LeafyPasserine, a science en Improving soil could keep world within 1.5C heating target, research suggests avatar

Ooh, fun fact! Did you know the It Ain't Much But It's Honest Work meme guy was a proponent of no till farming and was a leader in the movement advocating for and utilizing the farming practices suggested in this article?

Dave Brandt passed away in May this year, but his honest work? It meant so much.

The1Morrigan, a RedditMigration en Twitter traffic sinks in wake of changes and launch of rival platform Threads

Now if only there was an alternative that had nothing to do with Facebook.

adonis, avatar

oh.. wait..


There is Mastodon. You just have to get used to it.


Mastodon: it's harder to find your friends, but you get to keep them.


I agree, but I try to be pragmatic. Everyone is looking for the twitter killer that will destroy it in a blaze of glory, but I am fine with it slowly bleeding users and value as Threads and Mastodon (and Bluesky?) get better and gains more users.


But is Meta/Facebook gaining any better? Remember, this was the company that gladly shared information with Cambridge Analytica to affect the 2016 US elections. And they’re collecting an absolutely monstrous amount of data from each Thread user.

milkytoast, a science en Prosthetic limb device enables users to ‘sense’ temperature difference avatar

can people with prosthetics feel stuff? are we at that point technologically? if so, how precisely? with my fleshy fingers I can tell the difference between glass and less smooth surfaces, or even a hair ir some dust, but I doubt prosthetics would be at such s point

Fiivemacs, a RedditMigration en How social media’s biggest user protest rocked Reddit

Technical tweaks my ass…it was nothing more then pure greed.


Honestly, I think spez was offended last spring when he realized that every. Single. AI had included most of rexxit's content in their training data - and that rexxit had paid the infrastructure and bandwidth costs for that to happen. And that he was angry about that, and afraid that he'd once again missed the boat, just like he did with rexxit crypto and rexxit NFTs. He really is an astoundingly incompetent CEO.

bartolomeo, a RedditMigration en How social media’s biggest user protest rocked Reddit

While traffic has not changed substantially, many users report the quality of content and the kinds of posts that are surfaced on user homepages now seem different.

This was on the front page a day or 2 ago, right near the top:

It seemed… inorganic. And I’m not sure what the gold trim is on those posts. Other posts didn’t have them.

rhythmisaprancer, a science en Neanderthal DNA may explain why some of us are morning people avatar

including genes linked to ... hair

Hmm well that explains why I am a hairy morning person!

livus, a random en Is Saltburn the most divisive film of the year? avatar

I'm beginning to feel slightly weirded out that every single post I make to !movies gets reposted here.

Am I being followed by a bot?

Blaze, avatar

Hello! I’m not a bot, but I am indeed reposting some of your articles here!

livus, avatar

@Blaze Thanks for the reply. Nice to know you're a human!

You've actually reposted all my posts to movies in the last few days, including an obscure one, so I was really beginning to wonder!

Blaze, avatar

Yes, to be honest I tend to cross-post most of the articles I find interesting, and yours definitely are!

livus, avatar

@Blaze Afterthought: I do have a favour to ask, please can you upvote my posts if you like them?

One of the reasons I thought you were a bot was because you weren't interacting with me at all over there.

Blaze, avatar

I just did!

livus, avatar

@Blaze Thanks!! Cinephiles unite!

Blaze, avatar

You are welcome! We should probably decide which community to keep at some point, it might be more interesting than crossposting everything both sides ha ha. Would you like to help us mod !moviesandtv ?

livus, avatar

@Blaze thanks for the invite, that's an interesting idea - but I don't know if federation currently allows us to cross-moderate between Lemmy and Kbin yet?

We should probably decide which community to keep at some point is obviously the bigger/main community on the threadiverse so definitely it needs to be kept!!!

Also everyone already migrated here once after the old instance shut.

Kbin is a relatively small instance, but I'm still committed to helping it maintain some basic communities because I think it's an important aspect as it grows. So I'm thinking for now, keep little !movies going too, maybe lean into theory/art/history type stuff over there a bit more.

Back when I was on reddit I used to enjoy both the big movies sub and the much smaller ones like flicks and truefilm, and now that Kbin has multi-communities that seems promising in terms of access.

Blaze, avatar

@Blaze thanks for the invite, that’s an interesting idea - but I don’t know if federation currently allows us to cross-moderate between Lemmy and Kbin yet?

Yes, unfortunately you would need a Lemmy account to be able to mod :-/

!moviesandtv is obviously the bigger/main community on the threadiverse so definitely it needs to be kept!!!

Alright, let’s do this!

Also, I agree that small communities are also nice, but probably too early for now

ernest, avatar

Yes, unfortunately you would need a Lemmy account to be able to mod :-/

This is one of the things I am currently working on; something should change in the near future.

rafoix, a science en Bacteria that ‘eat’ methane could slow global heating, study finds

Another capitalist “solution” to climate change. These people are just looking to sell a subscription to life on earth.

Lols, a science en Improving soil could keep world within 1.5C heating target, research suggests

spoiler: we dont

Hellsadvocate, a RedditMigration en Twitter traffic sinks in wake of changes and launch of rival platform Threads avatar

The enemy of my enemy....isn't like my best friend or anything, but I sure am cheering them on...
But in all honesty, as much as I love the idea of fediverse. I really do want a "town square" that's moderated by the community. I would love something like or a wikipedia equivalent to Twitter.

Infiltrated_ad8271, avatar

I find it hard to decide who to hate less because both are so ambiguous about their future. Currently threads doesn't allow access to any of their content without signup and using their damn mobile app, while twitter allows free access from any browser.

On the other hand, twitter is recently limiting access without an account, and threads could have a browser version and federation with the fediverse.


As far as I know, a Threads site is coming. It only just launched so not everything is ready yet :)

Teppic, avatar

I think splitting the user base between them is probably good. Ideally TV/radio will stop defaulting to "tweet us with the hashtag..." They'll have use multiple channels and that might open the door for Mastodon and the fediverse too.

I'll keep saying it, but I'd like to see another big player (Microsoft, Google etc) embrace activitypub. That would bring balance and snub EEE for Meta.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, avatar

Considering the stranglehold that huge platforms have on users, it makes a lot of sense for organizations to have their own fediverse servers, with communities and access they control.

For example, a lot of governments use Twitter as a way to communicate in disaster situations. But since Elon lets anyone with a credit card have a check mark and bans people on a whim you can't trust that the account is a real one or that it won't be cut off in time of need. A Mastodon server would solve both of these problems.


That’s true, but now you have to remember which server is legit. One benefit of a centralized service is that you have centralized verification, which at one time was a point in Twitter’s favor.

I’m not very well versed in cryptography, but if I understand the certification system for websites, different sites apply to a certificate provider, of which there are multiple. Maybe something like this is possible for the Fediverse? Where a user or community or instance can be “verified” by one or more trusted verification “agencies” or whatever.

Thorned_Rose, avatar

I wouldn't trust Microsoft as far as I could kick them with their long history of EEE


Me neither, but I think the point here is that it is better for the fediverse if there’s competition between Meta and Microsoft as well as competition between each of them and the current fediverse.

Marks, avatar
Infiltrated_ad8271, avatar

Nope, should I? I tried firefox and brave.
Anyway, I guess this implies that there is a website nearby, as the other user says.

Marks, avatar

Interesting. I do not have a threads account and can see that post and replies.


Weird, i can. Firefox, Linux.


I can't. Also Firefox and Linux. Strange indeed

Edit: Ah, I am un Europe. Nevermind

Teppic, avatar

Are you in Europe? Threads is blocked in the EU...

Infiltrated_ad8271, avatar

You were right, I changed my location and now I can see it.

yesdogishere, a RedditMigration en Twitter traffic sinks in wake of changes and launch of rival platform Threads

for the sake of humanity, pls permaban threads from using activityhub etc if it in any way uses data shared with kbin/lemmy. threads is an abominatin - it doesn't show you when people mention you in replies, and it selectively shows you things which only zuckerprick wants to show you. so posts are not even shown chronologically, threads just doesn't bother to show you all the posts.

threads is clearly a vehicle for fascist control of the population, far more than twitter ever was. pls protect kbin/lemmy from being infected or else when threads is affected by political scandals, kbin/lemmy will be affected.


effingjoe, avatar

Is this satire?

exohuman, avatar

Threads isn’t federated yet with anyone. The functionality is not there. When/if it does try to federate it will be with Mastodon instances, not kbin/Lemmy.


Kbin does federate with Mastodon instances and supports microblogs.

fearout, avatar

Threads aren't even federated yet. There's nothing to defederate or ban.


It is apparently possible to add “” to a defederation/ban list even though there’s no actual communication yet. It gives peace of mind to people who want to drop the portcullis on all commercial interests. But in practical terms, you’re right, there’s nothing to ban.

Kara, avatar

You cannot block someone from using activitypub, that just simply is not how it works.

BraveSirZaphod, avatar

With all due respect, please touch grass. "For the sake of humanity"? "Zuckerprick"? "A vehicle for fascist control of the population"?

You sound like a thirteen year old.


To be fair, Facebook employs a man named Joel Kaplan as their head of Global Policy. Formerly their head of US Policy, Formerly a Bush White House Toady.

Kaplan is the reason who all the right-wing conspiracy websites pretending to be news orgs weren't banned from Facebook news feeds. He personally exempted them all from community standards and Facebook terms of service about lying and shit. He then ordered left leaning news to be scrutinized more heavily.

He's been stuffing the ranks of Facebook's middle and upper management with loyalty tested conservatives.

Kaplan also refused to make changes to the algorithm that would have helped fight hate speech, because anger and outrage drive higher engagement.

He's also ignoring at least three ongoing racial cleansings that are being actively powered by Facebook, because they're happening in countries that are not the US.

So in a way, it really is a vehicle for the fascist control of the population, or at least a fascist friendly media stream.

BedSharkPal, a RedditMigration en Twitter traffic sinks in wake of changes and launch of rival platform Threads

I'll take my slightly good news where I can get it. I'm begging for scraps over here!

Teppic, a RedditMigration en Twitter traffic sinks in wake of changes and launch of rival platform Threads avatar

This is perhaps not strictly RedditMigration, but it certainly discusses migration to Mastodon which is all good too!

aluminiumsandworm, a science en Middle-aged people ‘need sleep to see mental health benefits of exercise’

the headline doesn't mention that the decline is only the same for middle aged people; younger and older people both benefit from exercise even without enough sleep. they still need more sleep, obviously, but exercise still helps them.

also yes, capitalism is a fuck

squirrel, a science en Middle-aged people ‘need sleep to see mental health benefits of exercise’ avatar

Middle-aged people not getting enough sleep are less likely to see the benefits of exercise when it comes to protecting against a decline in skills such as memory and thinking, scientists have said.

Why are these people not getting enough sleep? Why do they not have enough time to exercise?

I am not doubting the results of the research, but we all know that most people have an ever decreasing amount of free time. Burdening people with an ever increasing list of things they “should” do and make appeals to “personal responsibility” achieves nothing, if the systemic issues of capitalist societies forces people to make tough choices when they are alloting their very limited time.

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