macintosh, a photography en Will AI replace professional photography one day, if it can already create amazing things like this?

"Will AI replace <X>" just sounds like "will photos replace paintings" or "will video games replace movies" to me. Mediums can be similar, yet different. A lot of times now the line between a TV show and a Movie is blurred. They're still considered different types of media with different rules.

vtez44, a linux en NIX OS: the BEST package manager on the MOST SOLID Linux distribution

It requires too much fuckery to really do it on RPi. But on x86, it's the most reliable distro I tried. You can even switch stable/unstable branches without running into issues.

asteroidrainfall, avatar

What about the Pi makes it a hassle?

Pons_Aelius, a science en How the World’s 4 Cryogenics Companies Actually Work (Youtube, 6:20)

Edit: Removed comment due to misunderstanding.

Calcharger, avatar

I'm sorry?

BarrierWithAshes, a science en MinuteEarth - Should More Species Be Extinct? (Youtube, 4:28) avatar

Betteridge's Law.

Calcharger, avatar

Today I learned about Betteridge's Law. But the content of the video is that: there should be way way more animals 'declared' extinct. We have declared 900~ and that number is very small.

BarrierWithAshes, avatar

Well that sounds good. From the title I just thought it was some contrarian thing. "Oh we need more animals extinct for [insert bs reason]".

Calcharger, avatar

Check out the video when you have 4 minutes!

Calcharger, a science en ChubbyEmu - A Man Ate Pork Tacos From An Illegal Food Truck. This Is What Happened To His Brain (Youtube, 16:31) avatar

This is why I hate cooking porkchops, pork loin etc. Not because I am worried about feces getting in my food but that cooking pork is such a delicate procedure. Can't cook it too little or you'll run risk of illness, and can't slightly overcook or it's uncomfortably tough. Pork only gets slow-cooked in this house (besides bacon).

Mane25, a science en ChubbyEmu - A Man Ate Pork Tacos From An Illegal Food Truck. This Is What Happened To His Brain (Youtube, 16:31)

16:31 is just the length of the video - could you give the actual timestamp of the science?

Calcharger, avatar

Correct, I try to list the video length when I post videos so as to give people an idea of how long the content is and if they have the time to view it.

As for the science...I find the entire video to be scientific, but I guess the hard biochemical analysis begins at 5:30

End0fLine, a science en The $21,000,000,000 hole in Texas avatar

I live super close to this “hole”. I’ve always wondered what might have been if the project wasn’t abandoned.

jemorgan, a RedditMigration en Reddit violates CCPA

Sign me up for the class action. I was thinking of just spinning up a selenium script because I’ve tried using one of the bots to delete post history before, and it didn’t work, so I was assuming the API was resisting. Disappointing to see that even clicking through everything doesn’t work reliably.


That would be my suggestion as well. There's a chance that all reddit users will be part of the class, but there's also a chance that only users who attempted to delete data or request that data be deleted will be part of the class.

Attempt to edit and/or delete a few of your comments at the very least and prepare for the class action lawsuit. It'll probably take a couple years, but there's no way that some law firm isn't already looking into it and gearing up to start the process. There's a particular law firm that I follow that has gotten some really good settlements from social media companies such as this one against facebook. I would believe that if anyone decides to take on a data privacy issue against a large social media company, it would be them.

Zednix, a RedditMigration en Reddit violates CCPA avatar

I think the only solution currently is to use something like Redact to mass edit your posts and comments to remove the data that you have input into the site. Reddit lives or dies on the information that users post/comment on it.

fbievan, avatar

I personally believe that reddit is the type of company to save the orginal post and revert it just out of spite

Zednix, avatar

i wouldnt put that sort of crap past a pedophile like Spez

fbievan, avatar

This honestly is much worse than twitter, because atleast with twitter, I didnt see them doing this typa shit


The difference is that Musk doesn't have the knowledge and skill to do it.

syrt, avatar

I personally believe that reddit is the type of company to save the orginal post and revert it just out of spite

They have been reverting them. I've been observing it in action my my Reddit account as I delete things. Even old posts that I recall deleting years ago (like random things on r/Hearthstone after I stopped playing Blizzard games) have been making a return over the past month. I've been going in and doing batches of edits to my post history every few days, and editing it differently. From ten years ago to now, I've had posts re-appearing and the edits getting un-edited.



I've been going in and doing batches of edits to my post history every few days, and editing it differently. From ten years ago to now, I've had posts re-appearing and the edits getting un-edited.

Are you absolutely certain? I just as well might not bother with the mass edit then.


The issue there isn't that Reddit stores the edit history (that would be too much storage space), but that it doesn't apply the edit at all and just pretends to if it you recently edited something else. You need to wait after each edit for your next edit to go through.

I had success with this Power Delete Suite fork, which waits for 5 seconds after each edit.


Does Reddit save edit history?


Word is that they don't, deletes are soft-deletes but edits aren't so reversible.

In this specific case it looks like it might just be that specific sub being private on the day he deleted,

Watching the video i see him deleting from 11 months ago to 12 years ago. But don't see the specific 3 year old posts on r/javascript. Which would be consistent with not being able to see them due to the sub being private.


When it was open source, they didn't. But it's closed source now. So who knows. Reddit says they don't, but they have lied before, so who knows.

abff08f4813c, a RedditMigration en Reddit breaks the law to quell protests - spez has gone too far

Totally outrageous. Never in a mlllion years would I have thought this.

Also, totally on par for the course for the current ceo.

ArugulaZ, a RedditMigration en Reddit violates CCPA avatar

Un-deleting deleted comments is certainly sleazy, but I didn't realize it was illegal.


It depends. If undeleted comments included your personal data, like IP address, home adress or your real name, it certainly is illegal

kestrel7, avatar

Is it just me or is there an unethical way to try and entrap reddit here by posting your real name, deleting the post, and seeing what happens?

SpicyPeaSoup, avatar

My name is Giovanni Giorgio.


But everybody calls me Giorgio.

Rayspekt, a RedditMigration en Reddit breaks the law to quell protests - spez has gone too far



I speak German (it's basically my native language) and I have no idea what that word is meant to mean.

Pandoras_Can_Opener, avatar

I’m a native. same.


I said "basically my native language" because I consider Swiss German and High German to be different languages. But for all intents and purposes except that technicality I'm a native speaker of German.

Pandoras_Can_Opener, avatar

I think for written words in a professional context it’s very similar. but yeah swiss or high German that’s just one of those totally not made up words that exists to troll German speakers. 🤣


Uhm, you're talking about Swiss High German aka "(Schweizer) Schriftdeutsch". What I'm talking about is Swiss German aka "Schwiizerdüütsch".

CynAq, avatar

I looked it up and this came up.

I only took introductory German so I have no idea what this is but I think it's a law or something.

geoffervescent, avatar

As someone with both a college level understanding of German and an understanding of law, it's basically a law creating a special type of lawsuit similar but different from a US class action, that Germany passed into law after the 2015 Volkswagen scandal. It tries to incentivize businesses protecting consumers through actual safeguards by punishing companies when they lack them, rather than a class action that arguably has the effect of pressuring companies to be even more misleading or confusing to deliberately avoid liability. How it does this? Probably gonna have to tap in a legal scholar for that one.

Overzeetop, a RedditMigration en Reddit breaks the law to quell protests - spez has gone too far avatar

Calling him evil is giving him too much credit. I think incompetence and gross negligence better cover it.


Yep he is an idiot people give him too much credit


Never attribute to malice that which can be easily explained by incompetence or indifference.

Raji_Lev, avatar

Never assume that "malice" and "incompetence" are mutually exclusive.

Pandoras_Can_Opener, avatar

or that malicious people don’t use fake incompetence.

tikitaki, a RedditMigration en Reddit breaks the law to quell protests - spez has gone too far avatar

this is why everyone needs to edit all their comments instead of deleting them. i edited all the comments on my 14 year old account using a script. i got banned from like 5 subs in the process - but a few days later still not rolled back

remember the API is liable to change in the next few days.. if someone wants to do this they need to do it now while they still can


I used a script to edit mine, and most of them have been reverted multiple times in the last week. Some of them retain my edits, so I keep running the script.

mark_hamill, avatar

Another user was having a similar problem with Reddit not retaining their edits when running a script. They fixed the issue by putting a time delay of five or six seconds between edits. Not saying this will work for you but might be worth looking into.


That's the script I was using :(

mrbigmouth502, a RedditMigration en Reddit breaks the law to quell protests - spez has gone too far avatar

What's the TL;DW version?


Basically what we already know. Reddit is restoring comments that have been deleted by users possibly in violation of data privacy laws.

Louis goes a little farther by sharing the story of one particular user who tried multiple ways to delete their content including manually deleting every single comment one by one. Then to answer Reddit's response that user data is "anonomized" by disassociating it with the user account when the user deletes their account, the user points out that at least one of their posts has their full name in it, and by restoring that post against the user's wishes, they've violated California's data privacy laws.

He then goes into his typical cynical rant which I personally find entertaining but I know he rubs a lot of people the wrong way.

communistcapy, avatar

He also mentioned that Spez edited user content that was critical of him, without any indication to others that he was editing it.

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