Rodeo, a science en Scientists make eye-opening discovery in deep sea caves

There are caves networks beneath the ocean floor made from hydrothermal vents, and tubeworms use them to migrate.


THANK YOU. Even if the content is very interesting, I hate click-bait headlines.

esty, a RedditMigration en Reddit is ending Reddit Gold and users are furious avatar

what I take from this, though, is that even with the anger against Reddit, there’s no talk of leaving in the comments on that post!

you hate the site and all of their changes so much and it’s only been getting worse… why do you stay? even the content is already worse, and even worse on the subs that have the new Reddit tipping system… why stay?


the new Reddit tipping system

I haven't heard about this tipping system. ELI5?

esty, avatar

Edit: holy fuck no one told me it was a blockchain cryptoshit??? That’s even funnier 💀



FaceDeer, avatar

Ironically you'd need something like a cryptocurrency if you wanted to implement something like that for the Fediverse.

esty, avatar

good thing we don’t want it

FaceDeer, avatar

Generally speaking the solution to these sorts of things when one doesn't want it is "then don't use it." That's especially true in a federated, decentralized system like this.

esty, avatar

yeah but this is the specific kind of engagement bait and whatnot that can stay on the corpo social nets


Why? I mean, technologically, why couldn’t a more standard payment platform work, and then just pass around those payments among instances? PayPal is not crypto, but you can use it almost anywhere online.

FaceDeer, avatar

PayPal is not decentralized. None of the "more standard" payment platforms are. If you want to have some kind of cross-instance limitation on things like awards and not have instances be able to just spew them out willy-nilly if they want to then you're going to need some kind of decentralized ledger to track them authoritatively, and that's basically cryptocurrency in a nutshell. This is what cryptocurrency is for.


Hahahah jesus christ

Madison_rogue, avatar

Put anything to a vote
Run weighted polls to make big decisions in your community, like getting input on rules changes or deciding how to distribute Points.

Unlike regular polls, these polls give a larger voice to people who have contributed more to the community. The more Community Points someone has earned, the more weight their vote carries.

This will end well...


What they're really looking for are a bunch of whales to drive engagement.

GizmoLion, avatar

I see you edited your post. That'll be 2 CrYpToBuCkS!

Madison_rogue, avatar

I will give you 2 shiba inu coins (worth $0.00001574).

GizmoLion, avatar

Aw shit, look out Elon, here I come!

ode, avatar

Call me a cynic but I suspect the biggest ‘contributor’ to r/product will end up being product’s marketing department account, likewise with r/country and party-political apparatchiks. The move is elegant in a way: Reddit Inc can ruin true democratic operation of subs by turning subscribers into shareholders (which wards off repeats of mod activism) and simultaneously provide further cover to astroturfers (lots of points = Time and Effort™ = good faith actor).

Madison_rogue, avatar

Oh, absolutely this is the case. Reddit could even run bot accounts to gain a lion's share of points for any particular sub they want to control, thereby stifling any sort of protest or activism authorized by sub vote.


the snoos having hair is the real crime against humanity here. who the fuck asked for snoo to be memoji's? what is going on over there?!


It’s beyond parody at this stage.

soundasleep, avatar

Yeah it's been enabled on the crypto reddits for a while... as a result the subs overwhelmingly changed to "vaguely interesting and/or attention-grabbing but ultimately useless with a race to see who's first" posts, signal-to-noise ratio got way worse.

esty, avatar

Who could’ve called it? Never saw that coming

Madison_rogue, avatar

The article comments are linked to Reddit, if you click on "Replies" it routes you to the topic on Reddit where there are posts about leaving the platform.


I’ve got enough reason to believe that any mentions of Lemmy, are met with shadow banning.

And like the master of gaslighting that it is, it doesn’t happen all the time, but often enough to deliver a chilling effect.

They want the dissenters to leave without a word.

PenguinJuice, a RedditMigration en Reddit's API protest just got even more NSFW

I looooove watching reddit burn. Their CEO is so fucking incompetent but honestly, that's part for the course. Most CEOs are fucking morons fueled by nepotism.

CreativeCider, avatar

Same here, I must admit that I love posts like this. Let it burn


Yeah, I won't deny that even before joining here I'd be searching for the latest Reddit installment in the news... It's the rubbernecker in all of us

mbelcher, avatar

Not just incompetent, but also just plain mean.
After making an incompetent decision (super high api costs) he didn’t reassess the situation, he just started lashing out.

First at the app devs, then at the mods, now at the users.


The AMA was the real line in the sand where he 'answered' about 6 questions but mainly took the opportunity to slag off the Apollo Dev.

That was where it was clear he had no interest in explaining the changes, talking people round but this was just his decision now please fuck off.

I get the feeling he thinks he's showing people he's a tough man making tough decisions and coming out of this looking strong though...

jibbist, a RedditMigration en Reddit's API protest just got even more NSFW avatar

We're at the 'find out' stage here aren't we

MissJinx, avatar

The funniest thing is that reddit is so shitty that they created all this caos and didn’t even meet the deadline!! 3rd party apps are still working because they fail to enforce the changes! aka they were bluffing! Reddit is a shit show omg


Third party apps that are still working are most likely going to get hit with a bill on August 1st they were not prepared for. Reddit knows which applications are using the API keys so they know where to send the bill. But the changes took effect on July 1st. The apps that shut down before the first did so because the developer killed their API key so they wouldn't occur any charges.


My understanding is that the new API required a new key to use. But the old keys have not been blocked.

I am sure a good contract lawyer would have a field day if reddit tried to charge 3rd parties for themselves not doing the job of cutting off access.

abff08f4813c, a RedditMigration en Reddit's API protest just got even more NSFW

Brilliant work by that team! Either reddit has to violate its own rules (which sadly they can, by deleting all NSFW content and removing the flag), or let the mods go.

And if they let the mods go, other giant subs can do the same thing in order to safely go NSFW.


deleting all NSFW

Which means they’ll have to moderate, i.e. pay for moderators :)

Countmacula, avatar

Which should have been the way since the beginning honestly.

TacoButtPlug, avatar

I mean ... I agree for sure but when I think of paid mods I think o f how shitty they do their jobs in facebook and snapchat and am like yea they should be paid to ru na functioning sub/site but not to just watch people be awful to one another.


It looks like the current plan is just to archive subreddits, turn off comments, and leave them public until the IPO.

Unless you happen to be r/programming of course and someone noticed the ChatGPT bots that seem to consistently be posting statements supportive of the admins. Then we got to force the subreddit to private immediately.

Unrelated segue, did you know that Sam Altman, current CEO of OpenAI, responsible for ChatGPT, was a long time reddit board member, and despite claims that he left last year, is still listed as being on the board of reddit?

Also, anyone else find it weird that in a lot of the threads talking about the protests on reddit... While the most upvoted comments usually favor the admins, if you look at the sheer number of comments speaking out on a lot of major threads and don't worry about the upvote/downvote ratio, the number of comments in favor of the protests near completely dwarfs the number of comments in favor of the admins. Just another interesting data point.

It's almost like there was a way for someone who owned the website to manipulate things in their favor and then call in a favor from someone with an interest in the company to help them do a very poor job of making it seem like it was all justified by the community.

BarbecueCowboy, a RedditMigration en Reddit is ending Reddit Gold and users are furious

Wow... Did someone tell Reddit that April Fools was in July or something? It's this close to being a bad joke.

Hamartiogonic, a RedditMigration en Reddit is ending Reddit Gold and users are furious avatar

Wow, Reddit is not joking around when it comes speedrunning enshittification. I think it’s going to be very tough for other platforms to match these moves.


The real business model here is to win the race to the bottom, and stream re-enactments on Twitch.

ininewcrow, a RedditMigration en Reddit is ending Reddit Gold and users are furious avatar

It’s the equivalent of a crack dealer at this point.

At first they got people hooked with cheap drugs that worked and got you an easy high.

But now you need more and the dealer knows you’re desperate … so they increase the price, give you a cheaper product and string you along because they know no matter what they do, you’ll keep coming back for more.

They’ll start whoring you around and selling your body like trash and you won’t like it but if it means getting your next fix, you’ll do anything.

e_t_, a RedditMigration en Reddit is ending Reddit Gold and users are furious

My subscription was going to renew on July 3rd, but I let it expire. That seems like a wiser decision every day.


Just out of curiosity, what is it that you were subscribing for? I used r*ddit for 13 years and never saw the need to pay for premium or gold or whatever. What features did it offer?


I felt like the subscription was reasonable for the amount of time I spent on Reddit.

rah, a science en Scientists make eye-opening discovery in deep sea caves

Downvoted for clickbait

paper_clip, avatar

"Have scientists found the location of Atlantis? Click here to find out!"

metaStatic, a RedditMigration en Reddit removes years of chat and message archives from users' accounts

TIL: Reddit had chat and messages

Drunemeton, a RedditMigration en Reddit removes years of chat and message archives from users' accounts avatar

I have an alt account that’s very glad chat & messages were removed!

can, a RedditMigration en Reddit removes years of chat and message archives from users' accounts

Also rewards and coins are gone, subscribe to premium to use the normal app icons again. also place is back

Big_Boss_77, a RedditMigration en Reddit is ending Reddit Gold and users are furious avatar

Reddit still has users? I thought I was all chatbots?

xc2215x, a RedditMigration en Reddit is ending Reddit Gold and users are furious

Not a surprise Redditors hate losing coins.

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