I had initially intended to feel it out and honor the blackout from 12-14, then figured, "I'm here now, might as well ride out the month if Reddit isn't responding in any meaningful way to the community's requests" and now I think I'll just be in the fedi apps for the foreseeable future.

It's different here, but it hasn't been a struggle and it gets better and better with time. Feels nice to not support inhumane and user-hostile endless corporate greed.


I stopped using reddit cold turkey when the blackouts were announced. It’s been 3 weeks now and I’m better off for it.

@iAmTheTot@kbin.social avatar

Same. Found kbin, signed up, haven't looked back.


Same. This reminds me a lot of old reddit. Thank God for that

@rm_dash_r_star@lemm.ee avatar

Same here, not missing it.

@tkohldesac@kbin.social avatar

Yup! Same here. Had someone recommend kbin on mastodon so I made my way here. Deleted 2 10+ year old Reddit accounts and cut all ties. I went in anonymously to check out what happened with that submarine but otherwise cut all ties. The amount of my life I've taken back by dropping that site is incredible. I didn't realize how much of my time was spent doomscrolling there. Now I'm playing guitar, playing games and building web dev projects with all the time I'm saving. I never got into Twitter but from my understanding a lot of people have had my same experience dropping that site too.

@dismalnow@kbin.social avatar

I think it might have been me. Are you rawb or gristle?

Regardless, I am fond of the fact that the fediverse is small enough to where that's not a ridiculous question to ask.

@tkohldesac@kbin.social avatar

Gristle - Thanks for the recommendation!

@dismalnow@kbin.social avatar


@b00m@kbin.social avatar

I've noticed my browsing behavior really improved again after 13+ years on reddit.
I seek out more individual content, get my news from actual news sites and find more interesting stuff to read.


I noticed that in my insatiable craving of information I am now reading the newsletters in my email inbox that have gone unnoticed for years!

@ForestOrca@kbin.social avatar

DownloadedDeleted both my 12+ year old accts. Moved to Kbin / Lemmy / Mastodon - I'll settle into a rhythm with the new one. And yeah, Reddit had gotten addictive for me, so it's best I move on anyway. Yay Open Source!!

@Frog-Brawler@kbin.social avatar

Well it’s good that you’re honest that Reddit was addictive, but I hope you realize that you’re just replacing your addiction with a similar addiction. It’s like detoxing off of whiskey by drinking home brewed beers.

@ForestOrca@kbin.social avatar

What a coincidence, I'm also a homebrewer. LoL

@Jojo-Mcfrost572@kbin.social avatar

So you haven't cut ties if you were on Reddit reading stuff

@tkohldesac@kbin.social avatar

I guess you're right, hahaha!

@TechyShishy@kbin.social avatar

Ouch. We wish we could say we had the same experience. Apparently, doomscrolling was part of what was keeping us afloat. Once we dropped that, we sunk much deeper into our depression. We're glad that you had a better experience though.


This is my exact situation. 10+ year old account. Once Apollo announced its shutdown I went ahead and downloaded redact and scrambled previous comments. Spent a few days searching through different socials and landed on kbin. I check it less frequently for sure. But I’ve gotten a lot of time back.

@tkohldesac@kbin.social avatar

Same! Didn't even realize I had a bunch of replies to this comment til just now. Feels good to be free.

@Semmelstulle@kbin.social avatar

I've been boycotting Reddit for three weeks so far but I did come back today. I deleted my content and commented about a possible GDPR (DSGVO in German) lawsuit if they bring back my content. I recorded my user page pre deletion, while deletion and after deletion. I have the exact date and time in the global menu so there is no fracking around from Reddit. I'll happily contact the German agency responsible for GDPR complaints.


I’ve been dipping in and out, but frankly I can see myself leaving it behind entirely in the future. It’s really, REALLY apparent how toxic and miserable the majority of Reddit is when you’ve spent time using a platform where the main point isn’t to collect as many upvotes and awards as possible at the expense of empathy for your fellow humans.


I check in every once in a while, at least until Apollo stops working. I mostly just stick to giving people Reddit alternatives or explaining the federated internet so people aren't scared of such a simple thing.

Selfishly I just didn't want to use the Official App with ads. But once there's a viable alternative to Reddit, and it's actually better than Reddit, why would I go back? "hurr durr cause I can get a thousand updoots on my post". Who cares? It's about the quality of engagement. I was surprised how many people unironically care about their internet points and tie their identity up with a website.

@yunggwailo@kbin.social avatar

I still casually browse because im a messy bitch addicted the drama but I foresee myself stopping using it when the 3rd party apps die.

@melonpunk@lemmy.world avatar

Nope. Once the announcement was made about the blackout I found Lemmy, removed Reddit from my favourites, abandoned Apollo and closed the chapter.

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@Maestro@kbin.social avatar

I went back to Reddit today, to delete my 12 year old, 25K karma account and all my posts and comments. Otherwise I haven't been there. Occasionally some search result will take me there for something hyper-specific thing, but I haven't browsed reddit since I joined kbin.


I deleted my account about a week ago. I haven‘t been to reddit for a few days.


I still check in on my local subreddit, but I don’t participate.


Basically same here. Only exception is when I’ve googled a question I had and ended up there.

@ginerel@kbin.social avatar

I didn't quit. I still have an account with roughly, 19000 karma, where I posted and commented some interesting stuff, as well as shitposts. It became quite personal to me, as it wasn't Facebook and discussions were more genuine and clever.

I'm still under the shock of the entire thing. I still enter periodically. However, this whole thing feels so foreign. Foreign, yet so familiar. Since I had my account. And the discussions are kinda the same. The same I went in, the same discussions that I enjoyed. Yet I feel I no longer belong in that place. That is no longer representing me. And I kinda find it weird.

However, I love this place. I love Kbin. I love the fediverse. I love the fact that I no longer need x accounts and x apps for all my social needs. With one account, I can follow stuff from everywhere. And I do not get ads. I get the content. I am not the product of a social network. :D


I was just thinking about this this morning. 14 year old account. The only reason I've been back in the last couple of weeks has been to work on purging my comments, posts, etc and to harvest information from saved posts (all with the intent to delete the account entirely on the 30th). I do find myself missing some subreddits occasionally, but for most of the content I've been able to find suitable alternatives.

What I have really noticed is how much browsing reddit had become an "idle activity" for me - don't have something immediately in front of me to do? Why not browse reddit? It's become really apparent just how much time every day I was wasting there.

@DarthYoshiBoy@kbin.social avatar

I've been checking into my user page just to see if they've sent me my user data backup I requested a while ago. Other than checking for that message, I've been 100% clean and it hasn't been terribly hard. Between Kbin and Tildes, I've been getting all the commentary and aggregation that I want or need.

@snailwizard@kbin.social avatar

I used to check there every day but it's been two weeks of not. It's great! I'm checking out here and Lemmy (I like kbin's layout and vibes a lot, but Lemmy has beta apps lol) I feel like I've had more time for life.

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