cmnybo, a linux en [SomeOrdinaryGamers installs Arch] I Installed The Hardest System Known To Man...

Arch is pretty easy to install, it just takes a bit more work than most distros. Try LFS if you want something hard.

guckfoogle, a RedditMigration en Corporate greed is destroying Reddit, so I'm leaving

you mean destroying the internet

McBinary, a RedditMigration en Corporate greed is destroying Reddit, so I'm leaving avatar

I went to reddit a little while ago to check on the status of my favored reddit app, and past the top 15 or so posts is the same shit I saw days ago. New content there has seriously dropped off.

thingsiplay, a linux en Why Corporate Owned Linux Distributions are a Bad Idea avatar

@wave_walnut Thanks, the recap was important to understand what happened so far. As it seems, the writing was on the wall. Now I understand why so many was against Red Hat, similar to how they were against Canonical (but for other reasons).

wave_walnut, avatar

Thank you. Same as you, I get a little more why RedHat and Canonical are criticized by peoples from his explanation.


In the past, I've got upvotes for dissing Canonical. The funny thing is that I'd get downvotes instead if I replace Canonical with Ubuntu.

dedale, avatar

It makes sense, people who know what Canonical is are a smaller demographic.

thingsiplay, avatar

@bedrooms That's interesting. Maybe it's a psychological effect to think of a company making money when reading about Canonical, and in contrast to think about Linux and community and the actual software when reading about Ubuntu. Just throwing out my thoughts, not sure if that is a thing.

exohuman, avatar

I don’t get the Canonical hate. They are innovative and have contributed a lot to the Linux community. Also, Linux is their focus. Without companies like them, development would be a lot slower.


Because they dare to make money off of precious, precious Open Source. We only like full commie software here, thank you.

Really though, the Canonical hate is down to their usage of telemetry and other shit that literally everyone uses but few are as up front about. You'll always get some purity testing wankbag whining about one feature or another and because it doesn't pass their precious test that nobody else on this shit-hovel planet cares about the whole thing is garbage and needs to be destroyed as a product. Fuck the hundreds of thousands of people that use it at home and office and production server environments... they're all dumb and need to adhere to my personal standard of what FOSS is.

You know... those wankbags.

PabloDiscobar, avatar

French police: we saved millions of euros by adopting Ubuntu

Glad to see that you agree with the french police, Tenet.


Someone’s favorite distro got criticized, damn.


I have no favorite distro. Linux is a shit-tier masturbation aid, not an operating system. Every distro is 95% the same, with various bits of visual cruft stapled onto them in a desperate attempt to draw one group of assholes or another based entirely on what the OS looks like.


That’s not even accurate. You really need to get a grip, or at least learn what makes a desktop environment separate from the OS in unix-based OSs.


Aaaaand now we have the fucking jackoff that's going to tell you that literally NOTHING is actually the OS except for the kernel itself and maybe some drivers so if anything is shit it's not actually the OS that's the problem it's the distro... FUCK. THE. FUCK. OFF. you WORTHLESS boat of human assgravy.

Oh sure, they're totally fucking different. That's why you can install ANY FUCKING LINUX SOFTWARE ON ANY FUCKING LINUX DISTRO.


And I will keep repeating this until the shitbag mods DELETE THIS FUCKING ACCOUNT LIKE I FUCKING TOLD YOU TO And I will keep repeating this until the shitbag mods DELETE THIS FUCKING ACCOUNT LIKE I FUCKING TOLD YOU TO And I will keep repeating this until the shitbag mods DELETE THIS FUCKING ACCOUNT LIKE I FUCKING TOLD YOU TO And I will keep repeating this until the shitbag mods DELETE THIS FUCKING ACCOUNT LIKE I FUCKING TOLD YOU TO And I will keep repeating this until the shitbag mods DELETE THIS FUCKING ACCOUNT LIKE I FUCKING TOLD YOU TO And I will keep repeating this until the shitbag mods DELETE THIS FUCKING ACCOUNT LIKE I FUCKING TOLD YOU TO And I will keep repeating this until the shitbag mods DELETE THIS FUCKING ACCOUNT LIKE I FUCKING TOLD YOU TO And I will keep repeating this until the shitbag mods DELETE THIS FUCKING ACCOUNT LIKE I FUCKING TOLD YOU TO And I will keep repeating this until the shitbag mods DELETE THIS FUCKING ACCOUNT LIKE I FUCKING TOLD YOU TO And I will keep repeating this until the shitbag mods DELETE THIS FUCKING ACCOUNT LIKE I FUCKING TOLD YOU TO And I will keep repeating this until the shitbag mods DELETE THIS FUCKING ACCOUNT LIKE I FUCKING TOLD YOU TO And I will keep repeating this until the shitbag mods DELETE THIS FUCKING ACCOUNT LIKE I FUCKING TOLD YOU TO And I will keep repeating this until the shitbag mods DELETE THIS FUCKING ACCOUNT LIKE I FUCKING TOLD YOU TO And I will keep repeating this until the shitbag mods DELETE THIS FUCKING ACCOUNT LIKE I FUCKING TOLD YOU TO And I will keep repeating this until the shitbag mods DELETE THIS FUCKING ACCOUNT LIKE I FUCKING TOLD YOU TO

thingsiplay, avatar

@exohuman It's not hating everything, but criticizing certain aspects they did in the past or they do now. I don't know how long you are using Linux, but I did start with Ubuntu in 2008 and used it exclusively for 13 years (approx.). Just because a company was good in the beginning does not mean it is now too.

Examples why is listed in the above linked video. In the past, Canonical was criticized for not working on Wayland and instead creating their own alternative that is MIR. Due to the popularity of Ubuntu, that would make things in the Linux world complicated as MIR and Wayland need to be developed and supported. Instead using GNOME or any other existing desktop environment, they started their own. While I found that perfectly okay, in the beginning it looked like focus on tablets and was not good in the beginning (I actually liked Unity desktop environment later).

Now they are pushing Snaps, which will create another eco system that besides Flatpak. And it is mostly just for Ubuntu. Snaps were bad in the beginning, so it got a bad image from the start. That's not all. The servers for Snaps is proprietary. And you can't just add another source to Snaps, like you can do with Flatpaks. Meaning if you have your own server with Snaps delivery, you need to opt out of Snapcraft .io servers from Canonical. Do you want know more? One of the reasons I left Ubuntu was that Snaps are spamming the loop devices (most don't care). Then there is this clunky PPA system, which has some problems too (and why Canonical ties to switch to Snap instead).

What else do we have? Ah yes. Do you know about the Amazon incident? Ubuntu had spyware built-into their search functionality, where Amazon would get search queries without the consent of the users.

And not all, there was plans to drop support for 32 bit libraries, which would make gaming with Steam really bad. Obviously this is not something everyone cares, but that was an important reason for many not to use Ubuntu anymore. Because of the uncertainty.

I am not suggesting that everything is bad! Just listing a few things why the community started to dislike Ubuntu. Also nowadays nothing innovative comes from Ubuntu; it's stale, it's boring. Which is fine if you like that, but that is not innovative or leading anymore. The landscape of alternatives changed. I personally don't hate Canonical or Ubuntu. I stopped using it for several other reasons too, not just because of the listed problems. Some exaggerate and start hating in the internet.


@thingsiplay What do you use now instead of Ubuntu?

thingsiplay, avatar

@bmanhero Hey. 2 years ago I switched to Manjaro. Used it 1 and half a year and wasn't happy with it anymore, as it has its own problems and controversy, which I'm not getting into here. And half a year ago I switched to EndeavourOS, which is more closely based on Archlinux. It's very quiet different from Ubuntu with its rolling release model and community driven development of Archlinux and EndeavourOS. This was the main reason for me to use it, as I wanted to have the newest version of software that is available, plus the fantastic AUR.

I'm a bit more advanced nowadays and can handle that. Would not recommend it as a drop in replacement for Ubuntu; there are way more similar distributions.


And not all, there was plans to drop support for 32 bit libraries, which would make gaming with Steam really bad. Obviously this is not something everyone cares, but that was an important reason for many not to use Ubuntu anymore. Because of the uncertainty.

This contributed to Valve switching SteamOS to Arch.

thingsiplay, avatar

@falsem I remember. But at that time, Steam OS 2 was already based on Debian and not Ubuntu anymore. Steam OS 1 was based on Ubuntu if I remember correctly. Therefore what Ubuntu does wouldn't affect Valve anyway. So I don't know how much this played a role in switching to Arch. So the timing might be just coincidence.


This is a pretty good summary of their shennannigans:

SentientRock209, a opensource en A discussion on paying for open source software | Louis Rossmann and FUTO

The video above is a discussion between Louis Rossmann, a philanthropist and a programmer who use and advocate for the usage of open source software. The connection between all three of them is that the philanthropist heads an organization called FUTO that gives grants to people developing useful open source projects and Louis Rossmann (I believe) is an employee of that organization and the programmer Aiden is a recipient of that grant. The conversation goes over the complication in trying to monetize and fund open source software that's typically expected to be free all around.

For those curious about the FUTO organization, you can find some of their links below.

Twitter -
FUTO Youtube channel -

e_t_, a RedditMigration en 360-Degree Encirclement: Ukrainian Troops and Allies Engage Russians in Assault Footage

What relevance has this to RedditMigration?

Gordon_Freeman, avatar

It's a bot. report and block

oshu, a linux en [SomeOrdinaryGamers installs Arch] I Installed The Hardest System Known To Man...

I find this tone and style to be an instant turn off.

GustavoM, a linux en [SomeOrdinaryGamers installs Arch] I Installed The Hardest System Known To Man... avatar

Excuse me, sir… but your meme is severely outdated – archinstall is a thi–


…I’m afraid my lack of capacity of pity against memers has failed me now.

Downvotes are just below this post. Thank you for your time.

Horik, a linux en [SomeOrdinaryGamers installs Arch] I Installed The Hardest System Known To Man... avatar

I think it's a sign of a very niche mental illness that I keep laughing at Linux references in the wild.

adonis, a linux en [SomeOrdinaryGamers installs Arch] I Installed The Hardest System Known To Man... avatar

fedora-tippers call the "hardest system"

Said no Fedora user ever.

I, a Fedora, user switched away from Arch, but not bc it was the "hardest system", but bc I wanted something I don't have to babysit myself.

Speaking of "hardest system"... Arch is a toy compared to Gentoo or LFS. Give these two a try and then come back.

thingsiplay, avatar


He is talking about Gentoo and LFS (being harder) in the beginning phase of the video. And in general he does talk a lot meme talks and don't mean it literally. It's probably just a joke or a wink to a friend of him using Fedora.

Other than that I appreciate his take on the installation, explaining all the things along the way. And with the 3.5 million subscribers, I think it will reach and teach a lot users to Arch and Linux in general. His content isn't even Linux centric, that's why this tutorial on the main channel is a highlight to me.

8BitFriendly, a firefox en Why should I use Firefox? (share this vid on your socials!) avatar


Please share & upvote!

GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar

The only thing that caught my eye is the age of the video. I'll upvote it but that fact might drag on people's responses.

catarina, a random en Music question avatar

From Galicia (NW Spain): Baiuca
From Portugal: Bateu Matou

kimagure, a RedditMigration en Corporate greed is destroying Reddit, so I'm leaving

Well, YouTube filled with corporate greed too, yet you still on YouTube.


And one of the first points in the video is about how they’ll continue posting their content on reddit to help with views…

Somehow they haven’t seen any issue with this though. Way to take the moral high road ragdoll!


I really wish there were more viable alternatives to Youtube, but since so many peoples' livelihoods rely on having the largest audience possible, they're pretty much forced to use YouTube.

BaroqueInMind, a science en Making Infrared Cooling Paint From Grocery Store Items (w/Novel CaCO₃ Microsphere Synthesis) avatar

NightHawkInLight is such a great edutainment channel, I fucking love that guy!

Jarmer, a linux en Why Corporate Owned Linux Distributions are a Bad Idea avatar

I'm pretty happy with my Tumbleweed installation, and I don't think I'll be leaving anytime soon.

raspberry_confetti, avatar

Right? Like it or not, we live in a society dominated by money. A very small number of Linux distributions have found a way to sustainably produce an excellent product. That's a good thing. The alternatives are either burnout or insecurity.


And let's not forget that a lot of contributions to Linux have come from Red Hat and other companies.

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