@Thorned_Rose@kbin.social avatar



Este perfil es de un servidor federado y podría estar incompleto. Explorar más contenido en la instancia original.

Finally got access to Tildes today... Seems unimpressive (kbin.social) en

I got an invite code and so spent a bit of time browsing around because I'd heard good things about it. But I was surprised at how basic and non-diverse it all is. The forums are preset and are very generic. The conversations are definitely better than Reddit, but no better or worse than the ones I've had with people on Fedi....

@Thorned_Rose@kbin.social avatar

I thought you were being facetious calling the admin, Δεῖμος. Like implying the Tilde admin rules with such an iron first he instills god-like levels of dread in users. And then I discover the admin's username is indeed Deimos 😅

@Thorned_Rose@kbin.social avatar

What are you using to access Kbin?

@Thorned_Rose@kbin.social avatar

Exactly this. I often browse the interwebs while waiting for updates to finish. If Firefox gets updated, it'll prompt me to restart it.

Not sure ht the big deal is here. 🤷🏻‍♀️

@Thorned_Rose@kbin.social avatar

But if the program isn't restarted then it could become unstable or crash. You shouldn't really have any software running while doing updates anyway. I browse the web knowing that I'll need to restart Firefox so I never do anything of import while waiting.

@Thorned_Rose@kbin.social avatar

What's wrong with being a communist? EDIT: /s

A filthy hippy socialist witch.

@Thorned_Rose@kbin.social avatar

If someone is "authoritarian tankie trash" (which is a form of Othering FYI), then they're not actually communist are they? They're Authoritarian.

Authoritarian and Totalitarian organisations/governments have been co-opting "communism" and "socialism" for many years as a way to doublespeak legitimise themselves. But they can label themselves communist/socialist until the cows come home, doesn't make it true.

@Thorned_Rose@kbin.social avatar

"freedom of use" and Reddit 🤣🤣

@Thorned_Rose@kbin.social avatar

Huh, I was just thinking the exact same thing. Seems kinda cynical but then I remember I fucking Facebook and that's not a cynical idea, but rather a very plausible one.

@Thorned_Rose@kbin.social avatar

I was confused with the section showing awards when an email just went out saying Reddit are ditching awards. But if this is indeed from two years ago, that would make sense.

@Thorned_Rose@kbin.social avatar

If this is indeed new and not from 2021,I'm waiting for Reddit to implement about 10% of it badly and then make promises about the rest for another 5+ years.

@Thorned_Rose@kbin.social avatar

I wouldn't trust Microsoft as far as I could kick them with their long history of EEE

@Thorned_Rose@kbin.social avatar

It wouldn't surprise me if the popularity was artificially inflated. Social media has known for a while now that encouraging outrage drives views and clicks. Coupled with Reddit using bots when it was first up to artificially populate the site, there has probably always been some bullshittery going on, it's just become more obvious now. I unsubbed to subs like r/facepalm and all the other rage generating subs because they were having a detrimental effect on my mental health and because it was obvious they were encouraging and driving outrage for clicks.

Deleting my Reddit comments was a strange experience. (kbin.social) en

It wasn't the fact that there was a limit to see 1000 comments but what they were. The vast majority of my 12 years on Reddit I spent talking about dungeon and dragons 5th edition (DnD 5e) which I started playing early in is lifestyle. It was my first role playing game and I got sucked into the Internet to learn more. Before my...

@Thorned_Rose@kbin.social avatar

The user Mutant seem to be going around various communities to either vent their misplaced rage or cause shit. Or maybe both. Check out their comment history. Then feel free to block them.

@Thorned_Rose@kbin.social avatar

Thank you! The paywall bypass link OP provided didn't work for me with a "secure connection failed" error.

@Thorned_Rose@kbin.social avatar

Gees, the Admins aren't very smart. Least they could have done is go buy some karma farmed accounts and use those self-respecting bot spammers do.

@Thorned_Rose@kbin.social avatar

I totally hear you that comments like this can feel insensitive of people who have been abused. I'm an abuse survivors so I get where you're coming from and appreciate your intent.

What I disagree with is that we shouldn't make this comparison at all. The same relational dynamics and structures that give rise to mental, emotional, physical, sexual, etc. abuse gives rise to this behaviour too.

It's like the pyramid of rape culture (https://www.11thprincipleconsent.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Rape-Culture-v5.png). The stuff at the bottom isn't one for one equal to what's up the top. But the underlying structure, the foundation is the same no matter how far up you go.

The same as any form of abuse no matter how big or small is underpin d by the same thought patterns, behaviours, culture, societal attitudes and practices, etc.

EDIT: removed preview of pyramid so no one gets smacked in the face with unpleasant descriptions scrolling down.

@Thorned_Rose@kbin.social avatar

Ignore the power of communities like r/WallStreetBets to fuck up their IPO

What was the subreddit that represented to you the best example of downspiral of quality? To me it was /r/dataisbeautiful (kbin.social) en

At first it was all about presenting data in an original looking way. In the end it was about pushing political ideas in your throat using a plain bar graph. It was not about sharing something interesting you found but about taking advantage of a captive audience.

@Thorned_Rose@kbin.social avatar

r/MadeMeSmile devolved into constant reposts and increasing animal abuse. The number of times I would have to report posts for unsafe shit or animal cruelty was really getting to me to me at the end there.

It was by no means the only sub that went in that direction. As others have pointed out, all of Reddit was going down the crapper but that sub for me epitomised how shit Reddit became - repost bots, comment bots, karma farming, fake content that was dangerous or abusive... it had it all.

@Thorned_Rose@kbin.social avatar

I wish more people understood this. Secondhand quality is vastly superior to brands new crap. Older second hand can be even better. My not have a bunch of fancy features but it'll last at lest the rest of your life if cared for.

But so many just can't get past the stigma of "second hand".

@Thorned_Rose@kbin.social avatar

I know for a fact that (so far) one post and at least one comment (there may be more, I'm still going through) have been restored. How do I know this? Because every single post and comment I deleted, I edited with "DELETED - GDPR" first and then deleted. I did all this systematically. I knew that if I saw any post or comment with that text, it would mean it had been restored. And now, today, a few days after that post and comment were edited and then deleted, they're back with the edited text. This is also well with that 1000 post comment/limit too.

This time I've taken screenshot first and deleted again. I've also recorded video of me editing and deleting a comment. If that one comes back as well, I have proof.

All my edit/deletes have been over several days so it's not like I'm hammering the servers and causing them to glitch out on deleting correctly (I fully refresh the page after anyway to check deletions have indeed happened).

Edit: typos

@Thorned_Rose@kbin.social avatar

I found another post and multiple comments undeleted today. I'm now appending periods . to every post and comment that comes back so I'll be able to count how many times I've had to delete the same comment.

e.g. If I see DELETED - GDPR . . I know that comment has been restored three times.

Ridiculous that I have to delete over and over again.

@Thorned_Rose@kbin.social avatar

I would drop kick FB in a heart beat if it wasn't for that shitty platform being my only means of communication with some family and friends. WTF happened to email and phone calls/txt jesus.

@Thorned_Rose@kbin.social avatar

I wish I could do that. But I'm disabled which is isolating by itself but also makes maintaining friendships difficult let alone making new friends.

So unfortunately the few friends I do have are firmly entrenched in FB and I have little recourse to make more friends. They're good people. Genuinely good people so I don't want to ditch them anyway, they've just been wicked into social media addiction and entrapment the same way many have been.

@Thorned_Rose@kbin.social avatar

I had to stop posting photos of me feeding my baby on FB (even when you couldn't see shit or only a tiny bit of skin) because I would ALWAYS get random creeps PMing me.

I'm also an admin in a pregnancy/birth group and I constantly have to block scody arseholes from trying to join. It gets depressing sometimes. I can only imagine what r/breastfeeding mods have to endure to keep the community safe.

@Thorned_Rose@kbin.social avatar

I hear you on the guilt by association. But you don't ever need to apologise for being born who you are. What you do with your life is what matters the most. As @offendicula said, you can't control other people, you can only control yourself. Being a good role model to and good influence on other men and boys is one of the single best things you can do. :)

@Thorned_Rose@kbin.social avatar

Transcript of image:

Censored username. Posted 5 hours ago.
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
Comment karma +91.

Image source: an r/ModCoord thread

@Thorned_Rose@kbin.social avatar
@Thorned_Rose@kbin.social avatar

I think something to remember is that some communities on Reddit are essential and important to people's wellbeing. There are subreddits that help people get through cancer, or help people with depression and suicide. I help (as best I can) with a subreddit that helps people with access to what can be life changing and life saving medical cannabis. Reddit, as much as I despise social media and centralisation of power and knowledge can be the sole place some people go for support. Of course it shouldn't be that way, but that doesn't change what it is currently.

Because of this, protests aren't just about shitposts or cat subreddits or whatever that anyone can find somewhere else or restart on the Fediverse. It's also about trying to force Reddit's hand into improving what there is so that the essential subreddits can continue (at least for now until a better alternative is created and folks have finished migrating there such as what r/blind has done).

@Thorned_Rose@kbin.social avatar

Happy Kake day 🍰 Happy Key lime pie day? Happy Klondike Bar day? Happy Kuchen day?

I still need my Reddit account to provide support to folks. But I've been deleting everything non-support related. Thousands of comments over the years. Reading back through some of them, I feel sad at the hours I put into some of the longer ones and the comradery and funnies... end of an era. Here's to a brighter future 🥂

@Thorned_Rose@kbin.social avatar

YMMV, but as someone with Memory and Cognitive Impairment, I found it straight forward enough to use. You just need to drag a button to your bookmarks bar and then click it when you're on Reddit. Select what you want to edit and/or delete and go. Take a while to do (at least it did on my 6yo account) so I went off and did other stuff while waiting.

@Thorned_Rose@kbin.social avatar

Apparently Teddit is reliant on the API which is obviously going to become a problem soon (I was told this, I have not yet had time to verify).

Safereddit uses Libreddit which you can read about here: https://github.com/libreddit/libreddit

@Thorned_Rose@kbin.social avatar

Yeah, I went and read that last night too :( They seem to be working on a way of getting around it that may be promising. Don't think it's going to be in time for the API change though.

@Thorned_Rose@kbin.social avatar

For Firefox (don't know if it's on Chrome/Chromium) there's also the LibRedirect Addon which can also do YouTube, Tiktok, Imgur, Quora, and a bunch more to help protect your privacy and eyeballs.

@Thorned_Rose@kbin.social avatar

The same for where people are asking for help or advice, downvotes and upvotes can help crowdsource accurate and useful answers much better. Otherwise you can end up sifting through tens of answers (sometimes hundreds) and not knowing how accurate those answers could be. At least with up/downvotes there can be some semblence of consensus on what's useful and what's not. It also helps prevent a bajillion replies to helpful comments that are nothing more than +1 or "this!".

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