
Some middle-aged guy on the Internet; Seen a lot of it and occasionally regurgitate it, trying to be amusing and informative.

Lurked Digg until v4.

Commented on Reddit (same username) until it went full Musk.

Now I'm here.

Other Adjectives: Neurodivergent; Nerd; Broken; British; Ally; Leftish

Applying for mod in places where an occasional mod would better than none at all.

Este perfil es de un servidor federado y podría estar incompleto. Explorar más contenido en la instancia original.

danie10, a random en avatar

Try these Linux bash aliases for more efficient use of the command line

For those who don’t know, bash aliases allow you to create unique command shortcuts. So, a simple word can be used to run a more complex command which may have a lot of additional parameters, e.g. just type the word ‘update’ to execute an update com ...continues



The trash one is a little outdated and won't necessarily put the trashed file where the user's GUI file manager would put it.

gio trash FILE and kfmclient move FILE trash:/ are the compatible commands under GNOME and KDE respectively. Derivatives generally use one or the other.

Unfortunately, the KDE one is somewhat tricky to do with an alias, what with the parameter being in the middle. I am also unsure as to whether it has a force option. Web results are inconclusive and I'm on a GNOME derivative.


How sure are they that his hasn't happened in the last billion years?

Maybe it happens once every 1,000 years but they've all died out before humans were able to observe it. It's not like things like this tend to leave much of a fossil.

And if you don't like 1,000, there's a few orders of magnitude to reconsider between there and 10^9.


The scientific method is pedantry made manifest.


"New bacteria/plant cell symbiosis discovered"

And if "symbiosis" is too much, "combination". I also like "meld(ing)", but that might be somewhere in the middle.

I wouldn't use "hybrid" because that word has definitely made it into common vernacular and implies they've bred which isn't strictly accurate, and "chimera", while more accurate, is probably the more terrifying-sounding, if not still technical alternative.


CRISPR tail growing therapy when?

Just kidding. Not sure I want a tail. Hairy or hairless it wouldn't look right at all.

Scientist, after decades of study, concludes: We don't have free will ( en

Before epilepsy was understood to be a neurological condition, people believed it was caused by the moon, or by phlegm in the brain. They condemned seizures as evidence of witchcraft or demonic possession, and killed or castrated sufferers to prevent them from passing tainted blood to a new generation.


Whether or not we have free will and whether this whole existence is pre-calculated, I'm going to go all meta-Pascal's wager on it and suggest that we try to act like we do have free will and try not to think about it.

Maybe I was always going to come to that conclusion. Doesn't matter.

Maybe this makes about as much sense as Wile E. Coyote staying in the air until he actually realises he has run off a cliff. Doesn't matter.

Be the Road-Runner able to run into a painting of a tunnel as if it is real and remain as happy as possible about it.



Caution: This comment contains mildly infuriating party tricks.

Curious. This reminds me of the "Your tongue knows what things you look at will feel like" meme that did the rounds a while back. (If you missed it, it was literally that phrase, possibly with some kind of image.)

Reading the article, it also reminds me of the body confusion trick of moving the right foot around in a clockwise motion while trying to write the letter O a few times (which most people write anticlockwise). Most people will inadvertently reverse the rotation of their foot.

(Make necessary changes if you're left handed and/or write your O's clockwise.)

Or the two hands equivalent: Pointing away from yourself, move the tips of the index fingers around in a clockwise or anticlockwise motion, keeping the fingers parallel. Then, continuing the rotation, turn the hands inwards so that they point towards each other. If they're now both going over and away or over and towards, one of them has changed direction.


Don't know how often this gets said, but everything you've done and are doing with kbin is deeply appreciated.

I'd say "keep it up" but I don't want to create pressure or push anyone to burnout. Been there, done that.

Do what you're able when you're able.

(That doesn't trip off the tongue quite so easily, but it's my motto these days).


Going to taking the feel-good for granted here. This is about another thing:

Why does Barrett look like he's stoned out of his g.d. mind?


There's also libreddit, which seems to be an entirely separate project to teddit. Kind of like the Federation, it's software anyone can run and there are quite a few instances out there


I can't help but think of 4chan's unofficial tagline of "trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls".

The joke used to be that "everyone on Reddit is a bot except you", but as that has become more a reality than a joke, it's morphed into "text-AIs trolling text-AIs trolling text-AIs".

A shame it doesn't [t]roll off the tongue quite as nicely.

Am I also a large language model? Let me answer that with another question:

Do you remember that bit in The Matrix Reloaded where Agent Smith occupies Bane out in "reality"?

Haha. Nothing like that. I'm human. Honest.


My programmer needs a kicking because the [unrepeatable] gave me anxiety.


If you're on a system that has GNOME-based gio, the command

gio mount $(realpath /dev/disk/by-uuid/UUIDHERE)

is a way of mounting drives as a user.

This is basically what the file manager(s) like Nemo / Thunar / Nautilus do under the hood when mounting drives because they use the gio subsystem.

The trick would be to ensure whatever launches Steam ensures the right gio commands are despatched before the main Steam executable.

The reason I'm suggesting gio is that if you're used to mounting drives using the file manager, it will put those drives in the same filesystem places that the file manager does, and it means that those drives aren't mounted until you need them if that's preferable.

e.g. on my system, drives are mounted at /media/USERNAME/DRIVELABEL.

Of course, as others point out, all of this can also be done old-school with fstab.


I'm lucky enough (such as that may be) to not have, or know anyone personally who has, long COVID, so the first person that came to mind for this was YouTuber "Physics Girl" Dianna Cowern.

If other sufferers are as debilitated as she appears to be, and it helps in any way at all, this drug is fantastic news.

If it can "fix" someone completely, even if it's a lifelong medication, even better.


I'm so sorry.

Despite no close-to-home stake, I'd also really like it if you were wrong.

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