
Esta revista es de un servidor federado y podría estar incompleta. Explorar más contenido en la instancia original.

x3i, en Please help make my dream a reality

Okay, I see an emotional story and a set of general statements about how a fediverse platform should be like but I do not see a single sentence regarding what would be different from existing platforms. You have to be specific if you ask tech people for money, this description sounds just… hollow.

From what I see you could just set up your own Lemmy/Kbin/Whatever server, no need for excessive funding upfront. Sorry but sounds sketchy.

Akavire, en Please help make my dream a reality

What's the project? Where's my repo?

soullioness, en Please help make my dream a reality avatar

What’s the project?

CameronDev, en Please help make my dream a reality

You may need to provide more detail as to what you want to achieve.

NetherFalcon, en Business2Sell avatar
wave_walnut, en Open Source China acquires OSDN, Japan's oldest open source community - OSCHINA - Chinese Open Source Technology Exchange Community [原題: 开源中国收购日本老牌开源社区 OSDN] avatar
DieguiTux8623, en Bad News for Open Source: EU Committee Approves the Cyber Resilience Act - FOSS Force

The idea behind it was undoubtedly “good” and had protection of citizens in mind. As always the implementation was “lacking” maybe due to failure by regulators to understand how FOSS works. But surely the open source community will find a way to work around this as it has always done.

wagesj45, avatar

"You can't use my software if you're in the EU."

There. Maybe if they fuck around and find out that the bulk of server software relies on open source software made by volunteers, they'll get their head out of their ass.

Ronno, avatar

I think I’m going to buy some shares of VPN software companies…


I agree, power to regulate should be given to knowledgeable people who understand what they are ruling about. At least proprietary software using open source libraries and frameworks (released unfer LGPL or Apache or MIT licenses) is not affected and can continue to sponsor FOSS development so this is not the end at all. What I said is that maybe communities will find a way to continue operating however.


The problem with that (which I would absolutely support if they want to pull nonsense like this) is that you're already under licenses that preclude that for everything already existing. It's not a real option.

wagesj45, avatar

Great. So what, will they just be able to directly debit our bank accounts for the $15 million fine when we're found to violate their stupid law? Or will every open source developer will be barred from taking a vacation in the EU lest interpol nabs them for breaking this stupid law? What is their enforcement mechanism?


No, but Europeans contribute to open source, too, and if they actually go through with this it's going to fuck up a lot of projects.


Freedom zero precludes any such restrictions - free software licenses don’t have any restrictions on use

wagesj45, avatar

So how do they enforce this? They ask to extradite me or seize my bank account if I don't provide security patches in their preferred manner?

perviouslyiner, en Bad News for Open Source: EU Committee Approves the Cyber Resilience Act - FOSS Force

Surprised that such a long article never quite got around to explaining exactly what is the problem?! They (eventually) mentioned vulnerability reporting as one concern - is that it? Is there something else?


Looking for an original source, the Eclipse letter seems to just be saying that open source organisations should be consulted?

brecht, en Oracle: Keep Linux Open and Free—We Can’t Afford Not To

Brought to you by the company who went to court to stop people from using their own open source code.

cinaed666, en What’s New in Thunderbird 115 avatar

This has been a longtime coming. Great work to the devs!

delawen, en Oracle: Keep Linux Open and Free—We Can’t Afford Not To avatar

Curious take by Oracle after its very recent campaign trying to push out their Java competitors by saying Java 21 is not going to be LTS so you can't trust it. Well, maybe not your Java 21, Mister Oracle. Talk for yourself. Not very FOSS-like attitude.

SFaulken, en Oracle: Keep Linux Open and Free—We Can’t Afford Not To avatar

This is nice for Oracle to say. That being said, Oracle are not "The Good Guys™" and never have been. They might be legitimately honest about Oracle Linux and their commitment to being open and free, but they're horrible about so many other things, and always have been.

JackbyDev, en Oracle: Keep Linux Open and Free—We Can’t Afford Not To

I remember getting Facebook ads for RedHat (for whatever reason) and they said something about how RedHat loves open source. So many people in the comments were asking if that was true why did they kill CentOS?

bennyp, en The Red Hat Drama Is Highlighting Open Source Software's Growing Pains avatar

Growing pains? Red hat is 30 years old. The open source initiative was founded in 1998.

AnonymousLlama, en Creatives of all kinds: check out this delightful list with dozens of FOSS creative tools for artists, photographers, film makers, game devs, musicians, and more! avatar

Cheers for the list. Great to keep an eye open for alternatives. What I'm looking for right now is a good GIT client for Ubuntu.

On windows I've got Sourecetree, it's free and got a really simple UI.

I've found a single program, SmartGit that looks decent but apparently it's just a trial version and they've got licenses. I haven't really found anything as a good substitute

elscallr, avatar

Actually not trying to be a dick or a pedant, but is there a problem with just the git command? I've been using it since git existed so I don't really have anything to compare it to. The idea of finding another client seems a bit strange to me.


While the CLI provides the same functionality, it can be a lot easier to visually parse information or provide direct interactivity with a GUI instead. If you're working on a large project or just want a different way to display the information git provides, it makes things a bit smoother.


Generally I just use VSCode's source control UI when I want a GUI for git. I can't imagine using a standalone GUI for git when all the big editors have their own interfaces.


Oh same here, I'm not sure what the use-case for a standalone one would be but I definitely do prefer some visual over the command-line trees.


One thing I've found invaluable about a visual interface is the ability to quickly browse the commit tree. Having a big list of commits that you can sort and click to see the diff of each file has saved me on multiple occasions. I'm sure it's all info you can get from the CLI as well, but I can't imagine it being even half as fast.

elscallr, avatar

I guess I can see that. It's not common I need to do so, but a few times I've went spelunking with git log [file] and git diff sha..sha [file] and I could see that being useful presented graphically.


You might try gitless if you don't find a decent GUI. Still command line but a bit more user friendly.


I’m actually kind of surprised that GitHub Desktop doesn’t have a Linux client. Found a blog where people have apparently made it work though.

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