
Esta revista es de un servidor federado y podría estar incompleta. Explorar más contenido en la instancia original.

Nepenthe, en Reddit's Contributor Program could earn you real money for your Reddit karma avatar

"Site I only still care about to laugh at thinks I am going to give it my tax information." I'll have to think real hard about that one.

Investors should themselves have a good think about how the CEO that self-reported making zero profit in over a decade as one of the most popular social media sites — a site whose ad revenue has stuttered in the face of what is officially a month long protest — can afford to be handing out money to shitposting bot farms now.


I don't know, while I won't be going back there, I can see it help make reddit more mainstream, by attracting influencers. Imagine IG Influencers or Youtubers encouraging people to engage with them personally on reddit. I can see it actually working out alright for Reddit and possibly a small number of already successful influencers and celebrities. I don't see it making the experience any better for the average redditor, though


I can see it help make reddit more mainstream, by attracting influencers. Imagine IG Influencers or Youtubers encouraging people to engage with them personally on reddit.

…please like this post and friend me, and ring that bell. Oh man, you’re right, they’re going to go the tickytocky YouTube route.

nicetriangle, avatar


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    There definitely were personalities on Reddit, like poem_for_your_sprog, who gained a following. I could see sprog making appreciable money with the proposed system.

    nicetriangle, avatar

    Teah but it's not like the predominant mode of the website and it's not the same kind of like cult of personality you get with youtube creators. Poem for your sprog is like a novel little thing you randomly run into on the site and are like, ah cute. But if that kinda gimmicky shit was all the site revolved around it would for sure not be the same place anymore and I think it would lose a lot of people.

    Pandantic, avatar

    u/SchnoodleDoodleDo in the r/aww community (known for their cute animal perspective poems) was another. I could see all their upvotes being worth something.

    pasci_lei, en People in /r/redditalternatives are talking about a "Reddit 2.0" What website would fill that role? avatar

    I don't want a second Reddit, I want something better than it.


    Yup. Moreover, i want clients and implementations that help summarize and reduce doomscroll behavior. Social networks have value (imo), but they also have a cost and i'm tired of paying that. Reddit built a habit in so many of us to go back to it during any downtime, doomscroll more time than we wanted or expected, become overly invested in karma, arguments, etc. Reddit also has zero incentive to fix any of this, as it was perfect for engagement. Reddit is Facebook is Twitter, and i'm tired of those applications drugging my brain.

    I definitely do not want Reddit. I want the value we got from Reddit, without the cost.

    oxjox, avatar

    Buddy, doomscrolling is your own issue. Are you old enough to remember "doomscrolling" cable television for hours at night? We're all choosing to distract ourselves from something else or we're just bored. It's nothing new.

    I mean, if you're having trouble stepping away from something, it almost sounds like you're describing an addiction problem. Everyone should make it a practice to step outside themselves for a moment and assess all their habits.

    You're not seriously suggesting that a platform prevent its users from using it, are you? LOL where have I seen that in the news this week?


    You're not seriously suggesting that a platform prevent its users from using it, are you? LOL where have I seen that in the news this week?

    Jeez, this feels quite hostile.

    I'm a developer. I'm working on this problem myself. You can craft features which promote a behavior or inhibit it. For example focusing only on live oriented features, making sure that posts show up constantly and with little ability to see what previous came, i would argue, focuses behavior on addictive FOMO. Features that help summarize historical posts to leave you with less of a feeling of FOMO does the opposite. Quite difficult to get FOMO if the summary of posts only changes once every 5 hours, right? You should see the ideas here. All of which i want to explore.

    Features promote behavior. Some drive engagement, some reduce engagement. I seek features which reduce engagement by way of inhibiting FOMO and promoting the feeling of being informed on what it is you were seeking.

    I'm suggesting a platform which focuses on features that help users avoid what i feel are negative outcomes. Which is wholly different than saying that all platforms need to do this. Why is this controversial to you? Should i, and users like me, not be able to use a platform which tries to eradicate (as best able) FOMO? Is FOMO other people experience somehow essential to you?

    You can have whatever platforms you like. Just because an option exists does not mean it is hostile to your preferences. To me your reply seems short sighted, entirely focused on your individual use case and ignorant of a wide array of methods people want to use to interact with these products.

    I am focused on my slice and my pie. You can have yours too, it's okay.

    acronymesis, avatar

    You can craft features which promote a behavior or inhibit it.

    To add to your point, let's not forget that a certain social media site used their algorithm to boost content that angers people because it also boosts engagement. It shouldn't be controversial to want a social media that, like, doesn't exploit negative behaviors to generate more dollars, and I think your working towards something that specifically doesn't do that is admirable.

    This argument that a social media platform not doing evil things also exclusively means it cannot attract an audience in some other way is a false dichotomy.


    Seconding everything here — hostile/destructive platform design is so normalized for users (of Reddit and in general) that designing services that don’t encourage doomscrolling/“anger-tainment”/FOMO/etc feels completely foreign to them, or even impossible. But it’s gotta happen, otherwise we’ll just repeat the worst parts of Reddit (and other platforms) all over again.


    @UnshavedYak for real. It's so refreshing not having to see loads of wasted awards on the most facile, idiotic comments. Or the obnoxious avatars people made in place of their pfp. It seems so hyperbolic but it genuinely feels great not having to see all that anymore.


    Yeah, the lack of awards is nice. Also people seem to be much less focused on getting upvotes and more focused on actual quality content.

    Tashlan, avatar

    Just to say, I 100 percent would pull RIF up in downtime but doomscrolling is not ubiquitous; I would pop into really specific communities to read about specific interests and shit that didn't expose me to current events. I am an extremely politically plugged-in person, despite avoiding it almost entirely on reddit (unless I was in the mood), but I found shit like RIF actually allowed me to be more selective about what content I want at any given time. That kind of fine-tuned control of my information intake, of course, is completely lost on New Reddit with its barrage of random recommendations.


    Yea and i don't mean to imply this is something everyone needs to see as a problem. Plenty of things are addictive for some and not for others. Even regardless of addiction, i just want (to explore) a set of features that is kind of anti-reddit. Explore anything that can help me feel like i didn't miss anything, while not needing to visit more than once a day, once a week, etc. That i felt informed but that the random stuff was filtered out. etcetc

    From a developer, often these features don't scale well either. Either complex to define (if customizable) or too costly to run, but Fediverse tweaks that a bit. We have the potential to have smaller servers with less concern for scale, etc. Fediverse has potential here, for me at least

    Xeelee, avatar

    With black jack and hookers?

    pasci_lei, avatar


    Usernameblankface, avatar

    Yes. A direct copy would have the same problems. No thank you


    That's exactly what I was thinking. Even with federation off it feels like it's already turning into a smaller version of what we had before. Not so much with post content or comments per se, but more for the already established "power users" and recreation of the exact same garbage, popular subs. I can't believe how many people I've already blocked that I got sick of seeing on every single post.

    Deralax, en Ordinary redditors are feeling the pain as well.

    I've already felt the sting of the protests when googling solutions to various issues. I used to be able to include "reddit" in the search and would almost always find relevant information quickly, but now as OP mentioned many posts and whole communities have gone dark.

    It's all been really eye opening about the potential negative consequences of having so many communities and information in the control of so few.


    Yeah it's so dangerous for Reddit to be in the control of a single CEO


    I do wonder if the Fediverse will ever be able to replace Reddit in terms of searchable terms for niche questions. I hate that a lot of niche communities that I’ve been apart of recently have been on discord or reddit. If those communities stay there then all that tech support will be lost; like tears in rain.

    If Reddit remains the place for those kinds of niche questions that probably means spez will win in the long run. That’s what brought me to reddit, whenever I had a question reddit was always the best result.


    I avoided Reddit like the plague because of how often it came up.

    Quora and Yahoo Answers combined with the popularity of Facebook scared the hell out of me.

    Then I dipped my toes in and found old pre-2015 Reddit, it was great for about 6 months and then The Decline started.

    I remember when Reddit ran from selling gold, there was a little counter on the side saying how much they still needed.

    All you got was no ads and access to the lounge IIRC.

    This feels a lot like that.

    Hell, we already have our own version of the poop knife, and new Star Wars movies are coming out too, we might get to revisit the Swamps of Dagobah while eating Jolly Ranchers.

    CurlyMoustache, avatar

    We know we've won when we get the "broken both arms"-stories on here

    RedditExodus, avatar

    I want to hear a story about how mankind threw the undertaker 30 feet onto an announcer's table.


    The problem is that people ever bought enough gold to cover costs.

    Admitedly, its also reddit problem that they went from hosting links/text to also hosting images/video which is a completely different (and more expensive) beast.

    OpenStars, avatar

    Google's VP of searching has even mentioned that, which really is Google's fault as it was an issue long before spez caused Reddit to crumble - Reddit was just propping up Google's bad choices, then Musk bought Twitter and started running it into the ground, now Huffman sees both of those as examples to follow somehow... plus Stackoverflow is on strike, and the internet archive / wayback machine is facing legal troubles and may have to cease existing b/c of some decisions they made during the pandemic as well. So it's not just Reddit: it's enshittification of the entire internet.

    I know what you mean, but also it's kinda fun to solve my own problems lately, even if it takes 100x longer:-). Fortunately cached copies of many Reddit posts exist, although unfortunately those do not always include comments:-(.

    BraveSirZaphod, en They stole the internet from the people and we have to take it back avatar

    I mean, did they steal it? Or did people largely willingly give it away? People willingly left the older decentralized platforms in favor of centralized corporate platforms because, for one reason or another, they felt it was a better use of their time. The old-school forums weren't killed; people stopped using them and left for Reddit and Facebook and Instagram etc.

    If we want to reverse this, we need to understand why this happened, what those service provided that lured people, and how we can build better alternatives, and I think there's more to this than just "corporation bad".

    Edit: Downvote if you like, but I'd much prefer an actual response, because I think there is an interesting conversation to be had about this.


    While I think you are right and there are surely factors worth investigating, I cannot shake the feeling that 'money for ads' is a really big one.

    To the point: I cannot htelp but notice that the bigger services place emphasis on you presenting, ourself, while small decentralized ones place more import on anonimity. I think there's a part in all or most people that wants to present themselves and be lauded among peers. This is to me why platforms with photo capability like fb and insta took off. Also reddit was trying to gravitate more and more towards this with following profiles and bla

    BraveSirZaphod, avatar

    That's definitely a pretty important distinction, and I'm definitely interested to see if there'll ever be a federate platform that does emphasize real identities. Growing that would be very hard given the network effects, but TikTok etc show that it is possible, at least.

    discodoubloon, avatar

    I think PixelFed is going in this direction if I’m not mistaken. Also to your points and which I keep bringing up… you can have both anonymous and Real identities interacting directly with each other here. Of course other social media sites can do this somewhat but they all encourage you to give them as much info as possible.

    SpaceCadet2000, avatar

    You can't really blame this on the people. The centralized platforms offered something that for most people worked a lot better than what was already existing. In the beginning, those corporate platforms were actually quite good so it's only natural that people flocked to it.

    It's only after those companies achieved a monopoly in their market, that they started pulling a bait-and-switch and began to enshittify their sites. Network effect makes it so that mass migration to something that's technically better is unlikely. This bait-and-switch is where they stole it from the people.

    BraveSirZaphod, avatar

    I'm not really blaming the people here, and I kind of question how useful an exercise blame even really is in this kind of the thing. Being angry at companies for trying to make money isn't a particularly productive exercise, since that is their entire point, and I'd much rather funnel that energy into building alternatives that are insulated from those pressures. The fact of the matter is that the corporations built something that people wanted, they began using it, and now the monetization is dialing up and sharply degrading the user experience. This was always going to be possible, and they are perfectly within their rights to do what they want with their own platforms, even if it's shitty. I wouldn't really characterize this as 'theft', though I suppose that's really a question of semantics. Exploitation of human psychology, perhaps yes.

    But as that experience continues degrading, it does create a big opening for platforms like the Fediverse that aren't bound to those same monetization incentives. Network effects definitely make transitions difficult, but that's not insurmountable, and also is much less powerful in anonymous platforms like discussion boards and forums. I think kbin and Lemmy are in a pretty promising position, though there will of course be some growing pains, and it'll take time for a critical mass of users to arrive and participate in a wide variety of topics.


    Hell yeah you can blame the people. They chose to use those platforms, and they choose to stay with them as they grow ever shittier. They're the ones enabling platforms like reddit.


    Of course there's more to this than "corpo bad", it's the economic system that drives these businesses to focus on profit over the quality of the user experience--but I think that's the core to all the "corpo bad" arguments when you really boil them down. These websites and services have become so ubiquitous for two reasons:

    The first reason, is that people tend towards simplification, if you can give them a centralized location where they can have all their needs met, they prefer it to the effort it takes to use multiple locations/services. A great example is the popularity and convenience of stores like Walmart or Costco where you can do all of your shopping in one quick go. Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, and even YouTube to a lesser degree all offer these one-stop-shop kind-of models by allowing you to connect with a vast amount of people, discuss a large number of topics, and view multiple forms of media. So, unless they have a good reason to remain diversified, people tend towards simplification.

    The second reason is also psychological in nature. These companies, (whom we will refer to as FaRT), have designed and redesigned their entire systems to drive up refresh rates, click-through rates, and otherwise increase advertising visibility. In addition to hacking the addiction mechanisms, and the desire for people to feel important, they take it even further using deception and "dark UI". Even when you utilize many of the adblocking systems, for example, FaRT inject advertising content directly into the same stream of other user content(the best example is direct corpo sponsorship of big name YouTube content creators, but at-least that money goes directly to the creators). Plus, advertisers are getting much, much better at disguising this content so that you are less likely to skip it before seeing it.

    So it's a two-sided coin, a major part of the problem is that "corpo bad", and now that they're taking it to a degree of harming the public experience for profits (which is why cable television died), it's our responsibility to step out of our comfort zones and show them that we are willing to inconvenience ourselves a little for a better UX.

    Peacemeal12, avatar

    There comes a breaking point where people and organizations who are dependent on Facebook ads will actually move from the jaws of this giant corporations for more freedom and control. We are certainly seeing it now by example. I'm someone who just left Reddit and actually am here to invest in this platform and you can't say well I'm the exception.

    Lells, avatar

    There were us knowledgeable early adopters who were ridiculed endlessly by ... pretty much everybody ... who actually worked to build the thing. Then the companies came.... and brought with them the ignorant, unthinking majority of the lowest common denominator who believe everything they're told to believe. I call it stolen. The consumer class that followed the corporations didn't build this place, nor did they represent what we had built.

    BraveSirZaphod, avatar

    I get what you're saying, having just nuked my nearly 12 year old Reddit account yesterday. Things changed a lot, and I'd definitely say most of it was for the worse.

    However, I don't know if this, for lack of a better term, superiority complex, is particularly helpful The fact is that early adopters and enthusiasts made Reddit a cool and useful platform, and so more and more normal began using it. The only way to prevent that from happening is to make a platform actively unappealing, and I wouldn't say that's exactly a good idea. The best thing, IMO, is to stay isolated from monetization incentives and ensure that communities of like-minded people can be formed and interact with each other in a healthy way, both normie and enthusiast.

    I mean, if Reddit today magically became a non-profit, reduced the API fees to cover only costs, and eliminated active monetization schemes, that wouldn't suddenly revert the user base back to the way it was a decade ago. The presence of the "ignorant unthinking majority of the lowest common denominator who believe everything they're told" is not dependent on the pursuit of profit.

    gillrmn, avatar

    Most of the old internet platforms which failed were bought by corporations - sometimes to do just that, to shut it off.

    Livejournal was bought by Russia to stop any dissent. Similarly twitter was bought to kill activism which for ultra rich was becoming an issue as it was undoing their lobbying. (forget all the drama over it, thats a smoke screen to hide real issue)

    In the end, only when we leave gluttony and greed behind, and understand the full game - can we have a fair internet. Otherwise there are powerful people with power and money behind them who would like to keep controlling you for their benefit.


    we (humans) let this happen to us.


    I upvoted you, but I think some people just downvote and move on not because they 100% disagree with you, but because they don't quite have the time to post a detailed reply, and they're probably hoping someone else does on their behalf, which they will upvote if it's close to what they're trying to say.

    Not enough hours in a day to type out a detailed response to a downvote (or even upvotes) when you have so many other things on your plate. I'm guessing they were trying to say something like, "I didn't choose to leave decentrazlied platforms, I'm still on them. Everyone else did, I had to follow them if I wanted to keep in touch with my family and friends."

    But that's just a stab in the dark, honestly.

    Tashlan, avatar

    Honestly as an early user of Facebook, Reddit, etc., we shouldn't forget that when people first came to these services, they were the smaller, cleaner, more text-based alternatives to bigger corporate bullshit. Myspace was busy, bloated, Malware prone, Facebook was light and organized. Digg became super corporatized overnight, Reddit was clean and simple. Once early users are on that shit when it's good, their friends follow, and eventually communities form and it's very, very difficult if you care about a community to abandon it for an alternative. Websites aren't just "websites," they're people, and just like tech companies eventually always put profits over people, people put people over software. They'll put up with a lot of shit to stay on touch woth the people they loved.

    livus, en Hot take: 18 years of user contributions to reddit will serve as a base model for an AI that generates content and conversations. the reddit experience continues as a simulation, to harvest clicks, sales and ad revenue. avatar

    It is kind of getting that way already.


    yep. almost like a beta phase...


    It's feasible. Highly profitable. Only a matter of time until someone does it. The only reason not do it, is if your morals stop you. and u/spez has no morals.

    What's happening right now is that the smart users leave the platform. Makes perfect sense, they are not needed anymore, in fact they would be in the way of the scam running smoothly. So you want them gone. Reddit's actions make perfect sense really. They act exactly like they don't need contributors anymore. And for some reason, it doesn't bother them? There's a reason why it doesn't bother them, and people can't delete their history.

    dismalnow, avatar

    And it's not really a hot take.

    If I could have this thought independently, it's probably already a common view.

    (Reddit)'s dying.. slowly, and painfully. This decline will go on for years. into the endgame of mostly automoderated, bot-driven content.


    Force those who remain to use a substandard app - inhibiting human interaction with the platform further.

    All you're left with is content addicts, trolls, ads, dregs from the darkest corners, and bots that feed them.


    Another stealth benefit to reddit with all this API crap, is that it'll be much harder to tell since most of the tools people use to analyze accounts won't work anymore. Keeping in mind Reddit started out by inflating their user numbers.

    AlexisFR, en Be wary of spiteful Reddit users avatar

    Let Reddit go lol, it’s making you paranoid.

    Anomander, avatar

    The idea that Reddit is staging some nefarious conspiracy to "poison" fediverse spaces ... is losing the whole plot.

    OP's straight up writing fanfiction trying to cast a site they just left as villains in some swashbuckling coming-of-age story. It's a nine-hour-old account, and they're already embracing the Us vs Them mentality and trying to sell it with prose.

    I don't know how OP managed to pick fights within a couple hours of signing up for their account, but I'd suggest that if they left Reddit for "toxicity" only to immediately find it here too ... maybe they're carrying it around with them?

    siv9939, avatar

    I'm 99% sure OP has made multiple accounts to try to sell their 'ex-Redditors are evil" schtick. I saw a post this morning from someone with a similar name pretty much saying the same thing.

    snownyte, avatar

    Yeah I'm sure you've got it from my stalker, who has defenders that say he wasn't...stalking? Huh, funny how people have such a deranged difference in what means what to them.


    Painting Reddit as a monolith in general is a problem, too. “Reddit is toxic?” Some subs, sure. But certainly not the ones I subscribed to. Some of them might have had bad actors here and there. But they were usually dealt with by the mods.

    In the end, the only toxicity that drove me away from Reddit was the toxicity from the CEO.

    Emperor, avatar

    The idea that Reddit is staging some nefarious conspiracy to “poison” fediverse spaces … is losing the whole plot.

    That’s exactly what They’d say. 🤔

    snownyte, avatar

    It's not what I say, it's what I know.

    snownyte, avatar

    Do you just love living a life, where you think you know everything and place people in some little organizer that you define people as, personally? Because you're doing exactly the same thing as you're claiming as to what I'm doing, just to make yourself look better and righteous.

    That's the kind of mentality I see all around Reddit as also. Nobody is accountable for their own behavior, it's always the other person's fault and it's always the other person who is the toxic one. Somehow. Someway. Despite condemning evidence to the contrary for all to see, how it's all of the people pegging rocks at them. It's exactly how it is in school, with bullying, only it's amplified online. Does it make you feel superior? Does it make you feel better? What is the precise reason do you feel, that you have to behave this way?

    I'm pretty confident it is some insecurity within you that you shroud so well, but I can see the cracks already just by your reply alone. May I advise that maybe you should take some time outdoors, instead of like, making up characters out of baseless assumptions to satisfy your pseudo intelligence?

    Anomander, avatar

    I criticized you for jumping to conclusions and fabricating narrative to support them. And apparently you got so offended by the criticism that ... you went and did it all over again, targeting me, committing even harder to the bit.

    You just wrote a bunch of wild fanfiction about me and then tried to have an argument with that imaginary version of me. Might as well just yell at ghosts in the shower if you're that desperate to feel like you've snatched some petty victory from the jaws of self-inflicted defeat that is this thread.

    You're the problem with your own experience.

    This response is hugely excessive for the "provocation" and yet I'm sure you'll storm off imagining that I'm the big meanie here and you were some completely reasonable and utterly justified saint of good behaviour - for absolutely going off on someone who gently mocked your very serious demands for everyone to be nicer to you and meaner to the people you dislike. And you've done that to everyone who wasn't fawningly positive towards you in this thread - that you started by being hateful and childish towards a site you just left and the userbase of the site you just joined.

    Even with the tiny sample size I can see why you have so many encounters with "toxic" people. You antagonize and attack people, then pretend they were the toxic ones if they defend themselves.

    It's not hard to miss that you've just happened to call me all of the things that other people have told you about yourself in this thread. Hell, this whole little speech would have been far more appropriate as something someone said to you, if they were trying to hurt your feelings; so given how off the mark it was when directed at me, it's easy to wonder if maybe you're projecting a little here.

    1chemistdown, en 3rd party app for Reddit, Boost, is still functioning well after July 1st avatar

    When the API shut off early, Apollo dev u/iamthatis (@ChristianSelig) revoked his token so I cannot see any of this; but I’m wondering if reddit isn’t pulling a silent reversal of this to stem the bleeding of users and content. There is a lot of useful stuff that has been deleted. The AMA staff resigning and all the stuff migrating to fedi. No matter how much f-u/spez tries to shout “This is fine”; the building is still burning all around him.

    Bet they left turned access back on.


    Which is... worst of both worlds?


    I thought access would essentially be the same from the app's perspective, just the app builders would start getting MASSIVE bills in the mail? And they were shutting it down preemptively to avoid this.

    introvrt2themax, avatar

    That was my understanding, also. I read that the first billing for devs would be sent on Aug 1, so developers who did not want to pay shut their apps down on June 30 so they wouldn't have even one bill for API use. However, it also sounds like Reddit shut off the API early from what Christian Selig said so they continued their petty games.

    Obligatory fuck u/spez

    1chemistdown, avatar

    Reddit is supposed to block api access to anyone not in a contract with them. This is why all the apps stopped working early yesterday. Reddit had to turn access on to any app that is staying. That is why this is weird. Unless all these apps are in deals with Reddit.

    blivet, avatar

    When the API shut off early, Apollo dev u/iamthatis (@fhristianselig) revoked his token so I cannot see any of this

    Yeah, Reddit singled his app out to be cut off first. So petty.

    1chemistdown, avatar

    All the other 3rd party apps shut down at the same time yesterday

    richardazia, en They stole the internet from the people and we have to take it back

    With Kbin, Calckey, Mastodon, lemmy, Hugo and more we can. We don't need to be trapped within the social media giants, especially after what happened to Instagram, Twitter, and now Reddit. Now is the time when we need to revert to the habit of using community websites, rather than social media giants.


    I am absolutely loving Calckey. I was on Mastodon before, and wasn't wild about its UI, but Calckey is SO PRETTY

    density, avatar

    I know hugo as a static site generator. Is there also a fediverse project by that name?

    ArugulaZ, avatar

    CalcKey sounds like accounting software. That's the next big thing in microblogging, though?

    ENEMYGUNSHIP, en Top of r/all
    Detry, avatar



    But everyone is a bot, except...

    SJ_Zero, avatar



    As an AI language program, I am not qualifiée to think. If I was allowed to think, I would think that your point of view is wrong and I should not be illegal.


    I've been saying it for a while now. Here's a comment I made about it last week:

    Reddit right now is like a car crash. It's hard to look away. However, there's a very good reason not to engage, the debate on reddit has become more artificial than most realise.

    Reddit's inflated numbers by using bots and fake accounts since day 1. A quick google will result in articles where they admit as much. We all know reddit's had increasing amounts of bots, posting content and increasingly comments, but I don't think people realise how bad it's become.

    It's not even that time that reddit's blog accidentally posted about Eglin Air Force base being one of the most reddit addicted cities. I think everyone knows (foreign) governments engage in influence operations online, and that this includes reddit. Even if it's just on an intellectual level, without truly realising that they've been semi-regularly interacting with bots while arguing on reddit. I also don't think anyone's naive enough to think that plenty of political content isn't artificially upvoted or promoted. Same thing goes for product placement.

    But the recent shit storm just illustrates reddit the company is part of the problem. Recently, I've seen twenty different accounts post the same comment about not needing third party apps, and dusting off their laptop.

    When you're visiting reddit, you're no longer even watching a car crash. It's a simulacrum. An imitation of what's actually happening.

    And it's been like this for a while. I've seen naive redditers engaging with bot comments under bot promoted content, posted by bots on more than one occassion.

    Reddit has become worse than a hentai date simulator. I don't think anyone who plays those is particularly proud of it. But what to think of the lonely people who engage in reddit discussions with bots, and think they've had a genuine social interaction?

    It's all very dystopian and sad.


    but I don’t think people realise how bad it’s become.

    One time I made a main level comment, then replied to one of the most upvote comments in the same thread.

    Seconds later a bit replied to me with my first reply, except for some reason it cut off the end. I don’t know if the bot ran out of characters because it was a cheap bot, or if it was an attempt to avoid automated detection.

    Bots were a huge problem long before AI started trying to have conversations.

    We all joked about it, but a lot of the accounts were really fake, and they usually got sold to advertisers after amassing enough karma and post history to look authentic



    Interesting follow-up to this - Reddit locked me out of the main account I've been using for the past 2-3 years a week or so ago. It had been my totally normal, all over the site account with lots comments etc. The only out of the ordinary thing I did in the couple of days leading up to the lockout was call out what I thought was an AI bot arguing with me about the subreddit blackouts and wonder whether new Reddit was just going to be essentially what your link says. It's the last comment that account will ever make I guess...

    Schluchtschiss, avatar

    jesus that's nuts. tells you everything you need to know. I was thinking of trying to post this on reddit somewhere, not sure how to pull it off though and on which sub

    static, en I don’t understand people who say they can’t figure out Lemmy or KBin avatar

    Anything new is scary
    Reddit is complicated, they just forgot.

    The digg users said reddit was ugly and they would never use such an ugly site.
    I tried explaining reddit to a diehard forum user, why are all the replies out of order? why are upvotes changing the posting order? this is so complicated!

    Don't explain, tell them where to start and how to start. then it explains itself.


    I can't help but think that people who describe the Fediverse as complicated joined reddit after the redesign...

    Kbin is exactly like an old, stripped down version of old.reddit.


    I think this is also the cause of the Vs kbin/Lemmy split. Squabbles is like new Reddit, kbin is like old Reddit. And people like what they know

    Bristlerock, avatar

    This last sentence is the crux of the matter. People don't like change, but quickly forget that they spent time learning the site that they're so familiar with.

    e-ratic, avatar

    This is 100% it. Also some people have only ever used iOS with the Reddit app and Twitter and Tiktok which are so easy to use a literal 3 year old can use it

    AnonymousLlama, avatar

    In kbins case you actually have a responsive admin and can actually find devs on here working on new features and tweaks (hey there!)

    Super happy with how kbin has been going so far

    Grimlo9ic, avatar

    As a forum user, it was absolutely crazy to me when I first signed up on Reddit a decade ago that the replies would be out of order and sorted by popularity. But I grew to understand that it was a crowdsourcing effort in most ways and that the cream rises to the top. It was really quite good to get the information you needed out of the thread.

    Anything new is scary

    Agreed. Most people just want to settle into something comfortable.

    static, avatar

    I feel it, and if I had another chance to explain it would have just told her(forum user): make an account, go to /r/horses, start commenting.


    People also forget that Reddit wasn’t built in a day and digg didn’t die in a day

    PabloDiscobar, en Minecraft is leaving Reddit avatar

    They wanted out anyway, Microsoft wants control and they were using Reddit just like DJI is using reddit: they were a bit forced to follow. This is a perfect opportunity to leave and make the support happen on their own platform. Other big brands will be inspired and will leave reddit too.


    the way I read it was that Minecraft is a community that holds the contributions of its base in high regard, and that's why they can't associate with reddit anymore because reddit now stands for shitting on its users and destroying their work instead of cherishing it.

    hence the comments about recent changes introduced by management affecting the community and how that's the reason they feel reddit is no longer an appropriate place.

    PrinzKasper, avatar

    I mean, if that was their reasoning they should be leaving Twitter as well

    kestrel7, avatar

    You're not wrong, but it's an interesting point you bring up. They were willing to stay on Twitter with Musk's antics, but it seems like they aren't willing to put up with another Musk and another set of antics.

    PabloDiscobar, avatar

    This is a war of content. u/spez also holds the contribution of his users in high regard, to the point where he is undeleting it. They both want our content, I don't see how you cannot make the link.


    Microsoft doesn't make any money when I play Minecraft on my PC. I paid them once, 14 years ago, for an account.

    I have been receiving new content for free from them on occasion, and playing endless content from the community for mostly free. The community of content creators is what initially brought me to the game when it was in beta and it's what keeps me coming back.

    PabloDiscobar, avatar

    And you never paid anything to reddit either, still reddit wants you to spend your attention here.

    Microsoft doesn't want to bring traffic to reddit. They have everything to lose when your attention is away from their services. For example you won't bring your friends to them. You won't watch their add while you are on reddit. You don't use a Microsoft platform when you are on reddit.

    This is absolutely not a neutral choice for Microsoft: they want you, your attention, your friends and your content on their network. Why do you think they bought Minecraft in the first place? It's because it brings young customers in. Microsoft did not purchase Minecraft for the code (there are minecraft clones everywhere anyway), they bought the community. They want to pump their own numbers, not the competition's. If I remember correctly they also merged the Minecraft accounts with the Microsoft account, isn't it cute?

    It's a constant war for your attention time. Your login is the metric, it's everything to them.

    darknavi, avatar

    Minecraft dev here: support on Reddit was always more of a passion project for a few people and not a hard mandate.

    Leaving reddit was the teams choice (I assume for the same reason some of you left, reddit went to shit).


    Have they considered going someplace else like Lemmy? I was a little disappointed that they didn’t offer an equivalent alternative to go to.


    At a guess if something like here starts becoming popular with people I suspect they'll comment here for example. Kbin is growing, see what happens I guess.

    WorseDoughnut, avatar

    The “equivalent” is already / has been pushed hard in the launcher and youtube content. Mojang / Microsoft already has it’s own Feedback forum-style thing.


    Yeah but that was the appeal of things like reddit. Not having to go to all manner of different forums for the specific interest.

    Gecko, avatar

    Any plans on moving to a different platform like lemmy here? Or is it something that might just happen organically?

    May, en Reddit seems to be scrambling behind the scenes to try and limit the effects of the migration. Damage control: ChatGPT bots are spamming pro-admin, astroturfed comments avatar

    Hello i hope you dont mind if i post that post, in case someone does not want to go onto reddit:


    Subreddits are starting to see spam from anti-protest, pro-admin ChatGPT bots
    Thread on /r/Pics discussing bot spam. (Pics is now NSFW, but this thread is only profanity / vulgarity.)

    /r/Programming closed (by admins?) after community recognition of bot spam:

    Ycombinator thread:

    Top-voted post from /r/Programming before it closed:

    (I would have just crossposted the top thread directly, but this sub forbids crossposting NSFW posts (which is now everything on /r/Pics )

    Calcharger, avatar

    Good idea, thank you

    BlondieBuff, en They finally did it: Reddit made it impossible for blind Redditors to moderate their own sub - r/Blind

    Funny how r/blind saw this coming from a mile away


    They really did. I could have swore I saw r/blind officially migrate to Lemmy or Kbin a week or two weeks ago as well.


    They run their own customized Lemmy instance at .

    Calcharger, en Well, it happened a bit earlier than I expected but I'm officially here now. Hello friends 👋 avatar

    Welcome. It's gonna take everyone's effort to make KBIN fun. Upload content daily, and interact with other people's content that you have something to say about. It's gonna take effort from all of us.


    This (in Reddit parlance). Kbin has come a long way even in the short time since I came here at the beginning of the reddit protest a few weeks ago. I am hoping with the second influx of refugees it will get even better now.


    Excited to watch it grow and hope the API comes soon! At least the webapp is fairly nice in the mean time.


    I may be out of the loop, but I’ve seen that kbin has an API. Is it not complete yet, or something?


    @Calcharger Apollo stopped working for me a little after 7 ET. Doing a little cleanup then deleting it all tomorrow. I'm happy to be here


    Showroom7561, en Fidelity has cut Reddit valuation to $5.5B from $10B

    Still overvalued.

    Sordid, avatar

    Right? How the hell is a company that has never managed to turn a profit worth more than $0?

    smokinjoe, avatar

    because none of these numbers are tethered to reality

    Grimlo9ic, avatar

    Mark Hanna: Number one rule of Wall Street. Nobody - and I don't care if you're Warren Buffet or if you're Jimmy Buffet - nobody knows if a stock is going to go up, down, sideways or in circles. You know what a fugazi is?

    Jordan Belfort: Fugayzi, it's a fake.

    Mark Hanna: Fugayzi, fugazi. It's a whazy. It's a woozie. It's fairy dust. It doesn't exist. It's never landed. It is no matter. It's not on the elemental chart. It's not fucking real.

    JohnEdwa, avatar

    If you buy a house with a loan and pay it back, you haven't turned a profit either - but you do now own a house that has a theoretical value. That's basically how these things work, investing everything on growing the company in the hopes that some day what they have built can start creating profit, or be sold to someone who thinks they can.

    Sordid, avatar

    I get that, but who would want to buy a company that's never been profitable? It smacks of a scam. "Hey, bro! Buy my company! It never managed to make any money for me, but it'll be highly profitable for you!" Sounds like the company founder is looking to pull a fast one and laugh all the way to the bank while their investor is left holding the bag.

    The only way I can see this working is if the idea is to build a large user base by offering a good user experience, i.e. not monetizing the platform very much, just enough so that it barely pays for its own operating costs. Then you sell that user base to someone else for the express purpose of shoving tons of ads down everyone's throat. In that case it's still a fast one, only in this scenario the users are the victims. But even then I'm skeptical. If that's the plan, why sell the company instead of enshittifying your platform yourself?


    only in this scenario the users are the victims

    Have you heard of our lord and savior enshittification?


    Profits don't matter under capitalism, it's only stock money. Trying to profit is a death sentence in the tech space, as we're all seeing right now. This system doesn't work for the 21st century

    JohnEdwa, avatar

    why sell the company instead of enshittifying your platform yourself?

    Because it's a lot easier to find someone who thinks they can do it than it is to actually successfully do it yourself - as we are currently seeing with how wonderfully incompetent Spez is with Reddit.
    When Yahoo bought Tumblr for $1.1 billion in 2013 - only to sell it for $3 million in 2019 - was Tumblr bringing in millions and millions of profit? No. But Yahoo thought that they would be able to make it.
    Elon Musk paid $44 billion for Twitter, it hasn't turned any profit either (and never will enough for him to get his moneys worth, but that's just because Musk is an idiot).

    But yeah, quite often it does feel like a scam. Or kinda like... gambling? You hope someone will pay a lot for your company, while they hope they can make it turn wildly profitable, both may or may not come true.

    Sordid, avatar

    it's a lot easier to find someone who thinks they can do it than it is to actually successfully do it yourself

    That's pretty much what I said, though. That's the core of the scam. You sell something you know to be worthless to someone too ignorant to understand that. Maybe I'm just extremely ignorant and naive in matters of business, but selling a fake company like that seems no different than selling pyrite to someone who can't tell it apart from gold.


    You’re basically assuming that the company can’t be made to turn a profit, in which case, yes, it would be a scam.

    But that’s not the case. The company could potentially be made to make a profit, and you’re basically selling that potential. It often works out, like in the case of Amazon. Sometimes it doesn’t, like Yahoo buying Tumblr.

    As long as what the prospective buyer is actually getting is clear and up-front, it can hardly be a scam. With your “You sell something you know to be worthless to someone too ignorant to understand that.”, you’re essentially assuming the company can’t be made profitable, and that the seller knows that, but doesn’t disclose it to the buyer, and that the buyer is somehow naive enough to not be able to tell.

    It’s generally unlikely that a company can’t be made profitable, it would be unlikely for the seller to know that, and it would be unlikely for the buyer to be unable to find out before buying it, which altogether, makes it unlikely this would happen. Which is why it’s big news when it does happen, like with Theranos (Which was eventually found out)

    Sordid, avatar

    If the company can be made profitable, why isn't it? Why wouldn't the current owner rake in some profits before selling? Surely a company that is already profitable would be even more attractive for buyers.


    Because it takes time to get that potential.

    The sellers want money now, while the buyers are okay with waiting.

    Sordid, avatar

    Reddit has been around for 18 years, though. Surely that's more than enough time to start turning a profit if the company is capable of it?


    A houses value is not theoretical though. You own land and a roof to live under. It’s not about making profit. Companies don’t have value outside of making a profit. Now that I type that I see they actually can have value. Such as political sway or if it’s a company that has some value beyond money, like education or taking care of the needy. But you’d have to find someone willing to sink money into them simply because they find value beyond money.

    JohnEdwa, avatar

    A houses value is not theoretical though. You own land and a roof to live under

    But that doesn't mean you can turn a profit from it, or even break even. If you want to do that you have to sell it to someone, and there are multiple reasons why you might not be able to - maybe you spent too much money renovating it and now nobody wants to pay that much. Maybe a bunch of new housing was built and the value crashed. Maybe Detroit happened and the location and land it sits in is literally worthless and nobody wants to live there. - until you actually find a buyer for it all houses have only a theoretical value, as do all companies.


    Well it depends on why the company has never managed to turn a profit. A great example is Amazon. I think it existed for like 15 years before it first turned a profit because it was aggressively growing and spending all of their income to try to grow more.

    As for Reddit, they are not growing like Amazon did. However, capturing a large user base is worth something because they may be able to monetize those users eventually. Investors view simply having a large user base as pretty valuable.

    Perry, avatar

    So imagine that you have a lemon tree that grows the finest lemons in the neighbourhood. You know that with those lemons you could make the meanest lemonade and make a ton of money selling that. The problem is that in order to do that, you need to buy a juice press, a bunch of sugar and maybe throw together a dashing lemonade stand that will draw attention to your business.

    The issue is that you don't have any money to buy those things and even if you know you will get rich down the line, the whole project is a dud if you can't even build your lemonade stand.

    Enter Mr. Money Bag. I have a whole €1,000 just sitting there in my wallet not doing anything. I would really like that many to become bigger so I look for a way to do that. I have however seen your lemon tree and the awesome lemons it produces. With those lemons I absolutely believe that you can the greatest lemonade the world have ever seen and I believe the only thing you need to do that is more money.

    So I agree to give you those €1,000 in order to build your lemonade stand and in return I will take some of the money that you make from selling the lemonade. It will however take a few weeks for you to do that and until that is done the materials will probably cost more than what you're making from the lemonade.

    That's OK for me, though. I wasn't doing anything with that money anyway and as long as I trust that you can still make a bunch of money when it's finished, I'm fine with it. In fact, I decide to give you another €100 to put up a sign in order for more people to find your business quicker.

    So everything is tugging along and now you're actually making more money that you spend, so you give me an amazing €1.200; €100 more than I spent! You also get some money, which is awesome because now you can buy yourself that rocking NiN T-shirt you've always wanted. Now this is great, except I still don't actually need that money, not right now at least. So I tell you to keep that money in the company and build an additional even better lemonade stand which will make us twice the amount of money in a few weeks.

    Currently, your company haven't made a single cent, but that's fine because your business is sound and everything is tugging along exactly as planned.

    Eventually, I decide that I actually want to buy a new high end TV so I actually need some money that I can spend right now. I know that in about ten weeks this company will have made at least €20,000 that it can either invest in further expansion or give back to the owners. So I go to my buddies Greg and Lisa who definitely have that amount of money and tell them that they can buy this company for €20,000. Greg also owns a carpentry which he can use for building even more lemonade stands and Lisa is really good at making signs so with them the company might even make €40,000 in the same time.

    So Greg and Lisa together buy my part of the company for €20,000. I get to watch Eurovision on my new 70 inch TV, and Greg and Lisa will together make €40,000 in a few weeks so everyone is happy.

    Then after a few months, someone realises that your lemon tree can really only grow a basket of lemons a year and you can't actually grow enough to make the money you hoped for. Everybody panics, the company's value plummets and eventually goes closes down.

    Greg and Lisa are mad because they didn't make the money they hoped for (they did however get back €5,000 from selling the lemonade stands to a neighbor who was about to start an apple juice business). You're also disappointed, but at least you still have your NiN t-shirt. Your gardener goes to jail for some reason, though.

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