
Este perfil es de un servidor federado y podría estar incompleto. Explorar más contenido en la instancia original.

daredevil, a random en RTR#40 Further planning of the ActivityPub module, something is happening regarding mobile apps avatar

Happy to hear you're getting some time in for yourself. The constant updates have been a joy, but downtime is important too.

daredevil, a random en Grouping subscriptions of instances that share the same name/topic avatar

kbin has this -- the feature is called collections.

you can make public that others can follow, or private ones to make curated feeds for yourself.

daredevil, a AskKbin en ✨ What is your favorite thing about kbin? ✨ avatar

You mentioned a lot of things that I generally really enjoy about as well.

⭐ The admin @ernest is an incredibly hardworking, kind, supportive, and an all-around good person. This is my tip top most favorite thing because good leadership and communication is essential to a good and thriving community. Ernest is a star!

Same, he also gets bonus points for listening to, and implementing suggestions. Some of them have come quite quickly as well. These factors when combined have made me feel like I'm really a part of the community.

⭐ I enjoy making scripts/styles for kbin. kbin is the reason I began learning JS, HTML, and CSS. I am so happy I started learning, and it's all thanks to kbin.

Cheers to that, I actually use one of yours -- specifically the one that changes the layout of profile pages.

⭐ No malicious, tricky, over-calculated algorithm. It's very straight-forward and honest here. I love seeing a mix of upvoted/downvoted comments in comment sections too, rather than just top upvoted, because it makes me feel more apart of the conversation with everyone. Your contributions and thoughts won't get drowned out by upvoted witty remarks, that is truly unique to kbin (and maybe elsewhere on the fediverse?).

Agreed -- I think Mastodon also functions similarly. It makes a bit challenging at times, but I'm open to experimenting with it.

⭐ kbin gives me the urge to contribute, interact, and create because our contributions have actual impact. Can't say the same for other sites. Everywhere else is lurk only.

Hard agree -- though it wears on me at times when I'm unable to get some engagement going after keeping at it for so long. I've changed my mindset about it a little while ago, so it's not too bad.

⭐ Tightknit but welcoming. kbin is small enough that I run into familiar people all the time, and I recognize usernames everywhere.

Agreed, and to add onto this -- profile pictures are pretty easily recognizable as well.

⭐ Authenticity. kbin is authentic and real. It's not pushing a product, not manipulating what you see, not building an ad profile. It is what a forum should be.

Yeah, adding on one of your points again -- it's very reminiscent of what used to feel like. However, at the same time, it feels like something more due to the addition of . may not be super popular on /kbin, but I think they're a stellar addition to the forum experience. I've had some nice back-and-forths with users from the comfort of /kbin's UI. I think there's more potential in what you can do with them, too.

daredevil, a random en RTR#30 Monthly Recap and Planned Next Steps avatar

Do you have any favorites that have significantly improved your instance experience?

  • @kbinDevlog -- transparency and continuous updates were probably the biggest thing for me. Thank you @Ernest.
  • Transfer of abandoned magazines
  • Request for magazine moderator
  • Improved account and magazine deletion
  • Anti-spam protections
  • function

Regarding Collections: I'm wondering if it might be useful to allow transfer ownership of collections as well? Probably low priority, but this could be useful if:

  • The owner becomes inactive
  1. A magazine or community becomes problematic + has inactive moderators
  2. Other magazines/communities become more/less relevant over time, thus the collection needing adjustments

Re 1:

  • Could be mitigated on kbin magazines due to magazine ownership transfers, however, may pose an issue on federated magazines from lemmy
  • Also could be mitigated by the creation of a new collection, hence probably low priority

Re 2:

  • Could be low priority in regard to certain magazines/communities becoming inactive over time, however, the chance to miss out on discussions and threads should possibly be considered
  • However, this is also mitigated by also creating new collections -- I just think people generally like to avoid migrating when followings settle in.

Transferring collection ownership could also be excessive/unnecessary? Thoughts? Does the status of an official collection change automatically based on the user count?

Also regarding collections: After following a collection -- going to a collection's page and attempting to unfollow is described as "delete". This may give off the wrong impression to unfamiliar users. Perhaps "unfollow", or "unfavorite" may be better suited? I also wonder if it may be more appropriate to have favorited collections appear at the top of the collections view so users can quickly find the collections they follow in order to avoid being buried by the popular ones. This could also potentially be solved by giving subscribed collections its own tab in the navbar next to magazines? Is that perhaps too many tabs in the navbar?

Anyways, thank you so much Ernest. I know some people were unhappy about /kbin's development progress for awhile, but I'm really glad I stuck with it. Despite the challenges that came your way, watching you get back into the swing of things and /kbin's growth has been a joy to be a part of. The consistent communication and having our feedback be heard is also a big plus. As always, looking forward to what else is on the way.

Edit: Also, really glad to hear you're prioritizing sustainability, balance, and a strong foundation for the future. I hope you're able to get the support you're looking for, so you can give this project the time and effort you think it deserves. It's clear you care a lot about this project.

daredevil, a random en RTR#29 Another boring update: Categories and bug fixes avatar

Incredible. I can confirm it works now.

edit: I was going to make a public for , but you beat me to it. :)

Interested folks should favorite this below for a streamlined view of @kbindevlog and @kbinmeta

daredevil, a random en RTR#29 Another boring update: Categories and bug fixes avatar

I did not expect to see the / feature be implemented so quickly after mentioning it in only two threads ago. It's really exciting watching develop. However, when I tried making a private and public test case, both returned with 50x error. Even though some actions are successful despite showing this error, I couldn't find my attempts at using this feature under Settings > Collections or Magazines > Collections. Regardless, your work is certainly appreciated.

daredevil, a random en RTR#27 Aggregate view, work on federation avatar

Fascinating update. Microblogging seems to less important to /kbin users in my experience, but I find this aggregate view very useful. What is the fav change you're referring to? Bookmarks will be pretty handy--I've seen people asking for this a decent amount. I realize this is a test version, but it would be pretty cool if the aggregate view will allow one to combine magazines in the future. Not urgent of course, but it would really help alleviate how fragmented some communities feel at times. That being said, really impressed with the consistent communication and development on /kbin, Ernest. Looking forward to that next post of yours.

daredevil, a random en RTR#20 Fix communication with the Threadiverse, new Support Us page avatar

Exciting stuff, thanks for your hard work.

daredevil, a random en /kbin RTR#15 Cleanup Continues, Nodeinfo 2.1 Support, KES 3.0.0 avatar

Sounds like you're laying a solid foundation -- glad to hear it. Looking forward to the update. Cheers, and thanks for your hard work.

daredevil, a kbinMeta en What are your thoughts on Microblogs vs threads? avatar

I empathize, as I've spent quite some time trying to learn about content federation trying to manage my own magazines. However, /kbin is younger than its Mastodon/Lemmy counterparts, while trying to provide a unique space that allows for both types of content to exist on the same platform. While there are things that need to be resolved, I'm quite satisfied with the recent update, personally.

daredevil, a kbinMeta en What are your thoughts on Microblogs vs threads? avatar

Microblogs on /kbin are essentially short-form posts. There are times where microblogs revolve around a specific topic, but this is not always necessary. On /kbin, they are generally associated with keywords (hashtags) that allow a microblog to be sent to a magazine that targets/accepts the tag, which then appears in the microblog feed. However, on Mastodon/Twitter, you can simply write posts that get grouped with the posts of other users or your own previous posts without replying to a specific original post.

Writing microblogs and utilizing tagged keywords allows people to search for the information the writer deems fundamental to the topic they're writing about. This enhances discoverability and reduces noise, as you are able to quickly browse any and all posts that are specifically tagged with those keywords.

For example, the @cats magazine will have an influx of posts on Saturdays from Mastodon instances which are tagged with . Writing microblogs in this way makes it so creating a thread every Saturday in @cats isn't necessary. This has a nice side effect of minimizing the need for megathreads that were found on Reddit.

Additionally, you can also search for (and click on) to review exercises that I have completed in the past. There are additional posts in the @learnjapanese magazine that would not include this information. By using this tag, you can access the posts that specifically pertain to my studies.

This is in contrast to /kbin threads, where the content of the thread is the centralizing topic of discussion as opposed to the keywords.

For example: our replies are centered around what the OP has asked instead of any keywords in the original post or subsequent replies. However, /kbin is more unique than typical forums, as we can the comments to achieve a similar functionality to microblogs. Honestly, I would like to see this feature be utilized more, but ç'est la vie.

daredevil, a kbinMeta en What are your thoughts on Microblogs vs threads? avatar

One of my favorite things about /kbin is that it utilizes threads and microblogs. In my experience thus far, users here seem rather shy. I don't hold it against anyone though, because I totally understand.

Federating content from the likes of Mastodon is very helpful for having discussions trickle in from the fediverse. I think it's also really helpful for establishing an ongoing daily discussion space so the thread feed isn't as cluttered. IMO, there's more potential beyond that, too (Think: drawing everyday for a month, photography-based posting/challenges while using tags for content organization, language-learning exercises, the list goes on...).The combination of threads with microblogs has shown me the power that lies behind content federation. As a result, /kbin is by far my favorite of the fediverse platforms so far.

I still have some minor issues with how it currently works. Currently, I believe the name of a magazine causes hashtags with the exact same string to federate content to that magazine. The magazine that matches the desired hashtag also takes priority, even when the hashtag isn't assigned in the magazine's settings. An issue with this is that if any subsequent magazines try to federate content using that hashtag, it won't be able to do so.

It seems as though microblogs can only federate content to either the magazine that matches the hashtag in question, or the magazine that uses the hashtag first. There's also an issue where a microblog that uses multiple hashtags will only federate content to the magazine with the first available tag. E.g. if someone writes an unused tag for the first, followed by , then third, the post would only go to the kbinmeta microblog section. It would be lovely for microblogs to be federated, or even mirrored across magazines (as in child comments/replies) that implement the same tag. Hopefully, this could also be done without adding excessive overhead to Ernest/the server. Perhaps even offer the ability to have a magazine choose to refuse federating tags that match the magazine's name.

There are also some minor issues with moderation federation, but I don't exactly want to specify here, because I'm worried it could be used maliciously.

That being said, I can't wait to see how /kbin will mature.

daredevil, a random en /kbin RTR#10 Remove unused code, revert user mode, comments score, some fixes avatar

Cheers, happy to help. The energy in this post is heartwarming as well. Thank you for the update, as well as your hard work.

daredevil, a kbinMeta en To those genuinely interested in moderating avatar

I've taken care of it. 🙂

daredevil, a kbinMeta en update avatar

I'd love to see a changelog, and I'm sure others would love to as well.

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