@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar



Este perfil es de un servidor federado y podría estar incompleto. Explorar más contenido en la instancia original.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

I see that the repost have already started on kbin.

What was the subreddit that represented to you the best example of downspiral of quality? To me it was /r/dataisbeautiful (kbin.social) en

At first it was all about presenting data in an original looking way. In the end it was about pushing political ideas in your throat using a plain bar graph. It was not about sharing something interesting you found but about taking advantage of a captive audience.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

Remember Terminator 3? When the army is about to free skynet to defend against an external virus?

This is now, they are going to remove the moderation tools, the bots are ready to devour reddit.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

If Reddit can bot comments then Reddit can also bot moderators. Come on, don't be lazy Reddit! Show us your leadership capabilities and come up with a solution!

"How to sabotage your community: 101"

Red Hat is taking notes.

The person speaking was Laura Nestler, here is her bio from REddit:

Laura Nestler, Reddit's VP of Community, is a global leader with a 15-year track record of building strategic, high-impact teams and scalable community systems at growth-stage startups. Nestler leads Reddit’s Community Operations team where she is responsible for defining our international community strategy, driving key initiatives for community development, evolving Reddit’s community governance model, and transitioning the team into a global organization. Prior to Reddit, she served as Global Head of Community at Duolingo, working across product, marketing, and strategy to develop community products and programs.

She is a global leader, guys, with high-impact teams! She will solve the crisis in no time, you'll see! Is there anyone among you who can claim to be a "global leader" ? No one?

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

You can't comprehend it because you are not a "global leader".

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

The admins would never disrespect themselves by doing this peasant job by themselves. They have standards.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

If you want them mounted before you open steam then you should add them to fstab, it will become a condition for booting your machine.

$ ls -la /dev/disk/by-uuid/

Make sure you mount with the UUID, the UUID is permanent on a disk, unlike /dev/sdx.


Will also show you the mapping betwen UUID and disks.

So your fstab will look like this

UUID=7ca0dbbb-459d-4731-a3..... /boot ext4 defaults 1 2

Test if the uuid is correct before booting by mounting it manually in a random location like /mnt with

mount /boot

And see what happens.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar


Remember that when a disk is mentioned in fstab, if the disk is not present at boot time then your machine will return an error. If you replace/swap your steam disks remember to comment this line in /etc/fstab until you have finished your maintenance.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

You do a

chown -R myuser:mygroup /target

then a

chmod +rwx /target

so /target belongs to you and you can do anything you want in it. Who knows, maybe steam checks that only you has the privilege to read/write in it? (to protect your credit card information, registration keys, licenses... or whatever of value that could be in these folders? That would be a possibility that you have to take into consideration when money is involved. Anyway this is a safe and clean procedure to operate with mount points.

In the future your process steam will be run as yourself, writing and reading as if it was yourself, in a folder where he has all the rights to do so. Since he can only write files and folders as yourself there should be no problem anymore. So you will be fine.

Hot take: 18 years of user contributions to reddit will serve as a base model for an AI that generates content and conversations. the reddit experience continues as a simulation, to harvest clicks, sales and ad revenue. (kbin.social) en

most of the time you'll be talking to a bot there without even realizing. they're gonna feed you products and ads interwoven into conversations, and the AI can be controlled so its output reflects corporate interests. advertisers are gonna be able to buy access and run campaigns. based on their input, the AI can generate...

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

Reminder to y'all that @astroturfing is open for visiting.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

There was one obvious case where bots in /r/politics accidentally targeted an AutoModerator thread instead of a candidate's promotion thread and filled it with praise for that candidate.

Any source for this? I'd like to have a look.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

I discussed in the AMD sub and it's completely filled with consumers. They have no clue about electronics or development. It could be malevolence, but it's becoming harder and harder to discern it from ignorance.

Reminder that RedHat makes A LOT of money already. The results of the 2019 fiscal year show that RedHat spends twice as much money on ads and sales people than on developers. (businesswire.com) en

Our subscriptions mostly pay for the salesmen and the ads. They sell ads first, IT second. So I'm not gonna cry for RedHat. The image of the poor developers working in a cave, struggling to make money is only in our mind. They had a perfectly functional model but decided to sabotage some of it to try to squeeze even more money....

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

I'd still rather see RedHat as one of the biggest kernel/linux contributors make that extra money than fucking Oracle, Amazon etc.

I'd rather step out of this dilemma and finance directly the people who write the code. If you look at the numbers and including the administrative staff, development is now roughly only 25% of the expense.

They sell ads? Source?

Their expense is 66% about pushing the product and 33% about making it. (not counting administrative stuff). I say let's throw our money at people who spend their time writing the code instead.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

RedHat is probably the biggest Linux contributor across the whole ecosystem

They contribute more to the advertisement and sales industry than to the kernel. The point is the efficiency of the money spent on them for the open source ecosystem. If you think that on $4 given to redhat only $1 should go to the devs then we have a fundamental disagreement.

I did pay money for their subscription, I already had to deal with them. I won't do it anymore, I prefer to give my money to the people doing the hard work. But you've already said before that the "reactions are overblown" and they decision makes sense. So your opinion was already made anyway.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

making a shitton of money with 1/3 going to devs still might lead to more contributions than making a little ton of money with most going to devs.

Well these contributions are now behind a paywall. The salary of the sales people devs are now safe.

Also, I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to take away from the whole 66/33 thing.

I told you, if you are fine that for each $4 only one goes to the devs then we have a fundamental disagreement. You are absolutely free to agree or disagree. All I do is to show the numbers and suggest that we spend our money elsewhere.

Maybe the real "freeloaders" of this story are not the ones that were presented to us? Can we see it through this point of view?

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

If you deleted your account then they can always restore the content. They won't restore the account but they can restore the posts.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

They wanted out anyway, Microsoft wants control and they were using Reddit just like DJI is using reddit: they were a bit forced to follow. This is a perfect opportunity to leave and make the support happen on their own platform. Other big brands will be inspired and will leave reddit too.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

This is a war of content. u/spez also holds the contribution of his users in high regard, to the point where he is undeleting it. They both want our content, I don't see how you cannot make the link.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

And you never paid anything to reddit either, still reddit wants you to spend your attention here.

Microsoft doesn't want to bring traffic to reddit. They have everything to lose when your attention is away from their services. For example you won't bring your friends to them. You won't watch their add while you are on reddit. You don't use a Microsoft platform when you are on reddit.

This is absolutely not a neutral choice for Microsoft: they want you, your attention, your friends and your content on their network. Why do you think they bought Minecraft in the first place? It's because it brings young customers in. Microsoft did not purchase Minecraft for the code (there are minecraft clones everywhere anyway), they bought the community. They want to pump their own numbers, not the competition's. If I remember correctly they also merged the Minecraft accounts with the Microsoft account, isn't it cute?

It's a constant war for your attention time. Your login is the metric, it's everything to them.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

What did you install as desktop/laptop? testing?

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

You did not mention the acquisition of Redhat by IBM in 2018. At the time, many observers were worried about what IBM would do with Redhat, and always wondered when IBM would go corporate crazy over a company with a model based on open source. So this decision crystalize the doubts that many people had at the time, that IBM would milk Redhat more, and this induce a kind of "Yep, of course they did go corporate crazy!" reaction.

Many people feel burned and don't want to invest more efforts in a company with this kind of methods (they did not even allow a grace period) and want to jump ship.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

Hiding voting metrics and mitigating clout chasing behaviors allows platforms to prioritize quality and relevance.

The exact opposite happened on youtube. Once they hid the downvotes we were unable to recognize relevant content from clickbait.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

It changes the adoption process.

Fedora is very accessible to a new linux user. He can then switch to centos for his server needs and make his tests, to host the server of his guild for example. And then move to rhel for his job. And he will stick to Fedora for his home usage. That's a solid population to ask support questions to.

With the end of centos/clones, it means there is no testbench for servers anymore for the fedora crowd. They now have to jump to the paid rhel version or not do it at all. Centos stream is not something that you want to run services on. That's not the real deal like centos/clones was.

The hobbyists who ran centos/clones and who never jumped to rhel will also be confronted to the choice of running fedora and another complete different system like debian server. In this situation they will probably change their server distro as well and adopt the light version of it for their home usage. To emerge themselves into the new ecosystem. Why would you split your habits on 2 different type of distro?

And finally there is the trust part. If IBM can shut down centos/clones in one day without flinching, what could possibly happen to Fedora? I had my doubt during the acquisition, I don't have doubt anymore.

There is a lot of reasons why debian or ubuntu or suse will see fedora refugees coming to their shore.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

In my eyes, this adds another potential point of failure outside the control of the developer of a given tool.

On the contrary. The Fedora maintainers saved all their Audacity users when audacity introduced a spyware in their build. The flatpak had the spyware for months while the Fedora release of audacity was made secure by the maintainers. I value this, if you remove the people doing it then you remove value for everyone. It all comes down to how much you value your privacy.

Windows has a fantastic model where every software just work. It's great! The result is an abomination of devs stealing your data or doing whatever mess on your computer. "Free software" was synonymous of red alerts and we used programs like Adaware or whatever cleaner software. Each months there was another new cleaner utility. When was the last time you cleaned your distro?

Try to expand the scale of flatpak and you'll see that you will hit the same problems that any other distro.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

Well, I can't give you a better example of the effect of auditing softwares for your desktop. One source, Fedora, had the app patched, while the other, official on flathub, published the flawed version on purpose.

You'd prefer to run the flatpak version of audacity with the spyware on? I don't buy that.

Flathub is designed to allow developers to publish their own software in the way they intended. So Flathub and Flatpak are doing exactly what they're designed to do

Okay, so it's another way to phrase that you really preferred the version of flatpak with the spyware, since it's the version intended by Audacity. With flatpak and flathub you are alone.

Fedora and their maintainers offer you a layer of no-nonsense, you should think twice before writing it off. I don't think that you fully realize the quality of what you have right now in your hands in term of desktop. Popularity has a price and Windows users paid the price for it.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

On reddit if you were european you were basically missing the action since the posts were written by americans and already 8 hours old, and your replies would be buried under the hundreds of comments.

Most of the time there was no point if you weren't present like 1h after a post was made.

The only people who would read your comments would be an AI.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

They probably have a monitoring tool watching content being edited. Do not make it too easy for the admin to restore your posts. You can use the python script that is posted around to change part of your posts, not all of them in one bunch, fill them with garbage like AI content (not just "deleted").

They have enough time to create these monitoring tools, but they have no time building a sane official app, go figure.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

Do not make this place a mirror of reddit.

I'm not even talking about the legality of mirroring another site. You really want to give ammo to the CEO of reddit and allow him to claim that his competitors are attempting to mirror his content?? Can you imagine how he is going to use this if you do it?

Just post your own content, if you have a real interest into MMA then it should be easy.

We have to recreate the environment and communities we've created on on Reddit here, so that people don't feel like they're missing out being on kbin.

The "fear of missing out" is something you should not listen to. Do not replicate the content of reddit, why would you do that? Just create your own content. If it's news then read your sources and post the news.

We, like many other magazines here, will need a way to quickly aggregate breaking news onto our magazine

Well, post something if you find it interesting. And let other people post what they think is interesting. You don't need no machinery for that. We want quality content, not the quantity delivered by a spambot machine, which in the ends are adbots, posting advertised stuff like the endless NBA stuff. If you read nothing interesting in the news then post nothing in your subs.

We must not duplicate what reddit did wrong. And the 3rd party tool is not the only thing that reddit did wrong. What reddit did wrong is content for the sake of content, for the thumb constantly swiping down. This is not good for reddit and this is not good for kbin. This is good for no one.

The quality and content of reddit collapsed, do not duplicate it here.

We want the creators, not the followers. Do not listen to the followers who are addicted to new content. I don't want people just watching the endless ribbon of news, posting a "lol" or a one liner from time to time. Are you sure that you are not the one who fears of missing out? Are you dependent on popularity or somethin'? Because it surely looks like so.

What next? You want to mirror publicfreakout so we again watch american people fight into airplanes and governors banning books on the other side of the planet? Because this is what you're gonna get.

edit: And we didn't even talk about the COST of handling automated, mirrored content. If reddit cannot pay for it then neither can Ernest.

edit: If all of you who upvoted OP instead posted something they find interesting in the subs they follow then we would not have this discussion.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

what is so wrong with this?

What's wrong? There are people fighting around the world all the time. This is not content, this is distraction. And now there is distraction specially created FOR publicfreakout, with people picking fight just so they can have a video and post it to reddit. This is just an example of what is wrong. Do you want this "content" here? I don't.

If we mirror reddit: first we won't be able to pay the bill, this argument alone should discredit the mirror thing. Second, we will encounter the same deadweight problem that redit encountered.

Please post content that matters to you, not to what you think the audience want.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

I deleted all my content but I did it over the span of a few days, to let the different caches around reddit to update with the new void, and my content is still deleted (so far).

I said it before and I say it again: if you have the patience to do so then make sure you overwrite your content with chatgpt generated content, as the future AI that will feed on your post HATE feeding on already AI generated stuff. It makes the AI diverge.

edit: Filling your previous content with random generated content also make it harder to restore because it is harder to spot, compared with the comments which are simply "deleted". Also, if all of it is really true, congratulation to reddit for demonstrating to everyone and specially the USA how useful the GDPR is for the citizen.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

Of course reddit runs his own ones! It is their business to keep people scrolling. The real question is why would there be anyone else running the bots. To sell an account? You can get this with 3 posts in /awww... no need for spam bots.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

The people who joined lemmy.world/one/whatever did it because they saw light and people. They are mostly spectators, not content creators.

The people who joined kbin saw an opportunity to restart from scratch, they are creators.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

That's not the attitude of someone who's confident that his flock will come back.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

Honestly the best move now is to overwrite all your comments with replies from chatgpt, since AI's hate feeding from other AI answers. It's like poisoning the well.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

Let it go, overwrite your content and leave reddit.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

Create the subs you need and CREATE CONTENT FOR IT. People will come as long as you have useful information or interesting content. Ask to be given the control of a sub if needed.

Too many people around here create a sub without content just so they can run the place. This need to stop.

For the reddit thing I started browsing reddit without login a long time ago and I don't regret it. Just don't give them any content.

Anyone else a little disappointed how the blackout is going? (kbin.social) en

I mean don't get me wrong, its cool a lot of subs have and still are participating in the blackout, but I think it wouldve been better to link a new home for the subreddits participating somewhere in the private message. Show spez, hey if you dont change, we aren't going to use your site (or use it less).

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

No, don't point redditors to our servers, let them find by themselves. It's a great filter. If someone is motivated enough to leave reddit then he will find us.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

There are probably companies who specialize into fingerprinting and who will provide a module for reddit admins. Even the resolution of your screen or the firefox extensions you use can betray you.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

The reddit admins have an excuse for booting out the last mods, for stability reasons, since the blackout caused a downtime.

The last redditors will be modded by robots and what they say will be analysed by other robots for money. How fun.

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