atlasraven31, a RedditMigration en Reddit Activity Plummeted After The Protests - by Adam Bumas

I’ll argue that people that left Reddit for better places did win. Lemmy itself is less susceptible to corporate BS shoved at end users.

ForestOrca, avatar

I'm on Kbin, and feel that this shift is a majorly positive one for me both in short and hopefully in long term. I had two accounts, and one became a much more active than the other over the course of about 12 years. I dl'd my content, erased it, and left without looking back. I've used the more obscure acct to check on things a few times, but really don't have time for that. Onward! We've got a Fediverse to build!

ShellSurf, avatar

Similar here, I actually comment occasionally. More than that, I've gone back to self hosting multiple things, I've shifted away from Google, all good changes I think. Prompted by reddit changing the api price, who would have thought they'd have such a positive influence on me.


I wonder how many people, like me, ended up drastically reducing their social media use altogether, at long last. I still pop in here now and again, but I’m not spending anything like the amount of time I spent on reddit.

ForestOrca, avatar

Reddit became a significant time sink for me. I'd already backed away from FB and IG. Kbin seems a better fit for me, and it's a customizable fit. Yay!

scabrous-leper, avatar

@Lowbird me as well! a good thing!

@Arotrios @atlasraven31

ryan, a RedditMigration en Reddit Activity Plummeted After The Protests - by Adam Bumas

I would have a slightly different takeaway from this - it's the vocal users, the ones that commented and posted and were active contributors, who were pissed off and left. I would wager a good amount of lurkers who idly browse memes and upvote content have remained.

In the short term, Reddit still ends up with ad impressions, no change, there are a ton of lurkers. But in the long term, this becomes a bit of a death spiral - less new content for the lurkers and they're more likely to be peeled off onto a more active platform with fresher memes, and the remaining contributors have less people to talk to and so they, too, are peeled off elsewhere.

This also means, if Reddit wanted to curate and sell their text data for AI training, that there's suddenly much less of that coming in. Whoops.


Point taken, and I’m definitely not disagreeing with you BUT…

Where did those high value users go then? They’re definitely not here

Arotrios, avatar

In my experience, they're split between the Mastodon side of the Fediverse and the Lemmy side. On Kbin, which bridges both, and where you can follow users, you end up with a pretty rich feed if you follow enough people and places - I've got about 100 communities subbed and 300+ users and my feed is better than Reddit's ever was.

Another thing to note is that your instance benefits from your discovery - it doesn't start indexing posts from another instance until someone from the first instance subscribes to it. This means a lot of smaller instances get lost in the shuffle, but they're out there - you just have to find them. I've noted that this is much more difficult to do on my Lemmy account than my accounts with other software, so you might benefit from an instance jump if things feel dry on your current account.


You’re high value to me, friend.


Hey, thanks! Back atcha!

scabrous-leper, avatar

@ryan Yes, I posted daily, really enjoyed my interactions with various sub-groups of humanity, and now...I set up an outpost , a reddit lurker account, but generate zero traffic. no pics no text... I imagine that mine was a fairly common response...



I've also seen some mentions of it being caused by the new API changes messing with the tracking so not allposts and comments are counted. Anyone has better insight on this?

wilberfan, a RedditMigration en Reddit Activity Plummeted After The Protests - by Adam Bumas avatar

I haven’t posted to “my” subreddit since the protest. (Posted over 100 times on Lemmy tho.) I check in occasionally to make sure it hasn’t gone full Lord of the Flies, but…

nicetriangle, a RedditMigration en Reddit Activity Plummeted After The Protests - by Adam Bumas avatar

Most major subreddits show a decrease of between 50 and 90 percent in average daily posts and comments, when compared to a year ago

I want to believe this is due to the protests and people noping out (and I bet some of it is) but this observation ignores the Covid effect.

Reddit aside, basically every online community I frequent has seen a major dip following the end of the worst of the pandemic. Slack and Discord communities I have been in for years have tanked considerably. Tons of YouTubers I follow have dropped off majorly in the frequency of new videos. Forums are way sleepier. Engagement on a lot of social sharing platforms I use is way down.

I think a big chunk of this is people being able to go out into the real world again and also having spent a couple years being chronically online because that was kinda all there was to do. And now they're wanting anything but that.

nicetriangle, avatar

All that said, I resigned from my mod positions on a few pretty large subs, wiped my 120k karma account of all comments and posts, and haven't submitted a single thing to the site in about 2-3 months.

Good riddance, tbh


Yeah, thr reduction of 90% maybe caused by covid recovery. But AskReddit, for example, has dropped off suddenly almost 50% in the end of July based on here (scroll down to comments and post per day)


If you look at the charts the drop started in July. Most people stopped caring about Covid last year. I don’t think it was that much of a factor.


A year ago was already well after the worst of the pandemic though.

JRichardson, a RedditMigration en Reddit Activity Plummeted After The Protests - by Adam Bumas

If Reddit continues their way, it will be another social media that will probably be either Remembered. Or Forgotten. Either way, it is digging their own grave.
It's a shame, I happen to love Reddit! I am a current member on there. But if it continues, I will most likely stay on here.

Rayspekt, a RedditMigration en Reddit Activity Plummeted After The Protests - by Adam Bumas

I am really happy that Reddit supposedly lost its core members by large. I just hope that it won't take ages to restart the hobby communities that I appreciated the most.

abff08f4813c, a RedditMigration en Reddit Activity Plummeted After The Protests - by Adam Bumas

The one thing I never understood is why did the Oliver subs go back to normal instead of sticking with Oliver. Finally, interest was lost in the Oliver jokes and traffic was going down. So it would have been the perfect time to enforce Oliver and cut into the ads traffic that way. News articles at the time didn't show any indication that this was another moved forced by reddit admins so why did the mods seemingly cave in without cause?

Pandoras_Can_Opener, avatar

Probably got threatened with removal behind the scenes?

Gargleblaster, a RedditMigration en Reddit Activity Plummeted After The Protests - by Adam Bumas avatar

Is Reddark still being updated? Cuz it still shows 1600+ subs as dark.

Is this yet another individual announcing the end without really knowing if it's over?

bbplay13, a RedditMigration en Reddit Activity Plummeted After The Protests - by Adam Bumas

I've been on Reddit a few times since the third party fiasco. (looking up old responses to help with an issue I had) It seems just as lively, but something is definitely different. Everyone seems like bots, or one person running the same account. I just can't explain it, glad I'm gone though, it's just not fun anymore.

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