@TimeSquirrel@kbin.social avatar



Este perfil es de un servidor federado y podría estar incompleto. Explorar más contenido en la instancia original.

@TimeSquirrel@kbin.social avatar

Really balancing on that ethics knife's edge here, aren't we?

@TimeSquirrel@kbin.social avatar

Can't help it when half of my programming research ends up on Stackoverflow, the other half on Reddit.

@TimeSquirrel@kbin.social avatar

While I agree wholeheartedly that the world needs to cut down on meat consumption, I do NOT agree with forcing it on somebody involuntarily. In some places, especially some parts of the US, cheap meat is often the only way for people to survive, and they do not have access to all the non-meat products they would need to completely replace every nutrient.

Being successfully vegan and maintaining health is a privileged thing in the US. Our food economy is centered on meats, salt, sugars, and fats which are cheaply available everywhere.

@TimeSquirrel@kbin.social avatar

I have a labor intensive contracting job. I also have a very high metabolism and am skinny as a rail. I cannot afford the 10 bags of beans or rice a day I would need to maintain at least 3000-3500 calories a day. If I tried that, I would literally die. I've done it before for a year. A whole year of weakness and sickness and extreme weight loss, and I couldn't tolerate it anymore. I get bulk things like cheap Costco boxes of hamburger patties and stuff like that, which I CAN afford. I am well aware of animal suffering. You don't have to tell me again and again that my existence is fucked up, because I know.

In the US, fresh veggies are more expensive than energy-dense fatty proteins.

@TimeSquirrel@kbin.social avatar

20 hrs a week would be doable. But not my current of 50-60 hours of often hot, backbreaking labor dragging ladders and tools and equipment up into the ceiling and back all day.

@TimeSquirrel@kbin.social avatar

What is this drivel?

@TimeSquirrel@kbin.social avatar

If you read more carefully, that comment is dripping with sarcastic conspiracy theory bullshit. They aren't saying bring on the lab meat. They are saying the opposite.

@TimeSquirrel@kbin.social avatar

You think shit like this ever makes it to their eyes with the comfortable protective bubble they've built around themselves?

@TimeSquirrel@kbin.social avatar

Remember the hat thing? The one where you went around giving out hats to people and corrupting comments? That was fun. Can we do that here?

Anybody remember Usenet? (kbin.social) en

So I've finally been doing my little reddit/twitter migration against my better judgement (my better judgement would say to take the opportunity to get off the internet but who listens to that loser). I'm finding all these platforms interesting, I particularly like how kbin combines both formats and links up to Mastodon, that's...

@TimeSquirrel@kbin.social avatar

Usenet arose during a time when the people using computers actually understood how they worked and how to use them. Asking someone to download and install a Usenet client then set it up to connect to a server of their choice and then subscribing to newsgroups is way above and beyond what most people are willing to do in 2023, sadly.

If it's not on a touchscreen, and not able to be done with 2 or 3 taps, then it ain't happening.

Expanding on this, I'm worried a technological education gap is forming among the youth. Old people didnt grow up with computers, they have an excuse. Middle aged people had to deal with the computers of the 80s and 90s, and because of that, understand computing pretty well. Young people were born into a world of instant gratification and super simplified touchscreen GUI interfaces, and from talking with them, it's clear most of them know how to get on the internet and do their thing on social media, but most of them have no clue how the nuts and bolts of it all work.

@TimeSquirrel@kbin.social avatar

They feel like unmanageable warts growing on the side of your perfectly maintained software packaging system.

@TimeSquirrel@kbin.social avatar

Every one of the major ones boot into a GUI and have package managers, and most of them also support some sort of containerized app system like Flatpak. Imma get some hate from those who are wedded to their distro, but it honestly doesn't fucking matter.

Just pick the one with the cutest mascot/best looking logo.

@TimeSquirrel@kbin.social avatar

Keep sneaking those Steam Decks into gamer's hands.

@TimeSquirrel@kbin.social avatar

I mean...Steam OS on Steam Deck...and probably on PC when they release that. If you mean on PC now, Kubuntu. Because I like KDE and Ubuntu is well-supported.

@TimeSquirrel@kbin.social avatar

So it scrapes the page manually? I was thinking of writing a small python program myself to do that.

@TimeSquirrel@kbin.social avatar

older people have seen it plenty of times already

Spot on. My journey is Usenet->various early web forums->Slashdot->Digg->Reddit, and now I'm here. Been doing this for over 25 years haha.

@TimeSquirrel@kbin.social avatar

Going to guess you were cruising BBS, FTP, and Telnet sites? I was just an ignorant preteen coding Qbasic garbage trying to learn programming on my Dad's PC that year. When I read back on Internet history I was a little surprised it was already so active when most people weren't even aware of it yet.

At least now I know how Dad got all them free DOS games.

Deleting my Reddit comments was a strange experience. (kbin.social) en

It wasn't the fact that there was a limit to see 1000 comments but what they were. The vast majority of my 12 years on Reddit I spent talking about dungeon and dragons 5th edition (DnD 5e) which I started playing early in is lifestyle. It was my first role playing game and I got sucked into the Internet to learn more. Before my...

@TimeSquirrel@kbin.social avatar

Imagine thinking you're still on Reddit and acting like a dick is a normal thing to do.

@TimeSquirrel@kbin.social avatar

Fireworks: had RBG lighting a couple thousand years before it was cool.

@TimeSquirrel@kbin.social avatar

If you want to be neck deep in that bullshit, you're more than welcome to join exploding-heads.com. Can we have ONE space online that isn't infiltrated by assholes?

You don't have to be a dick to others on the Internet. You can make that choice. Just because you CAN post hateful shit anonymously and not have to face real life consequences doesn't mean you HAVE to.

@TimeSquirrel@kbin.social avatar

If you put the Kbin link or Lemmy app right in RIF's place on your home screen, you'll barely miss it when your muscle memory comes calling for you to push the icon when you get ever so slightly bored.

@TimeSquirrel@kbin.social avatar

Scraping is hard on a server though. You gotta download the entire page and all its data instead of just the info/action you requested. That's one of the reasons other websites bother to make APIs, so bots and others DON'T start just scraping them.

@TimeSquirrel@kbin.social avatar

I noped out of the new shit the day they released it, and gladly clicked their provided link to take me back to old.

@TimeSquirrel@kbin.social avatar

I trust that they won't let their political views get in the way of maintaining Lemmy itself

It's not like anyone can't see it and fork it if they do. It's like complaining about the political views of the architect who designed your house. You'd be able to notice the Lenin-shaped staircase landing.

@TimeSquirrel@kbin.social avatar

Like they grew to corporate size but are still in "pull random shit out of our asses" startup mode. They're probably still trying to run it like it's just a couple of college dudes. That's the vibe I get anyway.

@TimeSquirrel@kbin.social avatar

Work a small job, get german citizenship, marry a german partner, have a german family, die in a german grave, and forget why you did it all.

@TimeSquirrel@kbin.social avatar

Not really interested in turning my desktop systems into Android or a game console. That's what immutable OSes with Flatpack (the cartridges) seem like to me. I like having control.

I think it's fine for embedded devices or something like a Steam Deck where an end user just wants to plug it in and play and not learn Bash scripting. But I'm a bit old school when it comes to my desktop.

@TimeSquirrel@kbin.social avatar

Careful mang, Kbin is under heavy development, you might break something 😂

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