
Esta revista es de un servidor federado y podría estar incompleta. Explorar más contenido en la instancia original.

can, en Reddit brings back its old award system — ‘we messed up’

I haven’t been paying attention. What made a “golden upvote” significantly different than gold?

amio, en “The Idea of You”: Deconstructing the Modern Romance Through a Cinematic Lens

Great, even getting this spam on like page 3 now.

Thorvid_botlakhan, en Minecraft is leaving Reddit avatar

Reddit behaved in such a horrible way, that I feel like API pricing was the least of the bad...

One could argue about their fairness and aim to destroy 3rd party apps, and I had already closed my accounts at that very step.

But the way they treated mods, forced subs to open and behaved like pure evil assholes, I really see how companies or more "official" subreddits with a touch of interest in their users, would feel the desire to leave and close bridges

Limitless_screaming, avatar

I don't even care about the API prices and I used to use the official Reddit mobile app before migrating.

I've been looking for an open source Reddit like platform since the Twitter drama started and people started migrating to Mastodon, but there wasn't much content on them, until now, so I jumped on the band wagon.


I felt this. I just honestly needed another option and so star this seems to be it. I don’t understand the difference between kbin and lemmy. I’m hoping apps just end up supporting both platforms/instances.

mxjzm, avatar

I feel the same way.
As an Apollo user, I didn’t immediately leave since I wanted to see if some agreement would be done.

But the way they treated the devs is insulting, I work on IT and know a bit of how complex and time consuming this is; doing all this work just to be considered a parasite to be cut, and seeing how horrible the AMA was; really showed Reddit’s true colors.

Currently liking this federated initiative, big potential and less company ruining agenda. Very comfy here.


If Apollo works things out with reddit, I'd be willing to consider keeping reddit as a secondary source of content. But I think that bridge has been burnt so bad that that is highly unlikely

Pixelologist, avatar

The Apollo dev (Christian) is understandably not interested in working with reddit at all at this point.

As an aside is a fediverse web app that's heavily inspired by apollo


Wow, if you're used to apollo, is surprisingly amazing! hard to believe its running in the browser


@MsPenguinette @Pixelologist

Artemis, an app in development for kbin, is also heavily inspired by Apollo (hence the name also being a Greek god starting with A and known for their skills with the bow)


That is amazing! Thank you for sharing. My new Lemmy start up page.


I didn’t even use Apollo but the defining moment for me was when spez lied about his interactions with the dev. That shit is foul and I just do not want to associate with that.


Didn't even think about it until now, but a company could start their own lemmy service. Wonder if that's a thing already or will become a thing. The only issue for them is would other instances federated with them, if I'm correct? Still new and learning.

setsneedtofeed, avatar

The underhanded, lying, victim blaming actions from reddit were so much worse than the shutdown on its own. If reddit had been more honest about their intentions of shutting down 3PA from the beginning, 3PA users still wouldn’t have been thrilled, but we wouldn’t be seeing this reddit meltdown.

EstiniensBathwater, en Fuck Reddit u̶p̶v̶o̶t̶e̶ boost party! avatar


Manifish_Destiny, en Minecraft is leaving Reddit

Welcome to the 'find out' phase, which should wrap up nicely by around the 7th.


I’m out of the loop here, what happens on the 7th?


total reddit death. TRD

Dav, avatar

It’ll take about a week for the ‘find out’ phase to wrap up, then we’re onto the lesser known ‘baby please come back I can change’ phase.

BlendedRacer, avatar

And like a gaslighting abusive ex they won't change!

DreamyDolphin, avatar

The 3rd party apps are closing at the end of this month, which means there'll be somewhere around a week or so of people realising just how bad the official app is, plus decreased quality content as the actually-motivated people who post things continue their gradual migration away from reddit and driving redditors to seek other places to gather.


Meanwhile all of the repost bots can post and comment on each other’s threads keeping the Reddit server humming away.

Good riddance.


It's kinda funny in a dystopian way.

A lonely guy playing a creepy hentai game gets some sexual gratification from his time spent interacting with a piece of software and is at least somewhat self-aware. He knows it's just software, even if he 'married' his bodypillow.

Meanwhile there are increasing numbers of people unaware they're regularly interacting with bots online, not realising one of the reasons social media is making them sadder is because they've atttempting to fulfill their need for social interaction with a facsimile thereof.

It's not unlike Idiocracy, where they give the plants Brawndo instead of water, then wonder why the plants are dying. Vast swathes of the world are feeding their social needs with social media brawndo.

RoboRay, avatar

Conversational masturbation.

Deceptichum, avatar

On the Internet, nobody knows you're a bot

Also you’re blaming the medium, rather than the malicious actors.

If AI text generative technology was around a century earlier you’d have people being penpals or print newspaper write-ins with a bot instead. Communicating through text is inherently risky, so best to blame the people who abuse that fact instead.

cyberian_khatru, avatar

you’re blaming the medium

I don't think that's implied in the post. Also reddit inc is complicit in the bot farming since it boosts their engagement metrics.

Hondolor, avatar

Thats an interesting take on things

killick, avatar

But, Brawndo has what plants crave. It has electrolytes.


At some point, it will just be repost bots having conversations in the comments of posts "created" by other repost bots.

HarkMahlberg, avatar

/r/subreddit_simulator wasn't just an experiment, it was prophetic.

Anarch157a, avatar

It ended up as /u/Spez’s roadmap for the future of Reddit.


I realized that after deleting my oldest reddit account I should have sold the damn thing.

Might work out how to do that yet for my remaining accounts

Pixelologist, avatar

Where did you find pricing info? I wouldn't have guessed accounts would be worth much with the rampant botting


Accounts with 100,000+ karma are $200 and up, apparently. Source: savingadvice dot com /articles/2023/05/31/1089629_sell-your-reddit-account.html

On playerup dot com /acconts/redditacconut/ I see one "rare account" that's 13 years old going for $120 and a 14 year old one for $150

Most are a few years old, just barely a few thousand karma, and $17-25.


Hah! I could have got a round of drinks in rather than deleting mine. But fuck 'em.


I like my username too much to have a hand in making it shill ads and misinformation.

Anarch157a, avatar

Yup. I'm Anarch157a everywhere (except Mastodon, for reasons), Steam, Lemmy, Discord, etc. Having my old - now deleted - Reddit account as a bot could spill over my identity in other services.


I haven't deleted mine yet because there are still comments I'd like to edit that are currently in private subreddits. Only when I'm sure everything I've ever said on reddit is now the same text urging people to abandon reddit in favor of the fediverse will I delete the account itself.

BettyWhiteInHD, avatar

Ice cream? Do you like ice cream?

moon_matter, avatar

Meanwhile all of the repost bots can post and comment on each other’s threads keeping the Reddit server humming away.

How are they going to do that when the API changes hit? The API changes affect all third party interactions with Reddit unless you scrape their HTML or do some type of browser automation. I'm going to assume that 99% of developers are using the REST API since there was no reason to do otherwise. That means mobile apps, bots, third party tools and probably even some browser extensions are all going to go dark.

parrot-party, avatar

You can still use the APIs but you do it via a browser. So it is slightly more annoying for botters but a death blow for apps.


I hadn't thought about that, are they killing RES? Killing RES is the same as killing old reddit.

moon_matter, avatar

They will be fine. But the extension itself is on its last legs. Reddit is slowly breaking old reddit by making features or markdown new reddit only. The team also seems to be down to 2 people and the project is in maintenance mode.


it's all done browser side on your api token so it will be fine.

but you are 100% correct, old reddit without dark mode is functionally the same as deleting reddit.

joelfromaus, avatar

I won’t miss checking the post and top comment accounts to see if they’re bots. I’m hoping the same doesn’t start occurring over here.


Its gonna be interesting when Reddit turns into r/SubredditSimulator


I just wish more people knew to come here. I even snuck this alternative into a presentation at a Fortune 150…

DreamyDolphin, avatar

People will come, it's just a matter of time and having the patience to cultivate organic communities rather than trying to simply will them into existence all at once a la GooglePlus (or whatever their attempt at a social network was called)


like everything google kills it was the best of it's kind but wasn't immediately profitable so ¯_(ツ)_/¯


Yup, just got the notification from BaconReader this morning that they’re throwing in the towel


I have only used the official app and can I just say, the experience has gotten noticeably worse in the past 6 weeks or so.


I have to wait 3 seconds to load a post. Collapsing a comment is laggy, takes like 0.5 seconds at least. Scrolling itself is laggy.
It sure doesn't seem like a lot when I write seconds but it's absolutely TERRIBLE when you use it more than a minute. I only have official app for chat and instant messages because Infinity didn't send me any notifications :( I'll use old reddit on mobile with an extension that helps with mobile usage, along with official reddit for the aforementioned functions as usual.

ikantolol, avatar

any reason it's the 7th ?

wildeaboutoskar, avatar

I imagine because any impact won’t be seen immediately and a week seems like a good amount of time


I’m guessing it’s because it’s a week after 3rd party apps shut down. A lot will change when that happens, and the 7th is far enough from the 30th to feel it.

entropicshart, en The kbin/lemmy app is coming along. Here´s a little preview of the upcoming beta! Heavy inspiration from Apollo. The app will be available for both iOS and Android. avatar

As a longtime Apollo user, I would love to know when this hits Test Flight!

Lee, avatar

Same, I'd love to beta test.

TraceGallant, avatar

Go to her mastodon. You can request to be a beta tester.


Unlike Apollo, will this be Free Software though?

entropicshart, avatar

Apollo did have a free tier and then a few paid tiers.

iirc, (I bought it many years ago), they had a one time Pro purchase that removed any ads and unlocked theming and such, and then the Ultimate which was a subscription to cover server costs of push notifications (although it did eventually end up having more features locked behind it).

While I personally did not go for the Ultimate subscription (didn’t really need the push notifications), I gladly paid for the Pro as it was well worth it IMO.

WaterSword, avatar

I think they meant Free as in Open Source


It’s not exactly the same. The Free Software movement is about user freedom. Open Source is a term used by corporations to avoid mentioning that users should have rights.


Libre, not gratis


Yes, I meant freedom and not price:

We want to be able to make sure the app doesn’t do anything malicious (like spy on us) and be able to change it to fit out needs. Like we can with Lemmy.

unsophisticated, en PSA: while upvoting exists, to get the "move closer to the top" effect that reddit's upvote had, you need to click boost

Horrible idea. No one sees this button, no one knows what it does, and upvotes definitely should have that effect.

Calcharger, avatar

Ernest is likely working on it


We talking P. Worrell or the developer guy?

Calcharger, avatar

Developer guy


I'd give anything to have Ernest P. Worrell back and on the case.

FaceDeer, avatar

I somehow feel like any software he wrote wouldn't work very well.

discodoubloon, avatar

He has to do a physical side-quest every time anything breaks.

DpwnShift, avatar



But is he... earnestly working on it?


well he did fix the reputation calculations..

theodewere, avatar

that would be disastrous, and just serve to make sure this platform ends up like reddit


Agreed. I upvoted AND boosted your comment for redundancy.


They're not redundant functions. They're... Mixed up on kbin right now, because things were originally built with the up button boosting content, but that's incongruent with how Lemmy does it, so it was changed.

But boosting isn't really about sorting at all. It's about republishing content, so that it can be sent out to instances that have started following a group after the content was originally posted.


I believe it is more akin to 're-tweeting' for your followers.

All boosts you boost are not private and everyone can see everything you have boosted


How it's interpreted it is entirely up to the UI layer. On microblogs, it's surfaced as a retweet-like behaviour, but it's not surfaced at all here, really, except on kbin where it's used to report who has reboosted something.

At its core, it's a republish button, and just as if you were to republish someone else's blog post on your own blog, people can see, if they look closely enough, that you've done it.

artillect, avatar

If you follow someone on kbin, and they boost a thread, it'll show up in your feed. It's sorta like crossposting to your user page on reddit


This makes sense — but if nobody knows it there is lots of room for confusion.

“Boost” seems more like “updoot” than “retweet“. Perhaps more importantly why would one retweet a comment? Rather than a post?


Perhaps more importantly why would one retweet a comment? Rather than a post?

The way content propagation works here is that someone using Website A follows a remote content source (either a user, or a group -- aka a "community" or a "magazine"), and the remote hosting website (let's call it Website B) sends all subsequent content from that source to Website A, where the requesting user can then view it. If someone from Website A was already following that content source, then they get to see all of the content that Website A had already received, and benefit from earlier users efforts. But if that person was the first from Website A to subscribe to that content source, then they only get future content.

It's very similar to a, well, a magazine subscription in that way. NatGeo isn't sending you their 150 years worth of back catalogue when you subscribe in 2023 (not that you should bother subscribing to NatGeo in 2023).

The 'boost' button republishes content, though. Posts, comments, whatever. Hitting 'boost' on a comment republishes it, and once republished the group actor (the little bot-like construct that functionally is the group) sees it as new content, and pushes it out to everyone following it. This means it will reach websites that started subscribing to the group after the comment was originally posted.

Boosting is how older content (where older basically means "from anytime before literally right now") spreads through the fediverse.


Thank you so much for this explanation, it really helped some of this click for me. I don’t use kbin, so the boosting isn’t so relevant to me, but I’m beginning to understand some of how the federation works together.


I'm not sure how Lemmy syncs and backfill, but under its hood, I imagine it's doing the same thing, just automatically. Lemmy groups are really spammy with boosts when viewed from Mastodon, for instance.


So this is one of those things like git, where you can't explain how it works on the surface to a normal person because it barely even makes sense if you don't know about the underlying plumbing. :\

Not awesome, but I guess that's what you get when you graft a reddit-like experience onto a fediverse that was more or less invented for microblogging.

density, avatar

is following individuals a common thing on lemmy/kbin?

on reddit ti was possible but virtually nobody did it. all about the community not "influencers".

What I want to do is sho approval to the OP and make the post more likely to float to the attention of someone who will want it..


Yea, i'm working on my own Fedi software and i'm struggling with the point of boosting in the link aggregator context. It's an odd overlap with Reddit-style reposting to appropriate subs, but based on the user.

It makes sense in the Twitter UX, but i struggle to find it's place in the Reddit UX.


I think boosts have potential to be used for crossposts, and the current implementation are just crossposts to your profile. Though they're likely here right now just because Kbin is a mix between thread and microblog software


yeahhhhhhh if boost came with like a menu: "Boost to: -Your Personal Microblog -Magazine's Microblog [pick] -Magazine as Article [pick]"

then the feature would be pretty baller

(actually im not sure if your personal microblog exists so...maybe just the other 2)


Boosting is super important in all contexts in the Fediverse.

When am instance subscribes to a content source - be that a user actor or a group actor - on behalf of a user, it only requests future content. Back catalogues are not fetched by default. Boosting re-publishes the content, so that it is received by new followers.

With a group actor, the boost triggers the actor to reboot the content itself, sending it out to new subscribers to the group, and filling in that back catalogue.

aidan, avatar

I like this comment but I don’t know what im supposed to do about it


Boost things.

blazera, avatar

if old content isnt fetched for a newly subscribed instance to see, how are users going to boost that content in the first place?


Users who can see the content need to boost it?

Users who use the website that the community is hosted on have access to the full library of it. They need to boost stuff. And people who subscribe from remote sites need to boost older content that they've seen.

blazera, avatar

but relevant users cant see it, its never fetched for them to see it. Sure users on the home instance can see it, but they're on the home instance, it's already fetched for them. Ive run into this problem on here, where there is a lot of content on other instances that isnt visible from kbin. I have the option of visiting the home instance to see it, but it takes me completely off of kbin, I cant boost it from that page.


Someone just needs to follow. The community owner either needs to seed the community to big instances using accounts on them, or people who find the community via other instances need to subscribe and know that fresh content will come. Then they can boost older content from the hosting site.

Things take some conscious effort here. That isn't necessarily a bad thing.

blazera, avatar

"Then they can boost older content from the hosting site." No that's the problem. Like you yourself said back catalogues arent fetched. They can't see the older content to be able to boost it, they'll only see new content.


If my instance follows a community at time t = T, and your instance starts following it at time t = T+10, I can boost content posted between T and T+9 so that you can see it.

Meanwhile, if people on the hosting instance boost things posted from times earlier than T, we both get to see them. Then, once they're visible to us, we can continue to boost them for new instances to see.


If boosting is meant to be a solution to the back catalogue problem, then it's a horrible way to do it. You'd have to go through and boost every single post from before the hosting instance was followed, and then it'd only show up the user page of the guy who went to all of that effort? (or, realistically, bot).

If what I'm saying is accurate (and I'm still not sure because this is admittedly a bit too complicated for me) then it doesn't sound very useful since individual profiles aren't nearly as important in a forum context when compared to something like twitter, and especially when you can just upvote something and have that show on your profile. Unless I'm mistaken and anything you've upvoted doesn't propagate to another automatically instance while boosts do... but I don't think that's a big enough distinction to have two different buttons? You could just have an upvote also do that.


then it'd only show up the user page of the guy who went to all of that effort?

Where are you getting that impression from?


This seems needlessly convoluted.


This is why the functionality was hidden behind the upvote button initially, but people wanted the arrows to match the arrows on Lemmy.

FaceDeer, avatar

I see it as similar to the "save" function on Reddit, except it's public. I've started using it on things that I think I might like to read again later (and so by extension anyone who's "like me" would probably want to read it too).


Should they? It seems to me that we should have way, way more control over how we choose to sort things.

That should be one of the options, of course, but we can have so much more here.


I literally do not see this boost button anywhere. I just spent 2 minutes mousing over every button around your comment and I cannot find it.

artillect, avatar

Boosting is only available on kbin


I second this. It should be a simpler UX


"Boost" comes across as a bug, not a feature. People should have one vote, not two.

theodewere, avatar

i disagree, it's a great functionality that people should learn.. and here's the simple point.. you can BOOST a comment you disagree with, so that your argument AGAINST the comment will get more visibility.. reddit is dysfunctional, and this mechanism can help fix one of the problems reddit cannot get rid of.. this mechanism can help discussion, and fight against things like brigading..

think about it a minute.. someone makes a really TERRIBLE point that you can dismantle easily.. tear it down, and BOOST the hell out of it.. reddit cannot accommodate that.. keeping those two functions separate is critical..

this will help keep every thread from becoming a popularity contest that is entirely predictable, once people figure it out

edit to add: i've only been using this platform for a few days.. but i promise you, it works the way it's supposed to.. try it out..

mustardboi, en Reddit has a new AI training deal to sell user content - The Verge avatar

Well, we should've all seen this coming

snownyte, en [Reuters BreakingViews] Investors will say “OK Boomer” to aging Reddit avatar

Because it has no business model, lol. What with shitty looking avatars and the community shitting on eachother and themselves by the hour? What business model? lol

athos77, en [Reuters BreakingViews] Investors will say “OK Boomer” to aging Reddit
lvxferre, en Reddit revenue rises 20% ahead of IPO, but it isn’t profitable yet avatar

I trust Reddit enough to manipulate the numbers to make the situation better than it looks like.

That said, some increase in short-term profit is to be expected, when a company exploits its own value: getting rid of third party apps, decreasing running costs by locking LLM training bots out, being rather aggressive on pushing towards the official app to anyone who “dares” to use a plain mobile browser, wrestling control of the subreddits from the “landed gentry”, so goes on. The problem will be only quantified later, as profits will drop and “nobody will know” why.

So it’s a lot like eating the seeds for your next season. Sure, you’ll be fuller now, but you’ll starve later.


Doesn’t matter as long as the people who did it got their money and are sailing to the sunset in their private yachts.
What do they care if yet another fantastic website got turned into a steaming pile of enshittification in the process.


I trust Reddit enough to manipulate the numbers to make the situation better than it looks like.

What? Nooo, Spez would never make undocumented changes to misrepresent things! Don't be silly.

lvxferre, avatar

You made me realise that I worded it really, really bad. (I need to fix it.)

I’m glad that you guys got the meaning that I was trying to convey though - that Reddit Inc. is scum, you can trust on the fact that they’re scum, and spez et al. are likely distorting the situation to make Reddit look more profitable than it is.


Thanks for reminding me of this. For those not aware, in 2016 Spez secretly edited users’ reddit comments. It’s fascinating that he survived as CEO after that given that it shows an absolutely breathtaking failure of judgment and self-control.

Pamasich, en Reddit revenue rises 20% ahead of IPO, but it isn’t profitable yet avatar

I don't really get how these "IPOs" work. Someone actually has to pay that money for Reddit, right? Even if they manage to get Reddit temporarily profitable, are people really going to get fooled into investing just from that? Or are they guaranteed to get whatever Reddit's value is at the time of the IPO somehow?

Madison_rogue, avatar

IPOs are typically a cash grab. Stock is offered for purchase at a price, and usually there’s a bump in price. The first investors will sell for a profit at peak price, and then it will drop to whatever value the market decides. And that could be higher or lower than the initial price per share.

blhue, en Reddit revenue rises 20% ahead of IPO, but it isn’t profitable yet avatar

@CoffeeAddict People still use reddit?

wjrii, avatar

I still keep reddit as a read-only resource, and yes, plenty of people still use it. There are niche communities that I sure do wish could hit a critical mass on the threadiverse, and the archive of advice and (mostly) human reviews of stuff are helpful.

That said, either it's reddit or it's me, but any community that's even slightly large seems to have a lost a little thoughtfulness and vibrancy. The takes are more boring, the jokes more repetitive, and I run across others' "goodbye overwrites" a lot more often than I thought I would, and generally in places where it seems like the original posts were genuine attempts to be helpful. Reddit is not gone, but it is reduced, and must eventually fade into the west.

TimeSquirrel, avatar

Can't help it when half of my programming research ends up on Stackoverflow, the other half on Reddit.

CoffeeAddict, en Reddit revenue rises 20% ahead of IPO, but it isn’t profitable yet

The company is moving ahead with its plans to go public more than two years after it first confidentially filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission. Reddit’s listing is closely watched as a bellwether of an IPO market in the midst of a tentative rebound from a two-year dearth of first-time share sales.

Looks like the enshittification is about to get even worse than it was. Perhaps we might see another exodus to lemmy/kbin once this happens?

originalucifer, avatar

id like to see another wave. theres a much larger footprint to absorb it than there was 6-7 months ago.

Pamasich, avatar

Perhaps we might see another exodus to lemmy/kbin once this happens?

Don't forget Piefed, the new member of the family.

jeena, en Reddit revenue rises 20% ahead of IPO, but it isn’t profitable yet avatar

So we were holding it back all the time and now once we were gone they can finally make some money?

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