
Este perfil es de un servidor federado y podría estar incompleto. Explorar más contenido en la instancia original.


Google searches is seo trash...

Reddit is bots, shills, and feds...

Why would an organic person participate in either?

Sure fedi is way smaller but discussions are prime quality. I post here way more since this where you can have good discussions.


same here and lutris was giving me shit with ea app, I could not get controller to work. I ended buying BF on steam and it works flawlessly.

not even going to bother anymore. steam 100% for gaming, idiot proof implementation is about ready for the normie stream.

While larger, more general communities are thriving on the Fediverse - I'm missing out on the niche communities ( en

Gaming, news, tech, general literature. All of these are somewhat thriving, with a steady influx of posts and comments. At the same time, the userbase is sorely lacking for more niche communities. In my case it'd be stuff like poetry, yoga, religion, linguistics, meditation. Or many other communities I'd doubt they'd form a...


Yesterday lurkers are going to need to be today's commenters and posters!

I see y'all lurkin'
Not postin'


From culture perspective, sure... But content don't generate itself.


Chad approach on life


You are being drafted. We are sending you out to colonize the fediverse!


Except it generate corpoporate PR and ads :/

First few times it was cute, than it turned into spam




Term harassment gets over used in online discourse to silence others and shut down discussions.

Legally it means actor A goes out of their way to bother actor B, and has do so on more the one occasion.


Too stupid understand who butters their buns also...

Top of r/all (

Is this new to post-blackout reddit is or has it been this way for a while. Top post of r/all is a tweet from like 2 years ago about a "current event" that no one has talked about since then and 100% of the comments are talking about this like this topic is the focus of today's or any recent time's 24 hour news cycle. Nearly 30K...


Reddit been feeling dead since they went to mass ban spree about a month ago.

Conversations that do feel organic are hard to find.


More people need to realize this how governments and corps think... At the end of the day, they are just looking to control the herd and we let them.


Mint or popos for pro nomie gamers...


Windows been doing this since at least win10.

Can't click shit with out it starting to ping bill gates or


Thank you for heads up. What are your concerns?

I also recently switched and Pop was my first choice; however, I could not get it install, it would get stuck with some weird error where it could not load core files from my flash drive.

So I went Mint, no problems really besides having some BT disconnects from my xbox controller. Still working on fixing it.

Otherwise, I am doing what I need to do and gaming like a Chad. Kept Win10 for CoD and BF. However, I am not playing them much anymore, might just go full Linux over next few months.

Reminder that RedHat makes A LOT of money already. The results of the 2019 fiscal year show that RedHat spends twice as much money on ads and sales people than on developers. ( en

Our subscriptions mostly pay for the salesmen and the ads. They sell ads first, IT second. So I'm not gonna cry for RedHat. The image of the poor developers working in a cave, struggling to make money is only in our mind. They had a perfectly functional model but decided to sabotage some of it to try to squeeze even more money....


Good point. But it does point to the fact that company is business of "selling" and/or "making money" not active development of their product, ie they are milking their IP, not moving it forward aggressively.

It also explains anti-competitive behavior. They are having to put up walls now because gravy is is good and they are looking to protect it.


You've listed a bunch of monopolies while Red Hat is trying to act like a monopoly...

FTC really needs to get to work on these clowns. Hopefully one day before most of us die off living this dystopian circus.


So big tech gutted the internet with their search engine,

reddit was on of the few places you could get useful, organic content

reddit decided to fuck with the people generating this content

content generating users did not like it, start to strike

google's shiti engine can't return any decent results besides SEO optimized trash


The Internet has been slowly getting gutted since at least 2015.

It is to the point that a regular search engine is useless for actual research unless you are a power user and even then it is censored.

Does anybody feel like the quality of reddit has already dropped massively? ( en

I see a lot of comments from bootlickers on how the protests are dumb and stupid and dont work and engagement metrics are still holding but the quality of posts and comments has noticeably depreciated imo. So much so that whenever I visit the site Im actually shocked at how bad it is.


What's goes around, comes around... That sentiment is not coming from a no where. Note how people didn't say similar staff about refugee boat sinking and actually calling media out for lopsided coverage.

These views only get more extreme as social fabric and economic conditions of the working people degrade.


damn dawg... i guess after all, these clowns are the JoB cReAtOrZ that we peasants don't deserve


Just feds, bots, shills and me

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