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Huh? Didn't they start this like last month? Or is this not the "get money from your contributions" thing?

Just wanted a warning, Lemmy.World is perhaps worse than reddit at respecting their users (web.archive.org) en

I just suddenly found my user over there banned. Not for getting in a fight or breaking any rules, but just for criticizing and asking questions regarding its recent vague Terms of Service. In fact, no reason, warning, or reply was given beforehand, and the admin who did it suddenly scaled to banned, with no reply or anything...


holy shit, I've been reading this url as "sh, it just works" for MONTHS and was super ??? about what it meant. I only just now realized it's "shit just works" and......oh. that makes a lot of sense.


Boaty McBoatFace was NOT a debacle. It was a once-in-a-generation opportunity to get kids interested in climate science with programs like "The diary of Boaty McBoatFace" or "Zoom call with a Boaty McBoatScientist" all around the world in classrooms. Hell, even in high school I would've taken an elective that was doing actual work if it was Boaty McBoatFace-themed*.

*not to say that I'm young enough to have been in high school at the time, but that it would appeal to kids that old

The debacle was that they were too stuck up to realize what a gift they'd been given and completely squandered it. Boaty McBoatFace was beautiful. For a couple days, the internet cared about science in the absence of technology.


yeah ok that one's fair


Am I dumb or is this not saying what anyone here thinks it's saying?

Basically, it's not just that 50% have no regret / good satisfaction, but in fact that for this 50% there is not even a hint of dissatisfaction or regret. That's the news. The median isn't 4 or 1, it's 5. So 50% of people are absolute ends of the scale.

But this abstract legit says NOTHING about the tail. So it could actually be that 20% of people have complete regret. Median without average is not that convincing in a case like this.

I tried to read the full article but I think it's too recent to be on scihub. And like hell I'm paying for this.


In other words, "free speech platform" is not actually "free speech platform," rather it is a dogwhistle.


I'd argue, it's always a dogwhistle. You might not realize you're using a dogwhistle, but you definitely are.


so I totally get your point. For example, a therapy group that says, "this is a free speech area" and has 8 members who are all queer, would probably not mean it as a dogwhistle, and in that case, it also probably would not be one. But also, they wouldn't be saying it to anyone other than those 8 members.

The thing is, in this case it legit does not matter the intent, they are saying it on a public chat forum. That makes it a dogwhistle regardless of intentionality, and it will be recognized as such, because if you say that on a public platform on the internet, guess who will hear it.

And now no matter what their intention is, if they didn't want it to be a dogwhistle, it was one, and now their moderation is 10000x as difficult, because look who they've attracted the attention of now - and chased away.

Hopes Dashed As LK-99 Confirmed Not To Be A Room-Temperature Superconductor (iflscience.com) en

After a few intense weeks of speculation and drama, more and more labs have been able to recreate LK-99, also known as modified lead-apatite. The material was touted as the first-ever room-temperature ambient pressure superconductor, a claim that was met with healthy skepticism and excitement. After all, extraordinary claims...


With the stupid prediction market existing, I'm having a hard time trusting even that. But IF that author is honest, it does look pretty unpromising


just wait, reddit is 100% going to sunset old.reddit within the next year


Seems entirety of reddit had a brief downtime earlier according to some other thread that I can't find anymore


(not this community specifically)

This is a kbin community :P


lol I debated, but it sounded nicer to say community


I've joined a ton of new discords in the past few weeks. they're keeping me together until the threadiverse takes off.


Were you a subreddit mod? In this case my advice would be to contact the existing mods of the lemmy communities / kbin magazines and see if one of them is willing to hand the community over to you (add you as mod, they step down). If so, you've found your new home!

(you may want to re-make your account on the instance that you're primarily spending time on, for convenience, in case federation doesn't work for several hours at a time here and there, etc)


Hi! I installed it, and a couple pieces of feedback:

  1. when there's an avatar, this gets kinda overlapped
  2. sidebar is way too large when browser is fullscreen on a big monitor, that should get a width constraint

I love this though!


1, I realized I do, but its a js snippet to remove magazines' custom styles. I disabled and tried again and same thing. For reference though, here's where it's happening
2. atm my firefox window is slightly wider than 1080 pixels.


yeahhhhhhh if boost came with like a menu: "Boost to: -Your Personal Microblog -Magazine's Microblog [pick] -Magazine as Article [pick]"

then the feature would be pretty baller

(actually im not sure if your personal microblog exists so...maybe just the other 2)

  1. Reddit Platinum/Premium/Orange gives you an orange check by your name, for the low cost of $10/month
  2. old.reddit actually still exists, but only if you pay for Reddit Platinum
  3. In order to vote you must have Reddit Platinum
  4. Actually, in order to become a moderator you must have Reddit Platinum - that's right, you have to pay them to volunteer. And you still have to follow the Mod Code of Conduct.

hahaha this is probably the best one here

What was the subreddit that represented to you the best example of downspiral of quality? To me it was /r/dataisbeautiful (kbin.social) en

At first it was all about presenting data in an original looking way. In the end it was about pushing political ideas in your throat using a plain bar graph. It was not about sharing something interesting you found but about taking advantage of a captive audience.


Controversial opinion maybe, but /r/AskReddit, when they introduced the rule that you couldn't put a story in the question. I absolutely LOVED reading whatever wild story someone had that prompted the question, and then reading the thread only if the story was interesting. Then they didn't want that to be the point of the sub and that ruined the magic for me. So I left.

/r/PointlessStories filled that niche though, and it never decreased in quality.


Yep, I said I thought it might be a controversial opinion because several months after the change I posted something saying "I hate this new rule, what do you think?" (since the mods had said that they'd solicit feedback after a while with the new rule & I never saw an actual feedback-seeking post) and got super downvoted. So I thought I was in the minority on this one.


I love that you edited the title of this particular post haha


few weeks, now. Let's not underplay how significant our action is.

Christian Selig (@christianselig@mastodon.social): "Really Important Apollo Update...." (indieweb.social) en

"I just released a really important Apollo update that adds the ability for users with remaining subscription time left to decline an automatic refund. Devs pay refunds out of pocket, and this will be about $250K, so I thank you for your consideration. ❤️ Also, this update includes an amazing "Goodbye Apollo Wallpaper Set”...


Not hariette, but yes it will! I am currently testing it on android :)

Christian is releasing the final update for Apollo, allowing users to opt out of the refunds (mastodon.social) en

Attached: 1 image I just released a really important Apollo update that adds the ability for users with remaining subscription time left to decline an automatic refund. Devs pay refunds out of pocket, and this will be about $250K, so I thank you for your consideration. ❤️ Also, this update includes an amazing "Goodbye Apollo...


Thanks for the heads up about the merch store! Sadly most of the pins were out of stock but I picked one of the remaining ones up. I wasn't an Apollo user, I used reddit is fun, but this seems like an appropriate memento to have, and I'm glad to support Christian.



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