
Esta revista es de un servidor federado y podría estar incompleta. Explorar más contenido en la instancia original.

Lilkev, en So what corners have redditors gathered to during the blackout? avatar

I'm using mostly, I will just follow Lemmy communities from kbin once federation is re-enabled. It doesn't make sense to me to have an account for Lemmy AND an account for kbin if they're both part of the Fediverse.

I am also using Mastodon, even though it's part of the Fediverse. I'm doing this because it's more like Twitter, and the tweet equivalent on Mastodon is the same as a "Microblog" on kbin.


Ditto on the last point. I understand other Fediverse platforms like Mastodon and such should just work with others like Kbin/Lemmy, but the UI's are so massively different. So I've went with the idea of having separate accounts. One for my existing Mastodon instance and one here on Kbin. To me it feels like the best way to manage it.

As a bonus to all of this, I should be able to easily follow my Kbin account and boost posts over on Mastodon if needed once federation is all sorted.

Lilkev, avatar

One additional plus to using kbin over Lemmy is there's no "Microblog" feature on Lemmy. So if you follow Mastodon accounts on Lemmy, you won't see anything. Whereas if you follow Mastodon accounts on kbin, their posts will come in as Microblogs!

aroom, avatar

and everything is still being developed. the fediverse experience is going to be better and better.

aroom, en When introducing members to kbin/lemmy don't mention the fediverse! avatar

I don't really agree with this because the fediverse is not only interconnected by a technology (ActivityPub) but also by some shared values, like inclusivity and kindness to each other.

so for me it's important to agree to embrace those values if you want to be part of it. it's not just a replacement for other platforms. users that experienced the twitter migration know what I'm talking about.

if an instance becomes toxic, il will simply be de-federated and continue to live on its on , on a secular island (a good example of this is, who is not accessible from for obvious reasons). I really don't want this to happen to here.

so please let's keep what was on reddit on reddit and build something new here.


While I agree that it's important for people to have an understanding of the values that the fediverse are founded upon, as well as associated etiquette, I still don't think that the fediverse itself needs that much of an explanation for people to reach that understanding. Though platforms may provide tools that can be used for malice, a tool is only ever as good or bad as the intent of the person using them. I don't think someone necessarily has to understand the technical aspects of the fediverse to know how to treat others. Maybe to put things in better perspective, like how much of a communal aspect there is to the efforts that maintain this network, but I think most people will get to that understanding on their own regardless if it's truly in their intent. Inclusivity and kindness aren't concepts that are unique to the fediverse, but human concepts that people learn, and unfortunately unlearn over entire lifetimes. And above all, I believe the best way to teach and convey values to one another will also always be the most intuitive: by example.

aroom, avatar

I think that it's important for users to know where they are.

and I think that it's critical to fight technological illiteracy, raise awareness about how it works, who's developing it, who's paying for it. it doesn't need to be complex, but the main concept need to be explained, and thus let users be actors of their digital life.

in my opinion it's important to take any opportunity to do so.

the online courses from the totem project about digital security and privacy are very well done and easy to follow, if anyone is interested:

OurTragicUniverse, en So what corners have redditors gathered to during the blackout? avatar

So far I'm between Kbin, Tildes, Squabbles, Fark and Something Awful forums.

I'd like an invite to Tildes as they're pretty cool over there, plus that UI is so calming.

(Thank you for the invite!)

cody, en Daily traffic visits to the top two #Kbin and #Lemmy servers over the last 28 days, up until June 11th. avatar

Visualization of the current situation. In fact, I don't know if lemmy is more of a mouse or a rat, but it probably doesn't matter.

Hiker, en When introducing members to kbin/lemmy don't mention the fediverse! avatar

I don't agree. The term "Fediverse" must be mentioned at the very beginning of the introduction - the decentralized network must be understood as the basis of the whole. People have made the mistake for too long of selling Mastodon to people as the Fediverse - that's just wrong.

aroom, avatar

and the fediverse is also about value of inclusivity. it goes beyond a technological ideal.

DarthYoshiBoy, en Reddit’s Moderator Revolt Casts Shadow on Potential IPO avatar

What a load of garbage takes that was. It didn't present any side other than the provably false one that Reddit is projecting. I can hardly believe that passes for reporting even in this day and age. 💩


This line: "The move may be an effort by the firm to improve its financials ahead of a potential initial public offering."

Isn't that confirmed bullshit? I thought every developer had already said that the API costs were so high that they were going to shut down. Are there developers who were willing to pay?

You don't improve your financials by putting a price on things. You only improve them if you actually collect money.

YoBuckStopsHere, en Mod of /r/tumblr removed during blackout avatar

Moderators are not just having their account banned, they are having their IP and email addresses scanned by the admin team to permaban them for life.


Proof? As this seems unlikely. Aren’t email addresses optional?


Proof would be good but honestly this seems pretty likely. Power users like mods are going to want the account recoverability so they're mostly going to be using authenticated accounts tied to real emails. And reddit sure isn't going to want them coming back to stir up their users. If I were reddit trying to double down this is absolutely a step I'd take.



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  • PabloDiscobar, avatar

    There are probably companies who specialize into fingerprinting and who will provide a module for reddit admins. Even the resolution of your screen or the firefox extensions you use can betray you.

    nevernevermore, en I definitely think r/gaming has the biggest banger of a privated notice

    How are y'all spreading yourself out in the fediverse so far? Right now I'm just browsing the front page of kbin and occasionally check in on my feed in mastodon, but I'm yet to find my "niche" communities.

    snarf, avatar

    Today was the first day I opened kbin and it felt like... not home, per se, but... familiar? I suddenly realized I'm genuinely enjoying this new spot!

    namastex, avatar

    Well this ernest dude seems like he's reacting quickly to criticisms. The NSFW posts were showing full pictures and there was a complaint to have the preview blurred out. Took less than 12 hours for him to implement that so that's a plus


    i don't think that's "criticisms" and more of just feedback.


    Well, I'm definitely buying Ernest a coffee now:

    iByteABit, avatar

    This gives me a 404 now, I found this

    Shift_, avatar

    Ernest actually reminds me of u/ljdawson, the dev behind the Sync app. He's responsive, takes criticism well, and seems to genuinely care about the platform he's created. Hard to go wrong with that.

    fear, avatar

    So Ernest is earnest? Cool.

    Eggyhead, avatar

    I was wondering how long it would take before someone made this pun. Time to reset the timer…

    skulblaka, avatar

    Ernest is a Chad for sure. We've exploded in number almost overnight and he's been working his ass off to keep everything not only up and running but improving.

    killick, avatar

    How do I kick in to pay costs?


    This is the only one I know of right now:

    I hope @ernest opens up a page somewhere that allows me to make monthly donations, because I'd really like to support the continued development of this app and the hosting of this site.

    reflex, avatar

    Well this ernest dude

    The importance of being earnest.


    @Eggyhead you can reset the timer again

    Eggyhead, avatar

    Looks like this time was about 4 hours.


    I like kbin a lot already too. I like the highly functional feel. It's close enough to Reddit that I hope it draws in more users. I found it a lot more approachable than Mastodon, and "Lemmy" just doesn't have a nice ring to it IMO.


    One of my biggest challenges is getting the 'front page' to fill up with the kind of thing I'd get on r/all. I think at the moment it only shows posts from the subs I subscribe to. But I can easily see how Kbin could replace Reddit (im not going back).


    The reason it seems like that is because this kbin instance ( isn't federated right now because of heavy traffic. So you'll only see magazines that were created here. As soon as the restrictions are relaxed you'll see other instances in the default feed. Or you could sign up for a different kbin instance like which are currently still federated.

    Even so, the other instances that are working as intended don't quite have that r/all feel yet just because there aren't nearly the same number of users in all of the fediverse as there were on reddit. It'll take time for the content to catch up.


    If you're a cat fan, I picked up a few of the more niche cat subs that I enjoyed on Reddit.

    We'd be very happy to see you there! Even more so if you bring content :-)


    There's a general lack of content here - and Ernest has been doing an extremely courageous job of keeping the lights on.

    I guess it's up to us now to start creating content, and improving this site.


    Already been here in Fediverse for a while (with Mastodon), but kbin is Vulcan's first link aggregation platform in the fediverse.

    Bumpy start was to be expected but so far a very enjoyable experience, also contributed content to magazines.

    Avarice, en My muscle memory hasn't caught up with the blackout yet.

    First thing I did was put a link to where sync used to be, highly recommend.


    I did this yesterday, moved apollo into a folder and shortcut for this in its place. I don't miss reddit, think I like it here. I've been switching between here and beehaw, tildes, squabbles and hexbear but seem to be staying here today. Participated on reddit until about 7 years ago and then just lurked. With this community and how this feels like the old days of the internet here I am saying something again.

    PabloDiscobar, en Reddit communities with millions of followers plan to extend the blackout indefinitely avatar

    The reddit admins have an excuse for booting out the last mods, for stability reasons, since the blackout caused a downtime.

    The last redditors will be modded by robots and what they say will be analysed by other robots for money. How fun.

    SubmarineDoor, en I got a lemmy account and a kbin account while deciding what i like best. Since I'm new to this i'm having trouble searching and "subscribing" lemmy communities while on kbin and viceversa. Can someone please help me with this issue?

    You should be able to connect to Lemmy communities (Lemmy terminology for subreddits) from kbin by linking in this way:{community_name}@{lemmy_instance}

    So for example the lemmyworld community from has a native link of:
    But you can access a federated view of it using:

    Likewise would become
    You can browse through a big list of lemmy communities here:

    I'm not sure how to view kbin magazines from lemmy though.


    Do you know the URL syntax to do the same from mastodon? Lemmy uses /c/ for community and Kbin /m/ for magazine, but I have no idea how to do similarly from a mastodon instance.

    When I began exploring the I must have made 5 accounts across various instances, but I really want to keep it all on one account (somehow).

    SmolderingSauna, en Reddit CEO tells employees that subreddit blackout ‘will pass’ avatar

    This just in from

    "Investors are fed up. Fidelity, which led Reddit’s $700 million funding round in 2021 with a $10 billion valuation, has cut its Reddit company valuation by 41% since it invested. This could scupper Reddit’s plans to eventually go public with a reported valuation of $15 billion."

    Who actually loses a game of chicken of this magnitude?!? u/spez, you listening?!?


    The app owners will work with him to prevent AI training from taking data from the site for free. And any issues the third party apps have doing that will be shared by the official app. They're not special in that regard. You can't really have public secrets behind a paywall. It doesn't really work.

    There are many, many options here that are only being held back by Huffman's ego. Imagine losing billions in valuation because of personal ego. I bet investors are thrilled.

    Anon2971, en Reddit CEO tells employees that subreddit blackout ‘will pass’

    I guess this is the new Reddit! Time to kick our feet up.

    I expected as much. 2 days is a pitiful protest length. I will not be using Reddit any longer whilst keeping an eye on updates from here and other news sites. I'm hoping this memo encourages all subreddits to protest idnefinitely until this assclown of a CEO is willing to negotiate lower API prices. And if he's not, onto greener pastures. And watching /r/wallstreetbets figure out a way to destroy their IPO when it eventually launches.

    FreeBooteR69, avatar

    I agree i'm in no hurry to use Reddit. I'll be satisfied if enough people stick around and keep the place interesting. In fact i would say sticking around the fediverse is the only answer to dystopic corporate domination. Those who return, enjoy your exploitation, lol.

    OurTragicUniverse, en [CORRECTION] 7742 went dark out of the 8299 that committed. Interesting to note: 204 of the top 250 subreddits are dark (src: avatar

    8479/8838 subreddits are currently dark as of 15.09 BST (British summer time).

    This is so heartwarming. Haha, fuck spez.

    Col3814444, en Any good mobile apps to access kbin?

    Imagine if Christian converted Apollo over to kbin, that would be hilarious. Give it a few weeks a good 20% of Reddit could quite easily continue exactly moreorless as they were but without Reddit at all…

    Edit - Christian if you see this, I would happily pay a few bucks for an Apollo/kbin app.

    onceuponaban, avatar

    A parallel to this is happening over on Tildes: talklittle, the RiF dev, is planning to make an app for Tildes.

    staticburst, avatar

    an unfortunate choice...

    I_Miss_Daniel, avatar

    Being part of this "fediverse" thing, would kbin content be visible in it?

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