@CurlyMoustache@kbin.social avatar



Este perfil es de un servidor federado y podría estar incompleto. Explorar más contenido en la instancia original.


Exactly. Even if spez rolled everything back, I'm not going back.

All trust in Reddit is now destroyed because of Spez.

@AndreTelevise@kbin.social avatar

On the other hand, it makes spammy articles from content farms the primary resource to find answers.
And either way, not everybody is doing this, so Reddit retains part of its usability, which still exists, and some portion of people will still use Reddit after the API changes.

@Heresy_generator@kbin.social avatar

Or it forces search providers to actually fix their shit rather than relying on our labor.

@blazera@kbin.social avatar

kinda just making an argument for why its a good idea.

@BaroqueInMind@kbin.social avatar

My opinion is that you have a dumb take, because Reddit does not give a shit about preserving information, their priority is making money.

Why the fuck would they care about being stewards to knowledge? That's Wikipedia's job, not Reddit.

So fuck them, I'm glad I'm making their toxic behavior encouraging cash grab site a shithole with my edited gibberish comments.

@Anomander@kbin.social avatar

Admin realized that despite all the applications, there were:

  • People requesting the subreddit so they could continue the protests.
  • People requesting the subreddit so they could give it back to the original mods.
  • People requesting the subreddit so they could own it.
  • People requesting the subreddit because they have strong feelings about "moderation" and want to /worldpolitics it.
  • Absolutely no one who wanted to just do what the old mods did.

From what I could see, there no actual good-faith requests from people who genuinely cared about /TIHI and wanted to moderate it well and diligently. And like, who's surprised? It's a huge subreddit without a concrete community core, it's more of a content category. I don't think anyone except the mods cared about the community itself, because there barely was one.

That's the same issue they're running into with the other large subs. They're too huge and too general and everyone is just another face in the crowd, so there are very few people who care about that specific space in the way that makes for good volunteer moderators - in most cases, when those people existed for those communities, they were already recruited into the old mod team.

And all the people who want to mod are either activists for the protest, the sort of power-hungry weirdos that end up as powermods, but who showed up to Reddit too late, or somebody with an axe to grind about moderation in general seeing an opportunity in the massive unmoderated subreddit.

@ulu_mulu@lemmy.world avatar

Do they hope to pick up all other 3rd party apps users? Not that it matters much to me since my reason for quitting reddit is the way they mistreated the entire userbase (I don't use apps), but I'm curious nonetheless to see how this ends.


What a fucking cuck

@FIST_FILLET@kbin.social avatar

smells like scab

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

Still not free speech at all. You're pointing out the difference between being able to speak freely and being provided an audience. There are no nations in history or philosophers in humanity which supposed the existence of a human right to provide an audience to everyone.

But again, YouTube isn't a free speech platform. The public sidewalk is, YouTube isn't. They have no obligation to provide you anything at all.

@Frog-Brawler@kbin.social avatar

Content creation.

If YouTube shuts down indefinitely in a couple hours without warning; do you believe that you've lost the right of speech?!?!

@Frog-Brawler@kbin.social avatar

JFC... are you this daft or just trolling? I'll map out this entire conversation because you're not able to keep up with your own BS and then I'm done with you.

This started because you made a claim that YouTube demonetizing things = "companies fiddling with speech."

Then, before I ever responded to you, the next comment that you made was "Free speech usually means that you have freedom to express yourself, not that you're speaking for no pay lol."

So it started off sounding like you were equating demonetization with a lack of free speech. I replied, _"To be honest, I'm not sure why YouTube was brought into a conversation about free speech. YouTube is not a free speech platform; thus, demonetization of someone on YouTube's platform has nothing at all to do with free speech."

Then you wanted to move the goalposts, so you said, "This conversation wasn't about free speech, it was about companies fiddling with speech." as you removed the word "free." You have the ability to NOT post on YouTube. YouTube CANNOT "fiddle with speech" if you do not participate in YouTube. Anything you put on there is content that they own. If somehow, some employee of YouTube starts following you around and setting off a bullhorn anytime you start to talk, I'll agree, then they're "fiddling with speech." If some employee of YouTube (Alphabet), starts coming on to Kbin or Lemmy, and removing your comments from here, then I'll agree with you in that scenario too. When an employee of YouTube is removing comments or not promoting comments that they don't like, that's not a speech issue; it's content moderation.

@EnglishMobster@kbin.social avatar

Reddit was the same way.

You have /r/gaming. /r/games. /r/truegaming. /r/videogames. /r/videogame. Etc.

Each community was slightly different in subtle ways, but some people were subscribed to multiple (basically identical) communities. Others self-sorted into different communities based on moderation style and community vibes.

Not to mention that your idea of how federation should work kind of ignores moderation and community preferences. Communities hosted on Beehaw are tightly moderated. There may be other communities that want something less strict. How do these two reconcile with one another? What happens if a conversation is removed on one instance but kept around on another?

If local mods only have local power, they can get quickly overwhelmed as you effectively need a mod team on every single instance. Smaller instances wouldn't necessarily have the manpower to have their own dedicated mods for literally everything.

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