
Este perfil es de un servidor federado y podría estar incompleto. Explorar más contenido en la instancia original.


Power delete suite only deletes comments visible in your profile, and if you have more than the profile is able to display you'll need to rely on the GDPR request file to manually delete the rest. I've had to go through and do that, since despite my profile showing nothing checking some comment links from my GDPR showed that there are comments that weren't deleted due to reddit comment display limitations.


I don't think it is because the comments got restored but because the reddit profile can only display something like a 1000 comments, and scripts like power delete suite can only delete what the profile shows.

For the rest you'll need to request GDPR file and the check each comment link provided to delete the ones the scripts weren't able to delete.


Still not getting anything, so tried it with the --gdpr-export-dir part removed for just

shreddit --username YouRedditUsername --password YourSuperSecretPassword123 --client-id clientidreplace --client-secret clientsecretreplace

Same blinking cursor. When I do just put in the command like shreddit --version I do get back shreddit 0.9.1 so seems to be properly installed.

I guess I might try again later.


I tried the dry run but didn't get anything back after running command. I must just have to go the tedious route of deleting comments manually over the year from time to time.


I used that one to delete my comments and submissions, but when I did a search of my username there were some that it wasn't able to delete. Turns that for those the GDPR data reddit sends you needs to be used to go through and delete those comments individually. Haven't had luck setting up shreddit so been going through the permalink provided in the data request and deleting it one by one.

It's mixed in with data that was successfully deleted, so in 30 days I'll request another one for a more cleaned up list that only contains the undeleted material.


Could you do a step by step guide on set up? I'm clueless so don't even know where the shreddit.env file is after installing through cargo. Had tried the manual method too of downloading the Linux file on github.


I think I'm understanding it. So I should use txt to make the env file and put it in a folder with my extracted csv file. What command should I use to run the env file? That's something I haven't encountered before on Linux.


So just run like the usual command? like

shreddit --username YouRedditUsername --password YourSuperSecretPassword123 --client-id clientidreplace --client-secret clientsecretreplace


Thanks for the help. I'll give this method a try. Hope it works.

It took a while but I finally got my Reddit data export ( en

It took several weeks but I finally got my Reddit data export for my account. If it wasn't already obvious, the direct messages there are not encrypted in any meaningful way. One interesting variable I found was in the file named "statistics", there's a variable named "is_deleted" which is set to false. This makes me wonder if,...


I did a data request and then it took a while to receive my data, so I used power delete suite delete in case the API stopped working. Rewrote and deleted my comments.

In my file there was comments overwritten with the writing I had put in before it got deleted. It was gone but present in the data export. So seems it was at that time the data back up was done they were not deleted, but what was rewritten was present.

There were also comments and submissions that didn't get deleted by power delete suite even though I can't see them in my profile. So those I have to go through manually using the csv file to delete them. Trying to get shreddit working to automate that process.


Trying to figure out how to set this up. Got my GDPR files, but instructions seem really involved. Wish there was a video or photo guide.


Thank you that helped it make more sense seeing an example like that.

How can I automate the process of deleting my remaining comments that scripts weren't able to delete by using the csv file received from my GDPR data request? ( en

I ran into the profile limit so no more comments show up, but they are still on reddit with the csv file having links to the ones that haven't been deleted. There's too much for me to do it manually so would appreciate help if there's some tool to automate the process.


Thank you I will check this out.


Treat it like a personal blog maybe? Like Tumblr or a journal. Might help get over the mental hurdle of people not being present, and viewing it like your own private web page just for you. Posts also help it show up in all so eventually someone will see it.


Haha I visited with being logged in and it was true what you said. So many rate me sub content. Someone disagreed saying it is your algorithm. I wanted to sign in and comment to say no go log out and see what reddit shows by default when you browse all, but resisted.

Is there a way to create a temporary container that will disappear as soon as I close the tab? ( en

I know there are addons, but would be nice to have something native built in instead of having to trust an addon. Current method without addons that I know of is creating a container then deleting it, but that's not as convenient and pretty cumbersome....

A purplish-white FireFox logo over a rainbow backdrop

I did try that, but found that it still remembered site info for accounts I was logged in until fully I closed everything related to the firefox browser. So containers has been easiest solution except for the process of manually creating and then deleting ones I didn't need anymore beyond the one session.

I had used Temporary Containers, but it hasn't been updated since February 8, 2021. Not actively monitored for security by Mozilla either so stopped using it. That addon was a perfect experience though for what I wanted.

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