@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar



Reddit refugee...wasting my time at kbin.social now.

Este perfil es de un servidor federado y podría estar incompleto. Explorar más contenido en la instancia original.

@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

But has it reached r/SubredditDrama?

It has not. SRD is slacking these days.

@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

Spez wishes he were as nefarious as Arasaka. It's tough being Steve; where even fictional corpos make him look like he's in Romper Room.

@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

I've been playing it over a year now. Once I was able to snag a PS5 and Playstation put it back in the store I picked it up.

MUCH MUCH better playing than launch...r/cyberpunk2077 used up a lot of salt throughout its tenure as a subreddit. Yet most the extreme hate the game drew was due to the insane promises CDPR made prior to launch. I'm personally not buying the DLC coming out in September until after it's released because of the botched launch, however I do expect it's going to run a lot smoother than the game's launch.

BUT as a base game, if you can pick it up on sale now, by all means I recommend getting it.

@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

Trust me, before I deleted my account there were so many users in the sub salivating at all the unfolding drama. While they didn't participate in the blackout, I wonder how many migrated to Fedi. Might indicate why there isn't as much activity as I remember.

@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

feeds that machine like I'm playing Dragon's Lair in the 80's very poorly

@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

As a nomad, I finished the game leaving Night City with the Aldercados & Judy. Seemed the best ending...haven't tried the others yet. I think that's the most anti-corpo ending you get out of the game.

@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

That whole sub just fell dead with the only active posts not even being drama at all.

After all that hype of how dramatic things would be...yesterday half a dozen posts down on the front page and the posts are 2 days old. Buckets and buckets of popcorn all laid waste...a shell of what it once was...all the buttery goodness is lost in time...like tears in rain.

@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

Reddit will replace the mods with those friendly to Admins/Spez and revert back to the way the sub was run prior to the blackout and malicious compliance. This is unfortunately, the only way it's going to end now.

@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

I'm giving the most plausible scenario. They don't need a mod from r/pics to take over; they can use anyone who is power hungry enough to do the job.

Not saying I like it, or agree with it, just giving the most plausible option for Reddit to take at this point.

Because, let's be clear about this, Reddit is winning this battle even if they won't win the war. This overall event spells the end of the site as we know it...or knew it. The malicious compliance, changing to NSFW, the broad interpretation of the rules...it doesn't matter. Reddit is going to win this, or appear to win this in the short term, even if it entirely kills their future. They'll kill a 20 million subscriber subreddit to do it if they need to.

@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

On top of that, Reddit hasn't been able to fully integrate Spell's technology since its acquisition, two employees familiar with the matter said.

No time for Reddit to comment because they're working on mod tools....right....RIGHT?

@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

I wonder when buying these 3rd party apps as acquisitions, if Reddit brought along their dev(s) in the process. It sounds like they didn't, which would be so shortsighted. Because what it seems is that once Reddit had these programs in their possession, they didn't know what to do with them, or how to integrate them into their own source code...at least with Spell this seems to be the case. I have no idea about Alien Blue, which I had used at one point prior to using Reddit's own mobile app. All they had to do with Alien Blue is rebrand...why didn't they?

How do you employ nearly 2,000 people. an army of unpaid moderators, and not come up with proper tools to navigate your own program, or find profitability off its user data? I think that Huffman has had no plan, leads a top-heavy organization, has been coasting along the company putting out day-to-day fires, and now he's scrambling to quickly find something profitable to show his investors.

There are a lot of things that don't make sense at the core of Reddit, because Google, Chat AI, and ad revenue are the places to make a profit...not API usage from 3rd party apps. I watched a really great video of the history of D&D last night on Nebula, and wow talk about lessons that Reddit could learn about 3rd party contributors.

(I'm going to link the video, but you need a subscription to Nebula and/or Curiosity Stream to view it). TL;DW summary: D&D works best as a business when it collaborates with 3rd party contributors and its fans.

Shocked Pikachu face there...

@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

The API pricing would cost him nearly $20 million per month to run his app

I really wish journalists would get this right. I've seen $20 million per month instead of per year more than once.

@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

This has been very helpful reminding me that I need to get my bicycle fixed. It's been almost a year since I wrecked it and broke my arm.

@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

I just find ActivityPub kind of confusing. It works for Mastodon because that's user-centric, and most people only have an account on one site. But the same communities can exist on multiple sites, and it's confusing to navigate all of that.

This sounds like someone who hasn't even tried. These instances aren't difficult to navigate, they're just setup a little differently. It's like refusing to go to another country because they use metric instead of imperial (or vice versa).

@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

It's different, it's not that difficult, only mildly annoying with some compatibility issues for platforms that are still basically in their alpha phase (like kbin).

It's incredibly annoying, and pushes people right back to centralized systems.

Yet the community of active users continues to grow.

@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

I'm just as old as he is, maybe only a few years younger. I started to learn computers on a Commodore VIC 20 and 64, used tape drives for storage. I entered into BBS near the end of its popularity, however I used chat boards, AOL, and Geocities...old forums as well. I also moderated a forum for a few years on a Star Wars fan site before the admin shut it down and I moved to Reddit.

I have a lot of experience navigating forums as well...Fediverse sometimes takes a little bit more digging to find what you want. The point I was also trying to make is that these platforms are also in their infancy, their alpha programming state. So things will change, the platform will develop. This kind of thing isn't built in a day, yet IMHO it's so much nicer not having ads forced down my throat on desktop every five posts.

If this person doesn't like the experience here, then there's nothing saying he can't go back to Reddit.

@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

My understanding is that due to elevated interest rates in the post-COVID-19 situation, it's more-costly to get investment money. So that will tend to push companies from the "growth" phase to the "monetization" phase.

This is basic economics. Increased interest rates mean companies will pay more for every dollar they borrow. This includes venture capital. Cheap borrowing is one of the reasons real estate values skyrocketed over the course of the past generation. Cheap money increased demand, and inflated costs. Do this long enough (maybe an economic collapse or recession between), and the house you bought in 1980 for $50k is now worth $400k.

Every company utilizes borrowing a lot more than you might think. From infrastructure, to payroll, borrowing money plays part in most activities of a company. It's pretty complex.

@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

First...Kbin's UI is IIRC currently in its alpha state. This isn't the finished product. Secondly, the UI is setup in the manner old internet forums used to be organized, with some additional tweeks to prioritize boosted and upvoted topics. Finally, this UI may not emulate Reddit in its final upgrade because it's a different kind of social platform.

I'd just ask people to be patient. There has been a huge influx of users to kbin, and lemmy over the course of the past month and the people behind the scenes have been working tirelessly just to keep up with user/server demand.

@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

So true...my well thought out comments mostly flew under the radar. Stupid ones, or low effort ones received the most upvotes.

It's such an odd measure, and people in different subreddits were all over the place with their upvotes. I often couldn't make sense out of it.

@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

What would you do if you had to engage in conversation?

@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

Yes. Back then there wasn't any upvoting or downvoting, so the only way you interacted with a troll is either engage them or ignore them...preferably the latter.

Images like this were typical...yet helpful.

@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

This site gives an idea of how Lemmy & kbin are growing.

@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

Although I didn't use your app, Christian. The work you and other devs have done with your 3rd party apps for Reddit was outstanding. Good luck with whatever's over the next horizon!

Sorry things went sour with Reddit, and wish it could have been different.

@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

Isn't that going to happen anyways if Reddit doesn't supply better mod tools by midnight tomorrow?

@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

I don't think it's a question of enough people ditching Reddit, but just enough to create and/or provide quality content.

And really that doesn't matter as much as participating in a platform that's free of all the BS Reddit evolved into. Fediverse has a platform free of almost everything long term Redditors came to hate.

@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

It might prove to be an interesting weekend.

@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar


You could also add the Artemis mobile app which is in development for kbin. More information here!

@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

Absolutely. I do understand continuing the protesting after the first of the month, and I commend the participating moderators for their efforts. However building a new community and leaving Reddit behind is really the only feasible solution that impacts their site in the long run. Eventually those protesting moderators are going to either capitulate, or lose their positions. Reddit is not going to change this. They've dug in.

I've lurked on Reddit since the blackout, but I haven't participated. My comments are deleted and today is the last day I go there to browse (fitting as today is my cake day....RIP 11 years of Reddit). After the first of the month I'm going to see if any of my comments are restored, delete them and/or replace them with gibberish or corny quip, and then delete my account.

@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

If you're on kbin.social you can select subscriptions as the default in your user settings. That way only the magazines you subscribe to show in your feed.

@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

I was watching the Vergecast podcast yesterday, and Reddit has basically ghosted Verge for any comment on their part.

They said that they'd "Correct them when they need to be corrected." Otherwise the only people Verge is talking to are users and moderators.

Reddit staying classy as ever there. /s

@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

Honestly, at this point I don't see any coming back from this. It's been a damned good effort, but Reddit isn't going to back down at this point. The mods are going to have to put up with it or leave. I'd hope they'd leave, but honestly I don't think there's going to be a mass exodus of moderators.

But maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised

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