
Este perfil es de un servidor federado y podría estar incompleto. Explorar más contenido en la instancia original.

HubertManne, a opensource en Evernote restricts free users to 50 notes. Time for open-source alternatives? avatar

thanks. this is good.

HubertManne, a opensource en Evernote restricts free users to 50 notes. Time for open-source alternatives? avatar

which makes their name ironic. What happens to free users that already are above 50?

HubertManne, a science en Scientist, after decades of study, concludes: We don't have free will avatar

Assuming his hypothesis is true I find this rediculous from the article:

"The world is really screwed up and made much, much more unfair by the fact that we reward people and punish people for things they have no control over," Sapolsky said. "We've got no free will. Stop attributing stuff to us that isn't there."

How is it made more so. We have no free will over how we reward or punish people. If the world is screwed up and his hypothesis correct then its exactly as screwed up as its supposed to be and our lack of decision neither make it worse or better. It just is.

HubertManne, a RedditMigration en Reddit mods dumped tokens hours before blockchain program termination avatar

whats sad is it does not need to be. gridcoin has a steady value based on the grid computing it provides (outside of a brief spike when idiots where buying anything labled as crypto). As far as I know its the only example where the value has any meaning.

HubertManne, a RedditMigration en Reddit has started assigning power mods to subs they took over. avatar

Can you be a bit more specific. Top or bottom?

HubertManne, a RedditMigration en Does anyone regret deleting their Reddit account? avatar

still have not done it. still have not recieved my data. got to get off my ass and email complain to them and maybe look to see how to make a gdpr complaint or how long before they are in violation

HubertManne, a RedditMigration en Fediverse won't replace Reddit as long as Lemmy is the main platform being promoted avatar

I don't want the fediverse to replace reddit. I just want a place to post and share stuff without corpo baggage.

HubertManne, a RedditMigration en Porn Historically Decides Tech Adoption... Fediverse? avatar

yeah honestly I see the communities votes as somewhat a tool if there is a lot to go through but another aspect I would like is for it to weight votes. I can't login in anymore so I have no idea how the project is going but wts2 had where you can put a trust score for users 0-100 based on how your like their content or comments. That is exciting to me to as I would prefer the feed to be based on my opinion of the quality of peoples stuff rather they have generally garned through gamification on the community system.

HubertManne, a RedditMigration en Porn Historically Decides Tech Adoption... Fediverse? avatar

yeah I generally am not looking to win. I consider some of the best discourse to be when someone changes my mind. I don't block people though to end a converstation. I just stop replying. blocking was becuase the person just replies with insults and just generally behaves badly. So its not about a particular discourse but about just wanting to be completely seperated from anyone like that.

HubertManne, a RedditMigration en Porn Historically Decides Tech Adoption... Fediverse? avatar

not really. I really don't want any interaction anymore generally so I would like them to not even see my comments. I realize its a big ask and quite likely something that will never happen but that would be the ideal for me. Not just comments but posts. They can reply to someone elses post on the same topic. I for all practical purposes would like to cease to exist for the person and vice versa. Don't see thier posts or comments or anything.

HubertManne, a RedditMigration en Unpopular opinion: deleting your Reddit account is 100% justified, but mass-scrambling all of your posts and comments with an online tool is worse than leaving them as is avatar

Its sorta funny because I was having a back and forth about how I would like blocking to go both ways where I don't see their stuff but they also do not see my stuff. I have gotten many replies saying, hey, you can't change their feed. But folks removing reddit comments technically are changing folks feeds in the same way.

HubertManne, a RedditMigration en They stole the internet from the people and we have to take it back avatar

The bastards stole their power from the victims of the Us v Them years, wrecking all things virtuous and true
The undermining social democratic downhill slide into abysmal. The lost lamb off the precipice into the trickle down runoff pool...

HubertManne, a RedditMigration en Porn Historically Decides Tech Adoption... Fediverse? avatar

fair enough. I guess what I mean is I want the toxic individuals cut completely out of my (virtual) life. I don't want to post for them to troll. I don't want them part of a conversation im replying in. I don't even necessarily see this as ever happening as it is a big ask. Im just saying what would to me be the ideal. I don't want to listen to these folks or talk to them. I essentially want the amish shunning system but on an individually controlled basis.

HubertManne, a RedditMigration en Porn Historically Decides Tech Adoption... Fediverse? avatar

See thats the thing. I don't block individuals willy nilly. I curate heaviest from the top down. Also I think what your talking about only happens at the point of the block. In the long run it just curates the content. The real problem, like pretty much all the problems, is folks doing wierd stuff like making multiple accounts and playing around with the system. But that kinda thing has issues all the time. Individuals can act like their own bots with multiple accounts upvoting/boosting and downvoting and having discusions among themselvs. Our really only defense against it is the individuals ability to currate to the max. At least in my opinion. I wonder how much this comes down to viewpoint. I am thinking of this very much selfishly from my own experience and what I want to get out of this. Thinking just now are you thinking more in terms of the community at large? My hope with the federation is instance allow for both theoretically. So I could ultimately live in my shadow banning heaven that federates with every thing while some folks will have less extreme things but the instance will defederate content to protevt them a bit and whatever. Maybe some better form of up and downvoting will happen too.

HubertManne, a RedditMigration en Porn Historically Decides Tech Adoption... Fediverse? avatar

I respect that but for me I want to get away from these people in all ways. I go to a bar and because of a few assholes I stop going even though there are some folks I like. There is no way around it. Technology holds the promise to be able to stay at the bar. Making others invisible to me but not becoming invisible to them is in some ways sorta scary. Especially when you consider im not looking to make folks invisible only some. A good example is I like discourse but if someone response is something like "well then stop being a jerk you pussy", well that is not the discourse I want so I block them. I don't see thier brilliant responses to my discourses now but as you say lurkers do or whatever. That is polluting my discourse and I did not want to talk with this person anymore. I really don't know how to convey this honestly but anyway I don't think mine is the end all be all its just what I would want and I totally get others not wanting it. Ultimately I will take half a loaf like most things in the world but I would leave for an instance that has what I want in an instant.

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