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tux, a helpers de

Auf meiner aktuellen RC tritt folgende Exception auf:
Achtung: Die Paste braucht aufgrund der Länge etwas, bis sie geladen ist.


@tux Hmm, das ist eine Endlosschleife. Ich muss nur noch ergründen, was da schief läuft.

feb, a helpers en

Nach dem Update auf den RC 1569/1569 / Post-Update-Version 1550/1550 scheint das Bluesky und Tumblr Addon nicht mehr zu wollen.


2024-07-02T15:39:34Z worker [INFO]: Activities are never exported when we don't import the bluesky timeline {"uid":1871} - {"file":"bluesky.php","line":590,"function":"bluesky_hook_fork","request-id":"66841f296ac32","stack":"bluesky_hook_fork (222), Hook::callSingle (170), Hook::fork (482), Notifier::execute, Worker::execFunction (388), Worker::execute (123), Worker::processQueue (87)","uid":"843857","process_id":1118624}
2024-07-02T15:38:19Z worker [INFO]: Activities are never exported when we don't import the bluesky timeline {"uid":1849} - {"file":"bluesky.php","line":590,"function":"bluesky_hook_fork","request-id":"66841ee8e5c1f","stack":"bluesky_hook_fork (222), Hook::callSingle (170), Hook::fork (482), Notifier::execute, Worker::execFunction (388), Worker::execute (123), Worker::processQueue (87)","uid":"41f70a","process_id":1117888}
2024-07-02T15:37:35Z worker [INFO]: Activities are never exported when we don't import the bluesky timeline {"uid":9} - {"file":"bluesky.php","line":590,"function":"bluesky_hook_fork","request-id":"66841ebe0bce2","stack":"bluesky_hook_fork (222), Hook::callSingle (170), Hook::fork (482), Notifier::execute, Worker::execFunction (388), Worker::execute (123), Worker::processQueue (87)","uid":"b695b4","process_id":1117680}
2024-07-02T15:28:53Z worker [INFO]: Activities are never exported when we don't import the bluesky timeline {"uid":1701} - {"file":"bluesky.php","line":590,"function":"bluesky_hook_fork","request-id":"66841cb4be2b7","stack":"bluesky_hook_fork (222), Hook::callSingle (170), Hook::fork (482), Notifier::execute, Worker::execFunction (388), Worker::execute (123), Worker::processQueue (87)","uid":"28ad46","process_id":1115134}


2024-07-02T14:46:52Z worker [NOTICE]: No tumblr parent found {"item":194397909,"worker_id":"aff702b","worker_cmd":"Notifier"} - {"file":"tumblr.php","line":482,"function":"tumblr_hook_fork","request-id":"668412d9b6789","stack":"tumblr_hook_fork (222), Hook::callSingle (170), Hook::fork (482), Notifier::execute, Worker::execFunction (388), Worker::execute (123), Worker::processQueue (87)","uid":"de1395","process_id":1099015}
2024-07-02T14:45:55Z worker [INFO]: Activities are never exported when we don't import the tumblr timeline {"uid":1871} - {"file":"tumblr.php","line":487,"function":"tumblr_hook_fork","request-id":"668412a1993aa","stack":"tumblr_hook_fork (222), Hook::callSingle (170), Hook::fork (482), Notifier::execute, Worker::execFunction (388), Worker::execute (123), Worker::processQueue (87)","uid":"17a3e6","process_id":1098715}
2024-07-02T14:45:49Z worker [INFO]: Activities are never exported when we don't import the tumblr timeline {"uid":1871} - {"file":"tumblr.php","line":487,"function":"tumblr_hook_fork","request-id":"6684129b8e7cb","stack":"tumblr_hook_fork (222), Hook::callSingle (170), Hook::fork (482), Notifier::execute, Worker::execFunction (388), Worker::execute (123), Worker::processQueue (87)","uid":"04c8fd","process_id":1098689}

Geht das nur mir so?


@feb Das sind alles keine Fehlermeldungen. Dieses "Activities are never exported when we don't import the ... timeline" sagt einfach nur aus, dass dieser Post nicht in das entsprechende System übertragen wird. Es sagt nichts über den Empfang aus.


@feb Hast Du irgendwelche "ERROR"-Einträge im Log?


@feb Kannst Du in der workerqueue-Tabelle schauen, ob es Einträge mit "bluesky" gibt, einmal mit gesetztem "done" und einmal ohne?


@feb ```
select command, done, count(*) from workerqueue where command like "%bluesky%" group by command, done;

tux, a helpers de

Seit dem letzten git pull meiner RC von gestern tauchen ab und an folgende Einträge im Log auf:
E_WARNING: Unknown: Failed to write session data using user defined save handler. (session.save_path: /var/lib/php/sessions)
E_WARNING: Unknown: Cannot call session save handler in a recursive manner
Was haben diese Einträge zu sagen?


@tux Leider sagt mir das nichts.

noidea, a developers en

we currently have this Problem with the missing YouTube Preview images and I can't log in on GitHub now.. so I write here..

Try to embed a YouTube video with the youtube or the video bbcode.. There seems to be something wrong with the video id. Maybe that is our problem ......


@noidea Is the sserver running at Netcup?

fu, a helpers en

recently my friends' posts that include only images are showing as with no content in my network feed. Whats' up with that?

@ahuka@pod.haxxors.com:> https://pod.haxxors.com/uploads/images/641e32ac1223c3355f66.webp


@fu Do you have got an example?

anubis2814, a developers en

Hey guys, is there something special I need to know about using smarty? I'm back to plugging away on the quiz option, trying to make a dynamic radio button that is clickable and returns a value. I have a version using a js file, that works with an HTML document, but I'm having issues integrating it into tpl files with php variables.
html_radios is a smarty option we have that should create dynamic radio buttons. Problem is I can't make it work even though I'm using this smarty.net/docsv2/en/language.… Which is a copy of a md file we have.
I will put something like:

 {html_radios options=$options_title 
        separator='<br />'}

Into the content/question.tpl file
If I run it as normal, it just spits out code as a result in the poll.
If I run something like this in /model/item.php
$smarty->assign('option_title', $option.name)); It always gives me just a white screen.
I want to make sure there isn't some easy fix that I need to do to smarty to make it work right, it might well be I'm just doing it all wrong with my non-professional newb status. If there isn't I'll just keep pluging and chugging til i figure it out. Just wnt to make sure I'm not wasting my time where there is any easy fix


@anubis2814 This white screen means that something is wrong. And in the logfiles you should see, what exactly failed.

anubis2814, a developers en

I'm poking around at the polling issue that the rest of the fediverse enjoys and I've run into a problem that probably the other person who set the groundwork for the question option ran into and abandoned.
Who designed out field_radio.tpl file? Was that made in house or was that outsourced from somewhere else. If so do they have other radio tpl files for lists.

Just a note that I am a massive beginner. so this is more a challenge than anything else and if it works or not I'll have learned something either way.

{{foreach $options as $option}}
	{{include file="field_radio.tlp field="$option.vote"}} 
	<div class="settings-submit-wrapper">
			<input type="submit" name="notification-submit" class="settings-submit" value="{{$submit}}"/>

This will not work as the field_radio.tpl isn't designed for lists. I can make it look like it should but them the buttons don't switch, because its a list. Every help forum online suggests downloading and outside client for it. If we have a reliable template maker client then what is it? Otherwise I will poke around and figure this out over time as a newb. Might need some js from the looks of it but there might be a much easier solution.


@anubis2814 I started it, but haven't completed it because of time constraints. My plan is to first make it usable via the API, but here the whole part concerning the transmission of your vote is missing.

anubis2814, a developers en

I completely changed files and renamed them in modules and templates. no matter what the page kept coming up the same. It should have accessed the new php file according to routes.config.php. There is no way friendica should be accessing this file.
However apparently smarty3 keeps redirecting things to the old page style. Any idea what to do here?


@anubis2814 I don't completely understand what you did. But I guess you should clean the smarty cache. (view/smarty3/compiled/)

fabrixxm, a developers en

I was playing with my "FediBadge" generator I created some time ago

I noticed that it doesn't show Person avatar of People from Friendica.
The thing uses webfinger to find the ActivitiyStream json representation of the acct from the user, and it get it's data from there.
Now I noticed that "icon" and 'image' properties are missing when I request a user profile with 'Accept:application/activity+json" from Friendica.

I looked at code and I found there:

that 'icon' and 'image' and other profile proprties are behind $full flag, that for what I understand, is true if request is http-signed and from a 'live' contact of the profile.
(so, false for any anonymous get)


If the profile is public, that data is present on the html version of the profile.

This break my code, which is unfortunate, but also looks like it has the consequence that on mastodon (and others I think), when searching for a profile that is not already cached locally, ther


@fabrixxm Yeah, that was done deliberately. This had been done, when Meta announced that Threads will do AP: So that Threads isn't able to fetch data, the requests have to be done with signed requests. To avoid any workarounds, the access to the non vital data is now restricted to systems that identify itself.

The access is possible for every system that isn't explicitly blocked.

For Friendica you can use noscrape as a workaround. Does this work for you?


@fabrixxm Yeah, sure, the data can be fetched in different ways. It is only meant for this whole "Threads" situation.

heluecht, a developers en

git.friendi.ca is currently down. Can someone have got a look at it?

pankraz, a developers en

@developers Are you following the developments at event-federation.eu/blog/? I did not see Friendica as participant, even though we have an extensive event framework.


@pankraz By now I haven't heard of them.

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