sabreW4K3, a firefox en We’re the Firefox leadership team at Mozilla. AMA (live Thursday June 13, 17:00 - 19:00 UTC) avatar

It looks like it was an interesting AMA. Good answers, though no particularly hard questions.

CoffeeAddict, a RedditMigration en Looks like Reddit is removing the ability to opt out of personalized advertisements.

To the surprise of no one here, they are continuing to make reddit worse.

Neblib, avatar

@CoffeeAddict guess we'll see another kbin/lemmy + masto bump soon.

nicetriangle, avatar

just wait until they start monetizing karma. it's gonna turn that site into a race for the bottom

squirrel, avatar

Don’t forget their plan to allow users kick out mods and then imagine how people with monetary interests will conspire to kick out mods that stop from from maximising their profits…

Haui, avatar

I hate that you’re right.

squirrel, avatar

I hate it too. As much as I enjoy Lemmy, Reddit was my go-to social platform thing for a long time. I hate to see it being mismanaged by an incompetent fool like Spez.

Haui, avatar

Same. It’s heartbreaking. But people were/are not ready/able to save it so we have to move on. As sad as it is.

squirrel, avatar

At the moment my main gripe is that people still refuse to move to other platforms despite it all. I want to scream “It’s not going to get better, folks!” at them all of the time. But I am too tired to do it.

Damaskox, avatar

I wonder would one reason be that if "the most" of the community is there, it's just better to be there with the folks and the content rather than take a leap to a much smaller place and feel small or lonely or something like that...

(I haven't used kbin/lemmy for more than an hour - seeing whether this is a new place to stay)

squirrel, avatar

Yes, of course. The network effect is buoying up Reddit as it is and probably will be until a critical mess of users leave it for good. Besides the obvious truth that Lemmy/Kbin are slower and that’s not what Redditors are used to who have learned to expect something new every time they update their frontpage.

nicetriangle, avatar

Somehow missed that and well... fuckin yikes. Reddit is incredibly easy to bot, this will get abused in short order.

bug, a RedditMigration en Looks like Reddit is removing the ability to opt out of personalized advertisements.

I hope there’s more to this because that sounds illegal under the GDPR

BigVault, a RedditMigration en Looks like Reddit is removing the ability to opt out of personalized advertisements. avatar

I love the fact that both my ublock origin & pihole detect and block absolutely no trackers when I’m on kbin (I’m sure the lemmy users are just as fortunate).

Another shit Reddit moment, I’ve not missed it at all.


Surprisingly 2% blocked at Cloudflare insights which isn't the worst tbh.

burtek, avatar

I guess that depends on the instance and its admins, rather than Lemmy as a platform.


It does. 0% here over on

Arotrios, avatar

They've had issues with CSAM and DDOS attacks - they're probably using Cloudflare to help mitigate that.

TheGreatFox, a RedditMigration en Looks like Reddit is removing the ability to opt out of personalized advertisements.

They value your privacy.

That’s why they’ll sell it to the highest bidder. And the second-highest bidder. And anyone else that wants it.

lemmy_nightmare, a RedditMigration en Looks like Reddit is removing the ability to opt out of personalized advertisements. avatar

Awww…shit. Here we go again.

HipPriest, a RedditMigration en Looks like Reddit is removing the ability to opt out of personalized advertisements.

I guess I'd just assumed they'd already done that at some point already

islandmonkeee, a RedditMigration en 3rd party app for Reddit, Boost, is still functioning well after July 1st avatar

The thing is that it really is no longer about 3rd party apps working or not, rather, the level of disrespect displayed from Reddit towards us, their userbase. That's why I'm not going back.


Exactly. Relay user here and it'll continue to function but...

  1. Fuck spez
  2. I don't care to support reddit anymore
  3. Reddit's content for my feed is already turning to garbage. I'm already finding kbin and lemmy better.

Good riddins.

Oshka, avatar

Exactly this. There is now actual conversarion and I'm finding interesting content again.


I’m struggling to find as much interesting content as I did on Reddit. BUT I am much more easily finding pleasant conversations. And that I think is more important.

I’m posting more here than I did on Reddit because I want to be the change I want! Also I’m still learning to navigate this place too. I like it though.


The bots posted most of the interesting content in Reddit, and it’s unhealthy to have a constant stream of “interesting” content to browse through. For the time being, this seems much more organic content, and there is actually a bottom to hit in terms of content which makes me want to do something besides endlessly scroll.

Oshka, avatar

I'm having a different experience with the content but can understand where you are coming from. I spent a lot of time searching out the niche communities I'm interested in and subscribing across all the instances i can find. Trying to actually post more too and encourage others.

The conversation aspect is so true though. It's been the most present surprise and is part of what's driving me to engage and start posting.


Nr. 3 is the main point. I prefer less content if it's not reposts, ragebait and bots

islandmonkeee, avatar

And TikTok reposts. I was getting fed up of them on /r/StupidFood....

ginerel, avatar

I was a RedReader user for quite a while (as in years). While being a bit spartan, I found it to be the best Reddit app for my preferences. Period.

But indeed, nowadays, there is actual (great) content on Lemmy and Kbin, and I am willing to get to it. Not much time left for Reddit. Sorry, spez, fuck you!


Good riddance?


Exactly. Even if spez rolled everything back, I'm not going back.

All trust in Reddit is now destroyed because of Spez.


Fact is even if Reddit rolled back the changes it’d be the classic “let’s see how far we can push our user base then we’ll roll that back to acceptable levels while slowly pushing those limits through later updates” strategy


Give Apollo a contract guaranteeing free API access until the end of time without nonsense restrictions on content and maybe I'd think about it. Short of that I'm all set.

(No it's not just Apollo. But he's the most wronged and the one I use.)


His name is Steve Huffman, using Spez means he gets to avoid a lot of the public criticism through google searches etc.

Bendersmember, avatar

After the whole Brock turner the rapist crusade (deserved) I've been sitting here scratching my head why spez wasn't named and shamed with his real name by the same group.


Did I mention, "fuck spez"?


Same. I used to use the official app because when I started using Reddit, I was not aware of third party apps. Then it was just inertia. After this fiasco started, I started trying various apps and used sync for the last 3 weeks. Now i'm here.


LJ (Sync dev) said he'd look at Kbin after he gets Sync for Lemmy up :)


Yep. Fuck Reddit. It's fallen to the normies now. I'm glad to have my tech nerd discussions and news here in the fediverse now.


Reddit has made clear they have no respect for their users, especially their most active users responsible for creating and moderating their content. No matter what reddit does or doesn't do now, it is obvious it will continue to get worse.

IninewCrow, avatar

It's also a wake up call to those who created content and did tons of free moderating for no gain other than personal prestige ... it is making us all realize that whenever we put in extra effort into a social media website that is privately owned - we create the content and reason for the sites existence but we don't financially benefit from it, someone else does who did no work to create any of it other than to claim ownership over everything.

It's the same old story from a thousand years ago or even the arguments of worker rights from the 1800s ... we create the means of production but we receive no benefit from our work

Bendersmember, avatar

Little late to the game on this one but I did finally get my words to reflect how and why I feel I do about this situation, I commented it recently on another post but I'm gonna drop it here again as I hope it can add to this discussion.

I quit when rif went down. I've never used an official app, desktop site, mobile site etc. Rif was Reddit to me for 10 years. Maybe leaving as a collective will make some difference, maybe not, but I'm going to start being more firm on how much I'll let companies try to push me around expecting me to just take it. They built it on our backs, then just took it away so a literal select few can cash in, when they are already filthy rich and had other options.

I've been explaining it to others as if you broke your phone. Now it's frustrating getting used to a new phone, but it has lots of new features you never even thought of that make up for the inconveniences. Sure I could go back to my old phone, it's comfortable to use, but the screen is broken and it cuts me now and again, and over time it'll cut me more often. I'd rather get used to the new phone.

This past year I've dealt with food going up, gas, utilities, rent, hell cigarettes and even beer, my fishing license went up. Every single nook and cranny they can pull a cent from you they will.
I'm done choosing to let them. If they want my data, my attention, my content, they can pull it from my cold dead hands damnit.

Ok weird ass Braveheart speech over and out.

AnonymousLlama, avatar

2023 certainly does feel like the year where you're getting less for more.

Bendersmember, avatar

Hey at least they're doing it across the board for all us plebs, that way it's fair and can affect everything.


The leadership is too much for me. Too many right wing shitbirds with conspiracy delusions, too much open partying with Ghislaine(sp?) Maxwell, and too many mishandled scandals relating to sexual content with minors.

Huffman (Spez) gave some interview where he talks about civilization falling and he’d “be a slaver rather than a slave” (paraphrasing, I don’t have the interview open) which is just wild because he’s scrawny as fuck.

There’s always rumors of an IPO but I feel like the current staff isn’t fit to head a public company and would crumble under wide public scrutiny like on the markets


he’d “be a slaver rather than a slave”

Wouldn't you if you were given that decision and it was even or?

It's a stupid world to you because it's never either or, but people like spez rarely have the tact to think that far.


It’d be a preferable situation if it were either/or but even then I realize I’m probably not big and bad enough to strong arm myself into that position everyone else would rather have.

Spez is/was a doomsday prepper though I think he figures he’s got an edge over everyone else

AnonymousLlama, avatar

The only thing I'll be giving Reddit is my traffic, more than happy to lurk the comment but I definitely won't be posting, commenting, upvoting/downloading or helping admins by reporting spam and rule violations. None of that effort anymore

HeartyBeast, avatar

The only thing I'll be giving Reddit is my traffic,

Just to bear in mimd that traffic is the metric that they use when selling to advertisers. Not criticising you, just pointing it out.


Traffic quality plays a big role too. If you never click on or engage with any ads your visits aren’t worth much anyway. You could even vpn yourself from a poor country and be considered even less valuable to the ad machines lol


Agree on that. Even if reddit reverses the API changes I am not sure I will look the same way at the website.

domint, a RedditMigration en /r/PICS moderators receive /u/ModCodeofConduct message accusing them of breaking site rules by switching to NSFW; mods can't reply, so post public response instead avatar

Also login-walled because of nsfw subreddit. And I’m freshly out of accounts. 🤷‍♂️

lontong, avatar

…for now.

lontong, avatar

Yeah, they now force redirect you to after you login from

Login only so far. Spez is slowly pulling the rug.

edit: they reverted it. fucking cowards.

Arotrios, a RedditMigration en I just wanted to leave this here avatar

JFC I left just in time. This is literally encouraging me to go through the effort of deleting my old reddit accounts. Am I the only one that became notably nauseous when viewing that link? It's like it's been designed by the CCP for kindergartners.


I had 3 accounts from the last 12 years that I went through and deleted the comments on. I never really posted anything helpful, so I didn't feel too bad depriving the communities of the content, but it felt really good to do.

tikitaki, avatar

My favorite part

Communities are the lifeblood of the Internet. But on today's Internet, they are not in charge of their own destiny. Instead, they are controlled by the large platforms that hold all the power online. It is time for a change.

It's time for a change all right, lol


Whoever wrote that has a future in the Trump campaign. Zero self awareness. Too funny.


The irony is strong in this one. 😂


Reddit can’t possibly be that self-aware lol

mintiefresh, a RedditMigration en I just wanted to leave this here

Wow Reddit is becoming Twitter.


Reddit leadership saw Musk nuking his site and thought “hey, we can do that too!”

thingsiplay, a RedditMigration en I just wanted to leave this here avatar

@hiyaaaaa23 Now its your turn, Elon. Can you integrate NFTs and Crypto Currency into Twitter? The battle continues...


If you actually wanted to tag the person, you need to include the instance they're on. In your case I'd have to write

thingsiplay, avatar

@curiosityLynx The name is written out fully automatically when I click "Add comment"; kbin, the instance where I am, will put full identifier automatically. But on posting it only shows the "id name" without "instance part", but links to the account. Like in this situation with your name. My guess is, the person is still tagged correctly and only the HTML link name is shown in the browser.

I just wish it would link to the actual post or reply directly, instead the person. With the ability to preview on mouse hover (just like how it works on person accounts, at least for me on the desktop browser). This would make discussions more clear.

Ferk, avatar

Yes, I think it's an issue from, when seeing your comment (or other mentions) from there it does not show it as a link:

thingsiplay, avatar

@Ferk Interesting. I have checked the link from you, to see it from their perspective. And sure enough that won't show me a link too, BUT... The guy from has a link. What I think happening is following: Because I respond to the guy in the same instance, it won't put the entire name. I know this from Mastodon, where if we are in the same instance, I don't need to put the instance id to tag someone. And because the guy from kglitch is not in the same instance, it will automatically create a full id reference, which every instance render as a link.

Hopefully I could explain what I think is happening. Maybe it is not an issue with kglitch itself, but how Kbin works.


That actually makes sense.

ReiWasHere, avatar


it might be the /kbin core, not your site you're on.

if you mention someone at your instance here i also prob would see a "full url" (as long it's not the same instance we are on, yes even if it's kbin based)

linking magazines is even more broken.

if i link a kbin social magazine, its not even gonna show, if i do mention a magazine on another instance here on it does shorten and link to it, while the ppl over there just see the "full url" of my mention vice versa :,D

TheRazorX, a RedditMigration en I just wanted to leave this here

Run weighted polls to make big decisions in your community, like getting input on rules changes or deciding how to distribute Points.

Unlike regular polls, these polls give a larger voice to people who have contributed more to the community. The more Community Points someone has earned, the more weight their vote carries

Am I the only one that thinks this is a horrible idea considering the creator to lurker ratio?

originalucifer, avatar

i find it hilarious considering they used the same excuse for forcing sub policy change reversion; "only the active people voted, you cant just change the sub policy because of allll the lurkers"..

reddit executive lacks cohesive governance. just a complete shitshow

stringere, a RedditMigration en I just wanted to leave this here

“Each subreddit creates its own Community Points token, with a custom name and symbol.”

So based on the art in that panel: communities for a fidget spinner, pinwheel , and a brick…

Seems like par for the course.

croobat, a RedditMigration en I just wanted to leave this here avatar

Weighted polls? Something something Animal Farm.

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