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I don't trust those snakes. I'm working on code to use reddit's website and edit comments one at a time (one per minute so they don't think it's bot activity) and I'm going to deploy the code a month or two from now after the API is gone - because I want them to think they've "won" before I over-write and then erase a decade's worth of content


So I'm not a traditional programmer - I don't use a lot of the common software and such. I have a lot of prior experience using AutoItScript automated software so I'll probably use that to mimic keystrokes and clicks on my computer screen once I have programmed exact positions for things - it'll likely be a very specific set of code for my computer.

But I may create an account on github and share if there's enough interest lol


More simple than that - I'll likely use AutoItScript for windows - literally automate clicking links or simulating keystrokes (like the tab key) until it reaches the desired link then clicking the edit function, revising text, tab to the save button, saving change, and repeat over and over.

It's crude and inefficient, but I have over twenty years experience using the code for various small tasks so I'm sure I'll get the job done.

Just not sure when I want to start - I feel like they are still playing tricks un-deleting content and such for people using automated API code. So for now I've simply blocked reddit at the router level for another month or two before I go back and start writing my code to automate the deletion of 10+ years worth of content.


In my experience, most people outgrow the secret clubs phase eventually. But I’m sure not everyone does. Who doesn’t like feeling special, no matter how unjustified it is?

** looks around at the Free Masons, Skull and Bones, and Illuminati **


Phew I feel old remembering webrings lol. Crazy to think how much the internet has changed since those early days thirty years ago.

Anyone else remember Infoseek? It was my favorite search engine because you could select to search within results to refine your search down to a single page of relevant results.


Getting old sucks, but everyone's doing it.


As others have mentioned, Linux Mint is my preferred distro.

knubuntu is awesome if you like/need KDE, but Gnome works well enough for my needs these days.

I installed Linux Mint on a computer for my (computer illiterate) big brother a decade ago and I'm pretty sure he's still running that computer. Just helped a veteran friend who had a 5 year old lenovo laptop dual boot a fresh copy of Linux Mint and he's tickled - it's restored function to his old laptop and it recognized all the hardware to my surprise - even when he tapped the screen and the touch screen responded (I was not expecting that, coming from Linux 10-15 years ago lol).

I'm seriously considering dual-booting to Linux mint myself as my high end Windows10 HP Envy 32-inch AIO PC has always been glitchy from day-one (computer will randomly freeze up once or twice a month with the GPU fan spinning up to high speed for no reason).

I hadn't made the switch because Windows was easier from a productivity standpoint, but that has quickly changed. Windows is trying to inject more advertising while getting more buggy with every update. I'd rather play with a stable version of Linux Mint these days


Wow! Thanks for that feedback. I've heard about Kubuntu for years but never took the leap


I'm writing a program and going to wait several months before I overwrite my content - slowly one post per minute. Then after finishing that (over several months), I plan to set the code to slowly delete the posts, one by one.

I spent years writing content for reddit to share with the world. If they won't share with the world, they won't get a copy either.


Don't know! I have a bit of experience using Auto-It so I'm going to try and program it to tab through the old.reddit page and edit each post then move on to the next post. I assume using the edit button I could copy all text, then write it to a word document in something like an XML format which could then be imported into software.

But again, this is all based on theory, I haven't done any actual code or testing yet. Just based on previous experiences making simple programs to access websites and do specific things via a browser to mimic human interactions with the site. It's a very slow unreliable and inefficient way of doing things lol

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