

Este perfil es de un servidor federado y podría estar incompleto. Explorar más contenido en la instancia original.


Read the documentation on the sudoers file. You can specify particular commands to not require a password.


That is a fascinating image. It lets you see how color information is encoded in video. The vertical green bar is a glimpse of the luma (Y) channel. To the left is the chrominance blue (Cb) and to the right is the chrominance red (Cr). But the chroma channels are (obviously) supposed to be aligned with the luma, yielding full color video. Unfortunately, I can't offer a suggestion why they aren't aligned.


It may be important for OP's dual-boot setup to note that Windows should be used to check an NTFS filesystem.

Is there any media cataloging software in linux that automatically shows which files don't have 2 or more copies? (kbin.social) en

I lost 2-3 hdd's due to old age and lost all data on them. Some other 2-3 hdd's make a lot of noise while in operation and probably failing. I use VVV to catalog the stuff and to see which files have 2-3 copies, i need to manually search each file name. It's really tedious. I was wondering if there is another program that does...


This is what RAID is for. Duplicate, or at least spread, data across multiple disks so that a failure of one disk doesn't result in data loss.


What relevance has this to RedditMigration?


I'm hosting at home. OpenSUSE running in a Proxmox VM.


Well, from my home hypervisor. I'm not running it from my daily-use laptop.

The Reddit Protest Is Finally Over. Reddit Won. (gizmodo.com) en

The last major holdouts in the protest against Reddit’s API pricing relented, abandoning the so-called “John Oliver rules” which only allowed posts featuring the TV host. The article describes it as "the official end of the battle," which seems an overstatement to me, but it's the certainly the end of the initial phase....


I used to spend hours per day on Reddit. Now I visit once or twice a month, read-only. My subscription is canceled and all my posts/comments deleted. My "front page of the Internet" is now here.


Baloo is the file indexer for KDE. It has little or nothing to do with Akonadi.


I have a Dell R720XD as my home NAS. I bought it used off eBay. The XD version has 12x 3.5" drive bays. I have eight of them occupied with 8TB spinning disks. The server runs TrueNAS and the disks are part of a ZFS RAID. I spent a few hundred dollars on the server itself, a hundred or so on more RAM, and $2200 on the hard drives.


I don't like it when a project's website only says "here, run this Docker container" and doesn't have manual setup instructions. I don't want to just run a black box Docker container, I want to know what the knobs are and what they do.


My subscription was going to renew on July 3rd, but I let it expire. That seems like a wiser decision every day.


I felt like the subscription was reasonable for the amount of time I spent on Reddit.

I think the rush to recreate communities is a bad idea. (kbin.social) en

If you recall reddits growth many of their communities evolved as offshoots of a single generic community. This made it easier for people to see discussions they normally would not get involved in, and once the posts in a similar category reached critical mass it moved to a sub Reddit....


You might go with PC hardware. Just "hardware" could refer also to nuts, screws, and door hinges.


When I used shreddit, I pointed --gdpr-export-dir to the directory where I unpacked the archive from Reddit, not directly to comment.csv.

When the command is working, it's pretty verbose.


You could run it under strace, e.g. strace -f -o shreddit.log shreddit...

That'll show you the system calls it's making. You might be able to tell if it's waiting on a network request or local I/O. You can find guides online how to read strace output.


Why do I suspect that, even if one were to spend 8 hours a day on Reddit, making comments that all were gilded, you'd still earn less than minimum wage?


There definitely were personalities on Reddit, like poem_for_your_sprog, who gained a following. I could see sprog making appreciable money with the proposed system.


I'm still on Facebook because of that's how I keep up with friends I no longer live near, but you know what Facebook has been loath to show me recently? Posts from my friends. Easily 75% of my feed is sponsored or "recommended" content. If they're not going to show me the one and only thing I come to the site to see, I might as well not come to the site.


I think you click on the Message button on their profile.


But Reddit does have a dick: its CEO.


I recently got my export from Reddit and did exactly this. It took shreddit the better part of two days to delete all 18000-odd of my comments.


How did you achieve the blur on the left and right while leaving the center focused?

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