@ininewcrow@lemmy.ca avatar



Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.

Este perfil es de un servidor federado y podría estar incompleto. Explorar más contenido en la instancia original.

@ininewcrow@lemmy.ca avatar

Not unless the one mod account is a managed account that is shared among multiple individuals.

For a big company, the one mod account could be just a placeholder and then the account is forwarded to cheap tech workers in India or Pakistan that use the account in blocks of hours every day. The one account could literally work round the clock 24 hours a day forever as it gets passed around between six or eight people. If you had eight people working on it round the clock, they would all be working on it at three hour increments each. Which makes it manageable for one person to focus their energy and do some sort of quality work. And because they are cheap labor, they don’t have to be in different time zones, you just force them to work at any and all hours of the day.

So instead of showing the community that you hired 20, 30 or 40 cheap tech workers to act as mods for pennies, it just appears as one two or three professional mods that magically seem to be capable of doing the work of multiple people.

@ininewcrow@lemmy.ca avatar

I just had a thought when responding to one of the comments here.

The possibility that the one power mod account is a managed account that is shared among multiple individuals.

For a big company, the one mod account could be just a placeholder and then the account is forwarded to cheap tech workers in India or Pakistan (or some other place in the world that has enough English language skills) that use the account in blocks of hours every day. The one account could literally work round the clock 24 hours a day forever as it gets passed around between six or eight people. If you had eight people working on it round the clock, they would all be working on it at three hour increments each. Which makes it manageable for one person to focus their energy and do some sort of quality work. And because they are cheap labor, they don’t have to be in different time zones, you just force them to work at any and all hours of the day.

So instead of showing the community that you hired 20, 30 or 40 cheap tech workers to act as mods for pennies, it just appears as one two or three professional mods that magically seem to be capable of doing the work of multiple people.

@ininewcrow@lemmy.ca avatar

It’s the equivalent of a crack dealer at this point.

At first they got people hooked with cheap drugs that worked and got you an easy high.

But now you need more and the dealer knows you’re desperate … so they increase the price, give you a cheaper product and string you along because they know no matter what they do, you’ll keep coming back for more.

They’ll start whoring you around and selling your body like trash and you won’t like it but if it means getting your next fix, you’ll do anything.

@ininewcrow@lemmy.ca avatar

They fixed the problem of shooting their feet by amputating both legs.

@ininewcrow@lemmy.ca avatar

The more I analyse the news and what is happening in the world as a whole … I don’t think nations matter any more. It doesn’t matter if you say it’s Russian, Ukrainian, American, German, Chinese or even Canadian … the power and influence is controlled by corporations and many of them have way more power and wealth than the smallest nations. They exert so much power that they influence (at least) or control (at most) every nation in the world.

They’re so wealthy and powerful that they can bend, break or manipulate any and all laws of any nation that stand in their way.

It’s not a conspiracy at this point … it’s just an observation.

@ininewcrow@lemmy.ca avatar

For those in control … there is no more terrible thing than to have all your workers talking amongst one another to discuss how terrible their situation is and what they could all do about it.

It’s the same in prison … if the guards and management keep everyone in control by isolating them all. Once the inmates start talking to one another, they start to conspire and plan on what to do about their situation. If they plan long enough, they’ll figure out how to do illegal activity, find specialty items or contraband … give them more time and they’ll start trying to figure out how to break out of their situation.

Then when things go too far and all sorts of illegal activity is taking place and people are trying to break out … the guards and managers will shake up the prison and breakup the communications system they were all using.

@ininewcrow@lemmy.ca avatar

OLD angry assholes who don’t know how to navigate social media. They need Facebook because it’s easy and you can comfortably be a racist, homophobic, entitled prick and you’ll find a big audience that will stroke your ego.

They don’t understand Reddit nor do they want to

Let alone try to understand the fediverse

@ininewcrow@lemmy.ca avatar

My theory is a bit more of an Illuminati conspiracy. I really don’t care what people think of my thoughts or of me.

I think the powers that be want anything like Reddit to either die or degenerate. They (as in our wealthy owners) don’t want a happy healthy stable platform of free thinking, free talking individuals sharing ideas and openly and freely discussing the world’s problems so easily.

They want Reddit to die or at least degrade.

They’ll put up with the fediverse for the time being because it isn’t that big … but once it hits critical mass, there will be a slow corporate takeover and eventually another slow death and the process will repeat itself

@ininewcrow@lemmy.ca avatar

Or your vehicle has a few tiny rust spots on the inside behind the exterior paint … you can’t see the rust but its affecting the metal and growing in size every day. You won’t notice for months or even years but eventually, paint will start to bubble up and you’ll ignore that too hoping that it won’t get any bigger. Then a large flake of paint will fall off and reveal a big patch of rust eating away at your car and you’ll realize it’s days are numbered. You keep driving but its only a matter of time before a critical part will break down from rust and either slow you down or stop your vehicle from moving.

@ininewcrow@lemmy.ca avatar

Don’t understand why people are surprised that a private company would like to hold on to your data and keep it active no matter what you want or think or do. It’s their system, they can do whatever they want with it regardless of what you want. This isn’t about morals, it’s just business.

I have four or five accounts on Reddit … I’m not sure because I haven’t logged to one or two of them in years.

I’m just abandoning the accounts … I got off the site about a month and a half ago and I haven’t used my accounts since … and it will stay that way. I won’t be creating any more activity with that dumb site … anything you do there is just adding to their monetization of your activity … the best thing to do is to do nothing … absolutely nothing.

@ininewcrow@lemmy.ca avatar

Your comment made me rethink about what to do with me Reddit accounts … I’ve taken the past two days to auto delete all my comments, posts and submissions, deactivate all my mod accounts, unsubscribe from all the subs I followed … and in a day or two, I’ll complete delete the accounts.

I know Reddit will still hold onto pieces of my account everywhere … but at least they’ll have a harder time justifying it all.

@ininewcrow@lemmy.ca avatar

For those of us who are not as technically minded or knowledgeable … you should mention and talk a bit more about what Nostr is.


I’ve never heard of this and now you’ve got me interested.

What are your thoughts and opinions about Nostr?

There needs to be a step by step migration guide (kbin.fedi.cr)

It was and still is hard - or at least tedious - for me as a software developer to find out how to use the fediverse and lemmy. I can’t imagine how annoying it must be for a normal user. The one thing I really liked about reddit, is that you can find a well written guide for everything, often pinned at the top of a specific...

@ininewcrow@lemmy.ca avatar

I’ve been on Lemmy and Kbin on separate accounts now for about a month and I still don’t really know what I’m doing. The same thing happened to me when I joined Reddit about 12 years ago.

I just learned as I went along. I’m going to do the same this time around.

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