symfonystation, a random en avatar

Explore our article: You say you want a revolution: help the free, fair, and friendly Fediverse destroy Big Social. :fediverse: :mastodon: #/kbin

ernest, a random en this is a bloody test bc i don't know what hashtags do in kbin articles avatar

Actually, you tagged this post with in the creation form. The hashtag added this way appears in the sidebar under the tags section. You can also tag within the content of the article like in a regular microblog post. You can find your thread here ;) Tags page and tag filtering are another thing I'll be working on - currently, sometimes it's quicker to use the search function.

@Gamers_Mate @testing @pixiecata

lydiaconwell, a random en avatar

Wouldn't it be good if you could use your account as an email account?

Or maybe you can do that already?

Or maybe it would be a terrible thing and it's a stupid idea?

ContentConsumer9999, a random en Why Bluesky over sth like Activitypub?

Could you maybe give users the ability to exclude certain communities/hashtags? Some hashtags associated with communities like seem to be overused to the point that following it barely filters content.

symfonystation, a random en avatar

Explore this week's @symfonystation's communique of Symfony, Drupal, PHP, Cybersec, and Fediverse news! :symfony: :drupal: :php:

ghose, a random gl avatar

hi @AskKbin

please when will you add the languages that are translated in codeberg? thank you

(it's been a while since some of them are 100%, look issues in codeberg)

vkc, a fediverse en avatar

My name is Veronica and I don't know how to use kbin. :P

Has anyone written up an explainer for kbin for folks who never really understood Reddit?

Also, can I comment on a PeerTube video from here? I tried it on one of mine and it didn't seem to work.

Anyway, I'm new. Hi!

What are your thoughts on Microblogs vs threads? ( en

When I first joined Kbin I posted threads due to being a reddit refugee but have started posting microblogs as time went on. I have also noticed some magazines have more threads while others have more microblog posts. For example kbinmeta has more threads while the most active magazine I moderate has mostly microblogs.

/kbin logotype
daredevil, a kbinMeta en What are your thoughts on Microblogs vs threads? avatar

One of my favorite things about /kbin is that it utilizes threads and microblogs. In my experience thus far, users here seem rather shy. I don't hold it against anyone though, because I totally understand.

Federating content from the likes of Mastodon is very helpful for having discussions trickle in from the fediverse. I think it's also really helpful for establishing an ongoing daily discussion space so the thread feed isn't as cluttered. IMO, there's more potential beyond that, too (Think: drawing everyday for a month, photography-based posting/challenges while using tags for content organization, language-learning exercises, the list goes on...).The combination of threads with microblogs has shown me the power that lies behind content federation. As a result, /kbin is by far my favorite of the fediverse platforms so far.

I still have some minor issues with how it currently works. Currently, I believe the name of a magazine causes hashtags with the exact same string to federate content to that magazine. The magazine that matches the desired hashtag also takes priority, even when the hashtag isn't assigned in the magazine's settings. An issue with this is that if any subsequent magazines try to federate content using that hashtag, it won't be able to do so.

It seems as though microblogs can only federate content to either the magazine that matches the hashtag in question, or the magazine that uses the hashtag first. There's also an issue where a microblog that uses multiple hashtags will only federate content to the magazine with the first available tag. E.g. if someone writes an unused tag for the first, followed by , then third, the post would only go to the kbinmeta microblog section. It would be lovely for microblogs to be federated, or even mirrored across magazines (as in child comments/replies) that implement the same tag. Hopefully, this could also be done without adding excessive overhead to Ernest/the server. Perhaps even offer the ability to have a magazine choose to refuse federating tags that match the magazine's name.

There are also some minor issues with moderation federation, but I don't exactly want to specify here, because I'm worried it could be used maliciously.

That being said, I can't wait to see how /kbin will mature.

ContentConsumer9999, a kbinMeta en What are your thoughts on Microblogs vs threads?

I really hope magazines get the ability to detach from hashtags since currently @fediverse and @fediverse seem to be picking up all microblogs that use even if said hashtag is used to just refer to fediverse users.

manlycoffee, a fediversenews en avatar

I started a Discord server to discuss the Fediverse, for those of you who prefer to talk about the Fediverse over chat.


adamsdesk, a random en avatar

Celebrate 40 years of with a boost and follows on for on the !

  • Bonfire @bonfire
    A federated social network to organize your digital life in community.
  • OnlyOffice @ONLYOFFICE
    Open source office and productivity suite.
  • G'MIC @gmic
    A full-featured framework for image processing.
  • lichess @lichess
    A free/libre open-source chess server.

SceNtriC, a random pl avatar

No dobrze - to jeszcze nie jest oficjalne ogłoszenie artykułu (to nastąpi w czwartek), ale z racji na to, że czuję, iż tutaj społeczność będzie miała trochę do powiedzenia, w Fedi udostępniam tekst wcześniej.

Ma być to artykuł, w którym trochę opowiadam o tym, czym są agregatory treści (nie dla wszystkich może być to oczywiste), ale jednocześnie informuję o czymś takim, jak i że można to wprowadzać pod swoje strzechy. Przy czym nie jest to żaden tutorial ani poradnik - to raczej pokazanie możliwości i idei, jak można go wykorzystać do różnych celów. Wiadomo - im więcej /kbinów, tym więcej ich użytkowników, a im więcej użytkowników /kbina, tym więcej userów w Fedi.

To okazja do zwerbalizowania tego, o czym jakiś czas temu pisało tutaj parę osób (wykorzystanie /kbina przez urzędy), a dla mnie jednocześnie sposobność do zwizualizowania pomysłu na serwisy sportowe i przy okazji rant na to, co wyprawiają dzienniki w Internecie.

Tekst już jest, ale na razie go nie rozgłaszam publicznie. W tej chwili bardziej jestem ciekawy, czy coś Waszym zdaniem można tutaj dodać lub czy gdzieś nie palnąłem kompletnej głupoty.

unofficial_kbin_guide, a random en

The Unofficial Guide to /kbin has been updated with a Quick Start page. This page includes the bare necessities needed to register and create content in /kbin!

unofficial_kbin_guide, a random en

Updated the The Unofficial Guide to /kbin FAQ! Updated the FAQ to include how Mastodon users can interact with /kbin from Mastodon.
/kbin post
Updated FAQ

erlend, a fediversenews en avatar

Several years in the making, GitLab is now very actively implementing ! 🙌

The end-goal is to support AP for merge requests (aka pull requests), meaning can send an MR to

First bite-sized todo on the implementation path there is ‘subscribe to project releases’.

Smart move by GitLab; through ActivityPub they’re getting a distributed version of GitHub’s social layer.


whatshisays, a fediversenews en avatar

"MisskeyHQ" to be set up as a limited company due to a surge in activity on the Misskey platform


maegul, a fediversenews en avatar

Former reddit app Sync now available (in beta) for lemmy.

See also the app's community if you're interested:

The story here, AFAIU, is that it's the same developer porting the app from a reddit to lemmy backend. I've never used it, but android users have been excited for it from what I've seen.


rolle, a random en avatar

Some people say they don't want to join the Fediverse or Mastodon, because they think the UI sucks. As a front end developer, a designer-kind of a person who creates user interfaces, I agree. Most of the web clients on the Fedi are horrendous, even Mastodon by default. There's lots of room for improvement.

We should really focus on how to make it more pleasing to the eye, more modern and more pleasant. This should not be a nerd network, just for geeks to geek out. This is not IRC or BBS.

As long as Mastodon for instance looks like it's designed by a back end engineer, contains font-awesome icons, looks like 2010, and stuff like that, being open and free is not good reason enough for many. I'm not bashing it, Mastodon is not the worst out there, in fact in my honest opinion Mastodon user experience is far better than Akkoma or Calckey for example. It's also more accessible than many modern UIs, for example my visual impaired wife prefers the Vanilla Mastodon UI over my modifications, she has some small tiny improvements of her own like distinguishing the colors in the action buttons as they have no proper contrast in any of the default themes. But that's it. She likes it as it is. So it cannot be that bad. However, it could be better overall.

doesn't mean the product should look like it's created in a basement by a math teacher. For some people Mastodon UX is sufficient (it even is for me, I like it enough and it doesn't prevent me from using it), but it should be WORLD CLASS. I don't say the answer is but it should be something much more modern and minimal than the current default UI. Pixelfed's developer is a designer oriented, Pixelfed is indeed an example of an awesome Fediverse app experience throughout the web and apps. That is how it should be.

Just my 2 cents.

esty, a RedditMigration en Reddit is ending Reddit Gold and users are furious avatar

what I take from this, though, is that even with the anger against Reddit, there’s no talk of leaving in the comments on that post!

you hate the site and all of their changes so much and it’s only been getting worse… why do you stay? even the content is already worse, and even worse on the subs that have the new Reddit tipping system… why stay?

Talaraine, a random en avatar

Taking a break from all the other anti-Reddit anti-Meta posts to note how much better kbin has gotten in just a short amount of time! Love the new layout and we're finally seeing lots of content from everywhere in the verse. Thanks to @ernest for all your hard work.

khazram, a random en avatar
liztai, a random en avatar

"How Reddit crushed the biggest protest in its history - The Verge"

Meanwhile is still happening and there are more groups added to the by the day. even has a instance & members are really happy to be there. i suspect this is repeated everywhere in the Fediverse right now.

Honestly, I suspected they would never change the CEO's mind.

But they sure made themselves heard on the way out 😏

shadowdancer, a random en avatar

Hi, I'm doing re here.

Male, from Jakarta Indonesia.
Have been using since is a distro, still exists and still cool.

I earn money by managing our customer's operating system, mostly major distribution of linux server, some windows, and select solaris.

My daily driver is Macbook (MacOS) though 😊
So I have more credibility on compared with

Hoping to have warm, relax, and bar-like conversation here in the

limebar, a random en avatar

Wow. Just Wow.

I tried early and decided to delete my account because it was a little too beta for me. But account deletion wasn't working at the time, so I decided to give it more time. And it only got better.

Weeks later (and long forgotten) @ernest himself emails to tell me that deletion is working now, sorry, do you still want to delete?


You will NOT get this kind of integrity from the likes of Reddit.

I did not delete.

0x1C3B00DA, a random en avatar

Can any / devs take a look at a proposal I submitted to and ?

Since the lemmy issue is getting overrun with people talking about other proposals, I'm thinking about submitting this as a . Is that still a useful process? I don't know how many projects look to FEPs for implementation guidance.

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